• With a solemn sigh, Hikaru blew out the candle in her apartment in the dead silent Twilight Town after writing in her journal. It had been filled with her most recent thoughts, and every time she reread it, her heart began to fall deeper into a bottomless hole than it already was, throbbing with desperation.

    'I can't get him out of my mind,' it read. 'Every little thing I say, see, feel, or think is always linked to my head, and my heart! Why does it hurt me so?'

    Hikaru laid in her bed, eyes closed, but mind restless, causing her to loose sleep quite rapidly. She imagined his face with his handsome grin, making her smile, even giggle a little. The way he looked at her every time their eyes met made her longing for him even worse. They way his intense mako blue eyes stared into hers made her forget the entire world around her, even if just for a moment. The thoughts of him put her into a deep but fitful sleep.

    ~ ~ ~

    There was rapping at her window.

    Right by her head.

    She bolted up-right in surprise, afraid that someone was trying to break in, until she saw in between the slits of the curtains who it was at the window. Her eyes widened.

    In shock, she opened the window slowly, staring at him, letting all the cool air from the midnight atmosphere in. He gently jumped in, with no sound echoing from the ground as he landed. She noticed that he was still wearing the silver pendant she gave him many years ago, after they decided that they would like to be friends with one another.

    "Hikaru, didn't you promise me you would beat the crap out of anyone who knocked at your window in the middle of the night, regardless as to who it was?" He said with a playful smile on his face. That made her laugh slightly.

    After calming down from the shortened laughter, she asked almost in a whisper,

    "What are you doing here, Roxas?"
    "I came to see you. I came to take you somewhere." He spoke simply with a slight smile still upon his face. Roxas held out a hand to help lift her up from her mattress, and held her into his embrace as she stood.

    "Where would we go?" She asked, her voice muffled due to her face being buried into his warm chest. He smiled yet again as he looked at the top of her head.

    "Where we first met… Sunset Hill. But we must hurry. There are Heartless and Nobodies lurking about, looking for me and you both." Hikaru nodded, nuzzling herself into his warm shoulder. She had so many questions to ask. But she very well knew she would have to wait just a little longer before she could get adequate answers.

    Moments later, they both flew out the window, gracefully landing on every rooftop without a sound to disturb the night's silence.

    ~ ~ ~

    The full moon gave the two just enough light to see silvery creatures looking around every corner frantically, like a child who had lost their favorite toy.

    "Why are the Nobodies out?" Hikaru whispered into Roxas' ear. She did not know much of the Nobodies' background, only what the Dusks looked like and their main goal; finding missing things or people.

    "They are looking for me. And you."

    "Why me?" she whispered, very curious now.

    "Because, you are the daughter of Axel, and he was a major member of the Organization. They need his heir, regardless of the gender. They are in dire need of a leader to guide them. That and you have given me what Nobodies do not have and long for."
    "Which would be?" She asked curiously

    "A heart," He warmly smiled.

    Within an hour of constant running and dodging being seen by the Dusks, they made it to the tallest hill in Twilight Town, where fate allowed the two to meet for the first time.

    The water fall was still below it, and the moon brightly shone over the hill. Jack in the pulpits covered the majority of the landscape, making Hikaru breathless. Her favorite flower.

    "These weren't here last time we were here together."
    "I brought them here. For you," He smiled sweetly, letting Hikaru smile back to his beautiful face.

    He held out a hand to her again. When she took it, he placed his other hand on the small of her back, and her hand fell to his shoulder. It was what they were doing the first time they met.


    "Roxas!" Hayner yelled to his best friend. "I dare you to go to that girl right there and ask her to dance with you!" Roxas tried to cover his blush.
    "What? No way, she probably thinks that I'm just a dork and doesn't know how to do a damn thing!" His ears were now as red as Pence's shirt. Hayner pushed him towards her, and he fell after running, right in front of Hikaru. She looked up with her gold eyes, and gazed into his intense blue eyes, and simply stared.

    "Um…" Roxas started out.

    "Yes?" She spoke. 'Her voice is absolutely beautiful', he thought.

    "Would…you…like to…dance?"

    "Um…sure?" she spoke, slightly blushing.

    (End of Flashback)

    ~ ~ ~

    Hikaru buried her head into his chest again, feeling the warmth come off like vapor. Slowly, Roxas lifted her head up with two fingers, to gaze into her eyes. His smile showed contentment.

    "I love you, Hikaru."

    "I love you as well," She said back, unable to hide her happiness any longer as he spoke those words that made her heart jump. He bent his head down, and gently placed his lips on hers. Hikaru couldn't breathe. She couldn't believe after all she had dreamed of, that he was finally kissing her.

    After they broke lips, Roxas smiled.

    "I have a home in a different world. Would you join me?"

    "Oh, yes!" She shouted from excitement.

    ~ ~ ~

    Six months passed by rapidly for the two. Hikaru had found peace within the Radiant Gardens (Formally known as the Hollow Bastion), and learned so much about the other worlds that she had no knowledge of before hand. Roxas told her the tales of all the other worlds when he could see through the eyes of Sora, the Key Bearer. He explained everything about Organization XIII, the group of higher intuectual Nobodies, trying to steal Kingdom Hearts to make themselves whole again, to become human, to feel any emotion what-so-ever. Roxas told her as to why he was different from the rest of the –now non-existent- members-besides the run-away Roxas, that is.
    "You made me feel like I actually had a heart, and I got one from Sora when he met with the one he loves face to face again," she remembered what he had said as they laid together under the stars above Ansem's Study. "That's why I came back for you. Because you gave me a purpose to live, and love me just as much in return."

    She had also found her brother whom she had not seen since her very young years of life, and discovered that her last name was Strife. Cloud was the second most wonderful person to her since her arrival with her lover.

    ~ ~ ~

    'We live in a world that is not perfect. All the worlds and dimensions are not perfect. But they're not dystopias. People often think that perfection will just come and happen to them by chance. That's what gets you no where and you are never happy. I realize that I did what I just described as the non achiever of happiness, but after my experiences here at my new home, I have discovered what is right and what is wrong. What people must do in order to make life better for themselves and others… Roxas has taught me much of life, and I'm glad I helped him as well. He has a heart now, what no Nobody has been able to achieve. But he worked toward this goal, and I made it possible for him to get there.

    'I guess that happiness is life-long- once you find the right people to share your love with. The people here at the Radiant Gardens… Cloud, his wife, Aeris, my 'uncle', Cid, and above all…Roxas. I could not imagine living without them…this is as close to perfect as you can get'

    "Hikaru!" Roxas yelled from downstairs playfully.

    "Yes?!?" She shouted back.

    "I have a surprise for you!"

    She shut the journal, and ventured down the stairs, wondering was Roxas was up to this time. She ran into her daiklave as she made it to the bottom floor of her home that she shared with him. Hikaru picked it up and placed it against the wall.

    "Where are you?" She asked, her voice just a little louder than normal speaking volume. She heard his sweet voice in her ear,

    "Right behind you."

    She turned to see his face. His hair was still as spiky as usual, blonde all the same. There was something in his eyes that caught her attention the most.

    Roxas' eyes wandered up, to the ceiling. Hikaru's eyes followed. Above, she just saw the full moon, and all the stars in the clear pitch black night sky.

    "Now we can look up at the sky whenever you would like. Or," he held her in his arms, in the same dancing position as a few months ago when he came to save her, "We can dance under the stars."