Arenas | Gaia Online

Welcome to Gaia! :: Arenas

  • Arenas
  • I can dressup!
Comments (7 Comments)
  • Nephilym - 12/27/2008
  • Had you put this in a different context I think people would take it better. Maybe something like "me being the scariest thing I can think of". As it is, with the lack of description, you might subscribe to the point of view and that will make people mad and offended.
  • Berr-Sugar - 12/27/2008
  • u shouldn;t put this up
    i don't knoe why pplz take this subject liek a joke
    u dont' knoe how it felt
    i dont' either
    but i knoe enough abt these wars
    to knoe
    this is no joking matter
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