• Chapter One: The Shattered Mirror

    Tora ran a brush through her silky black hair while admiring the golden sunset which held it’s peak over the horizon of Ulimina. She watched as the hues turned from crimson red to violet. And from there to a light blue and then settling into a pitch black. Slowly, the moon rose. And as it did this, it seemed to awaken the stars from their slumber, making them dance in the night sky.

    The teenaged girl moved her bare feet across the room towards the mirror which hung on the wall. Her past memories of her life in Hampoli ten years back still lingered in her inner thoughts. Currently, the world was at war with each other. Hampoli was the causer and was slowly nearing victory in the war. Her biological parents had always hated the war and wanted it over. When they knew trouble was coming to their town, she was sent off to live in Ulimina, the city which was always safe from the horrors of battle. They didn’t want her to grow up a child of war.

    Tora admired herself in the mirror and lit a candle as she did so. Her amber-hazel eyes glimmered in the reflection from the mirror. Suddenly, a slight breeze blew the candle out. Then a slightly strong breeze came, blowing her green shorts and white tunic towards the wall. It became awkwardly silent at that moment. All of a sudden, a strong gust of wind lifted Torah off of her feet and flying towards the glass mirror. She closed her eyes and braced herself.

    Miraculously, she wasn’t killed nor hurt. Instead, she landed on the ground in a heap. She opened her eyes and looked around. The landscape and scenery had completely changed.

    “Did I just go through the mirror?” she asked herself quietly. She shook her head and looked around once more. “Okay, so I’m not dreaming,” she confirmed.

    She stood up and brushed the dirt off of her slightly dirty clothes. “I guess I can just go back through the mirror again,” she told herself.

    She turned around to where the mirror was, but saw nothing. But on the ground was bits of broken glass. She picked up one of the pieces and saw the reflection of one of her eyes. The mirror broke?! She panicked in her thoughts. But how?

    She took one more look around. The sixteen year old girl had no idea what was going to happen next, because there was no one around to break the mirror.

    She let herself fall into a fetal position, her head in her knees. She let tears slip down her cheeks. Through painful tears, she muttered, “Now how will I get home?”