- He walked into the room, for fear of being caught by Filch. He slowly closed the door, taking off the cloak that hides him, even from death. He looked around and saw a mirror in the middle of the room, big enough to show his whole body and more. He approached it, expecting to see his reflection. Instead, he saw many images of himself. Some looked at him with a smile. Others looked in disappointment. Some looked away. He saw his true image among the other reflections. As he moved, so did the image. Next to the image was another him; this one, however, had no faults, had no past secrets. He had not made any life-changing mistakes in his past. On the true image's other side was another reflection, one seen not as a perfect kid, but as one who was understood and accepted for who he was. The real one, the one looking at the mirror, understood at once. He wanted to know what his faults and good parts were. One part of him wanted all those past mistakes and faults to be gone. Another part wanted the world to know that he was just as much of the dark as he was of the light. He wanted others to know that being of the light still meant that he wasn't one to be praised. He punched the mirror, shattering it. The pieces cut his fist, but that felt like a reasonable price. He turned away, regretting what he saw...
- by guardianangel 517 |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 08/12/2008 |
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- Title: My Mirror of Erised image
- Artist: guardianangel 517
(Just so you know, a lot of the stuff in this description is symbolic.)
I made this when I was in Sophomore year. Someone I know once called me a being of the light, just because she called herself one from the darkness. In a sense, I was praised. I didn't like it. I wanted them to know that I wasn't someone who was just from the light. I wanted them to know that I wasn't perfect. That I don't deserve any praise. That I have my own share of the darkness. - Date: 08/12/2008
- Tags: mirror erised moral
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Comments (3 Comments)
- DarkKnight-DarkRose - 06/19/2010
- It's good but could have done without the harry potter refference, it would be just a s good without it. still going to give you a 5/5
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- BookWurm21 - 01/10/2009
- cool
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- ai_yoshino - 08/13/2008
- good
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