Arena Rules | Gaia Online

Welcome to Gaia! :: Arena Rules

  • Arenas
  • Arena Rules
  • The Writing Arena allows you to submit your writing to be reviewed and rated against other Gaians. All submissions to the Writing Arena must follow the rules listed here, or else they may be disqualified.
  • Each submission must be approved by a Gaia moderator before it'll show up in the arena.
  • Submissions may not be approved right away. Looking at every submission is a big job, so don't worry if yours takes a while to show up.
  • Only two submissions per writer can be approved per day. We'd like to ensure that everyone gets a fair amount of exposure, and we don't want to flood an entire arena with a single person's work.
  • Cost

    Submitting a piece to the writing arena costs 1 Platinum.

  • No Stealing

    Don't submit pieces you didn't write. We're very serious about art theft at Gaia, and our moderators will take action against those who try to pass off the work of others as their own. This includes things like altering or editing the works of others and claiming authorship of them. Engaging in art theft will cause your account to be banned from Gaia.

  • Copies and Alterations

    Don't submit them! We only allow completely original work through the approval process. Submitting copies and alterations of other works will be treated as an attempt at art theft.

  • Effort: Not Just for Nerds Anymore

    Put some pride into your work! A piece that you obviously didn't put any effort into won't be approved, so don't bother submitting something unless you feel it's complete.

  • Inappropriate Content

    All arena submissions must comply with the Gaia Terms of Service. That means no extreme violence, or inappropriate/sexual themes, please.

  • Collaborate and Listen

    Working with others on a collaboration piece is perfectly fine, but you must make sure everyone involved gets credit and gives you permission to submit it. Don't upload anything until all of the writers agree that it's ready!

  • Use the Right Category

    All stories belong in the 'Fiction' category. The 'Non-Fiction' category is for articles and essays about real life only. Any poem, song or other creative format belongs in the 'Poetry and Lyrics' category.