“A Kingdom Hearts-Like Story”
Book 1
Chapter 1: Beginnings
“Am I dreaming?? This is far too real to be a dream. Where am I???” I ask myself.
I look around. I don’t see anyone I know. I see a sign. I go up to it. It says:
“Welcome To New Tech City.”
“New Tech City?” I said, “How did I get here?”
I look around again. Really looking this time. Not only do I see humans, but I also see some aliens. Really. Creepy. Looking. Aliens. All of a sudden, there was a blinding light; a quick one. In one hand was a sword. Doesn’t look like a sword, more like a key. In my other hand was a piece of paper.
Meanwhile, in another part of town, at Space Patrol Delta Headquarters, Dr. Kat Manx, S.P.D’s Chief Technical Analyst, was doing a routine check of the area.
“That’s odd,” she said.
“What?” Commander Anubis “Doggie” Cruger asked.
“I’m picking up this huge energy reading by the docks. I’ve never seen anything like this before,” she replied.
“Call the Rangers,” he said.
“Yes, sir,” she said, “Rangers to the Command Center”
The Rangers came from the Cadet Lounge and headed towards the Command Center.
“I wonder what Cruger wants with us this time,” Sydney Drew, the Pink Ranger, asked.
“I have no idea. Gotta be important though,” Sky Tate, Red Ranger and the leader of the B-Squad Rangers, replied.
Once at the Command Center, Cruger said:
“There’s an energy reading down by the docks. Check it out immediately!”
“Yes, sir!” the Ranger replied and left towards the docks where I was.
Down by the docks, I opened the piece of paper. All it said was:
“Give this parchment to Commander Anubis Cruger at Space Patrol Delta Headquarters.”
“Space Patrol Delta? Where’s that?” I asked myself. Then the paper glowed and turned into a map.
“Follow the arrow to find S.P.D. HQ,” the map said.
“Freaky,” I said.
So, I followed the map passing the Rangers. I had to look back at that red guy. Ooh… Focus, girl. You might see him later. But…why can’t I shake this feeling that I’ve…seen him before. That I’ve seen all of them before. I take two steps and these freaky fast-moving…things are headed towards the Rangers.
“Look out!” I yell.
The Rangers turn around with their blasters in hand. The Red Ranger steps forward and shoots that freaky creature. Not a scratch.
“Let’s suit up!” he said, “Ready?”
“Ready!” the rest of the Rangers replied.
“S.P.D. Emergency!” they all said and they became Power Rangers.
‘Whoa,” I said.
As they became the Power Rangers, more of those creatures appeared. They started to fight them. Anything they tried, failed.
“I should help them, but what can I do?” I asked myself.
There was yet another quick flash of light and the sword-key thing appeared.
“Okay, here goes,” I said.
I ran towards the freaky creatures.
With a couple of luck hits under my belt, I somehow managed to defeat them.
“Power down!” the Rangers yelled.
The sword-key thingy didn’t go away.
“Who are you?” Sky asked.
“My name’s Rachel, and you are?” I replied.
He hesitated for a moment then said:
“Sky Tate.”
“I’m Syd,” Syd said.
“I’m ‘Z’,” “Z”, the Yellow Ranger said.
“And I’m Bridge,” Bridge, the Blue Ranger said.
“It’s very nice to meet you,” I said.
“What’s up with those freaky black things?” Syd asked.
“I’ve just remembered! I’ve seen those things before,” I replied.
“Where?” Syd asked.
I went on to explain that those “freaky black things”, As Syd put it, were called the Heartless and how they swallowed worlds whole and how a kind Sora saved the day. They made 3 video games about it and I showed them the video games. Then, I went on to say:
“I‘m not sure how I got here. Most of my memory is gone. But, I do know that when I did arrive here, the Keyblade was in my hand and this piece of paper in the other saying that only a Commander Cruger was to read it. Am I allowed to see him?”
Sky, again hesitating, was mumbling to himself before telling me:
“Okay, let’s go.”
As we were on way back to S.P.D HQ everyone had asked me all these questions, about the Keyblade, me, and my theories on what exactly that paper for Cruger said. We finally arrived and I had to go get clearances and all of that. Then, I met Commander Cruger. I handed him the piece of paper without a word. The piece of paper said:

“Do you know who gave this to you?” Cruger asked.
“No, sir,” I replied, “I just arrived here with a Keyblade in one hand, and that piece of paper in the other.”
“I see. The paper that I‘ve been handed if from an old friend of mine. It says that I am to choose the Ranger with the “greatest strength”. The Keybearer is to have speed and strength as allies,” Cruger said.
“Who are you gonna choose?” Bridge asked.
“I have three days to decide, Carson,” Cruger replied, “Dismissed.”
The Rangers gave a salute and I just bowed and we left.
“So, I guess I better go, then,” I said.
“Do you have anywhere to go?” Syd asked.
“No. I probably just stay on the streets or something,” I replied.
“You can’t do that,” “Z” said, “The streets are dangerous, especially now that those Heartless are out there.”
“What else am I gonna do?” I asked.
“Stay here,” Sky replied.
“I can’t do that! These Heartless will stop at nothing until I’m dead! So they’ll take the Keyblade for themselves. If I stay here, I’m putting everyone at risk! I don’t wanna be responsible for anyone’s death,” I said.
“How come when we tried to destroy then, nothing went through?” Syd asked.
“I guess that your weapons aren’t meant to destroy Heartless. You might have to get your weapons upgraded,” I replied.
“Let’s go see Kat. Maybe she can upgrade our weapons,” Bridge said.
“I’ll come along, too. She may need to use the Keyblade,” I said.
I followed the Rangers to Kat’s lab. Sky asked:
“Kat, is it possible to upgrade our weapons, so that we can help destroy the Heartless?”
“Yes, but, I’ll need the use of your sword,” Kat pointed to me as she replied, “Rangers, leave your morphers, please.”
“What do we do now?” “Z” asked.
“We wait,” Sky replied.
“I’ll show you to your room, Rachel,” Bridge said.
“Okay, thanks,” I said.
We left. We reached the room and he said:
“Well, here we are. If you need anything, just let one of us know.”
“Okay,” I replied.
He left and I went to sleep. I was dreaming about Sky. (Sigh…). The next day, I found my way to Kat’s lab. I asked her:
“Are the upgrades completed?”
“Not yet,” she replied.
She, then, went on to tell me what left she had to do. It was all very confusing, so I just said:
Meanwhile, in another part of the galaxy, evil was stirring. The Evil Witch Maleficent was gathering an army of goons.
“I want only two things: the Keyblade and the Keybearer dead!” she said to her minions. Then, a shadowy figure asked:
“You sent for me, Your Majesty?”
“Ah, yes, Gruumm,” she replied.
“Thank you for releasing me from my prison, Your Grace,” he said as he bowed.
“I‘ve also released your second-in-command, Mora,” she said.
“Thank you,” he said, “I’ll go after the Rangers at once.”
“No,” she said, “That’s how you landed in prison in the first place.”
“Then, who else to I go after, Your Majesty, besides those stupid Rangers?” he asked.
“Watch your tone, Emperor,” she replied, “I can just as easily put you back in your little jail cell!”
“My apologies,” he said.
“Come here,” she said.
He came towards her and her crystal ball. He saw the Rangers and I in Kat’s lab. Then she said:
“Gruumm, see that raven-haired girl? Her name is Rachel. She is in the possession of the Keyblade. I want her destroyed! Send one of you monsters and some of these Heartless down to New Tech City.”
“At once, Your Majesty,” Gruumm said.
Back at S.P.D. HQ, Cruger made his decision on who was to go with me and help me destroy the Heartless. Finally!! He called and Rangers to the Command Center and I followed them.
“Rangers,” Cruger began, then he saw me and said: “And guest. I have made my decision.”
“I hope it‘s Sky,” I said to myself.
“I hope it’s me,” all the Rangers said to themselves.
“Sky, step forward,” Cruger said.
He took a step forward with a smile on his face. He’s so cute when he smiles. I get chills just thinking about him. We both know he’s gonna go with me. Cruger’s goin’ on and on about how great of a leader he is and blah, blah, blah. I can’t take this anymore! Gotta think of a way to get him to hurry up…I got it! I said:
“Sir, if we waste anymore time, the person responsible for all of this, will have the world crawling with Heartless, and I still have to find someone with the greatest speed.”
“Very well,” Cruger said, “Sky, you are to go with Rachel to destroy the Heartless.”
“Thank you, sir,” Sky said.
The original paper that I had, glowed once again. This time it said:

“Mobius?” I asked myself.
“What’s in Mobius?” Sky asked.
Why can’t I shake this feeling that I know someone from Mobius? Why do I feel like I know Mobius? An alarm went off. All of us went to the monitors, where Kat was standing.
“What’s up, Kat?” I asked.
“One of Gruumm’s monsters is destroying downtown with Krybots and Heartless,” Kat replied.
“Impossible! Gruumm couldn’t have got out! Kat, you said those cards were escape-proof!” Cruger yelled.
“They are escape-proof, Commander. I don’t know how this could of happened,” Kat replied.
“Maleficent,” I said, “She’d have the power to release Gruumm. Who else could it be?”
“Maybe there’s another copycat criminal,” Bridge replied.
“I doubt it,” “Z” said.
“We better take care of this first before we head to Mobius,” Sky said.
The six of us, Cruger came too, went towards downtown. The Rangers suited up and I got my Keyblade out. Thanks Kat for the upgrades to the Rangers arsenal. The monster, I’ve seen before. It’s Devastation.
“We faced him once before,” Sky said.
“Technically, we fought him twice before. The copycat criminal,” Bridge said.
“Doesn’t matter how many times you fought him in the past. We have to fight him now!” I said.
“Rangers, remember me? Devastation is back! And I brought some friends. Krybots, Heartless, ATTACK!!” Devastation yelled.
“Rachel, we’ll take the Krybots and the Heartless, you take Devastation,” Cruger said.
“Right,” I said.
The Rangers headed towards the Krybots and Heartless and I ran towards Devastation.
“Well, well, what do we have here?” Devastation asked.
“Your worst nightmare!” I said.
“You have no idea what you’re in for, little girl!” he said.
“Bring it then,” I said.
I got some lucky hit in before he brought out his…
“Fury Circle!” he yelled.
This weird circle started draining my energy.
“Wha..what’s going on?” I asked.
“Break the circle!” “Z” replied.
“How?” I asked.
“Concentrate!” Bridge replied.
I was thinking about happy times (!explosion!) Apparently, that worked.
“Third times a charm, eh, Devy?” I taunted.
Boy, did he get mad. Yet again, I got in a couple of more hits before I destroyed him. Then, the unthinkable happened: I fainted.
Meanwhile, Maleficent was watching me faint.
“How interesting! The girl has fallen,” Gruumm said.
“Interesting, indeed. She’s not ready for that power. She’s weak,” she said.
“We strike now before she enhances the Keyblade’s true power, Your Grace,” Mora said.
“Yes, and then, we’ll go after the Rangers,” Gruumm said.
They all laughed evilly. Back at S.P.D. HQ, my vital signs were growing stronger.
“Is this going to happen every time she goes to use the Keyblade,” “Z” asked.
“No,” Kat replied, “She fainted because of Devastation’s attacks. She’ll be ready to go soon.”
Kat started to leave, leaving the rest of the Rangers in the waiting room.
“Could we see her?” Bridge asked.
“Yes, but only one at a time,” Kat replied.
“I’ll go first,” Bridge said.
He walked towards me bed.
“Hey,” he said.
I wasn’t really paying attention. I turned to look at him.
“Hey,” I said.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
“A little sore, but I’ll live,” I replied.
“You spaced out when I came in,” he said.
“I guess I was,” I said.
“What were you thinking about?” he asked.
Who else? Sky. He was the last person I saw before I fainted. Can’t tell him though.
“I was thinking about Mobius and what it’ll be like when I get there,” I replied.
Okay, Bridge may be weird (“Z“ told me), but he’s definitely one smart cookie. But somehow I don’t think he’ll believe me.
“I’ve been wondering that too. I noticed in the video games that you showed us, the three main characters change how they look depending on what world they go to. I wonder if the same thing’ll happen to you, Sky and whoever is chosen for the Speed ally,” he said.
I hated lying to Bridge, but it had to be done. He does have a good point, though. Maybe the three of us: me, Sky and whoever the Speed Ally is going to be, will change how we look. Into what, is the question.
“I didn’t think about that. Sky should know before we go to Mobius. When did Kat say I’ll be able to go?” I asked.
“She didn’t give me an exact time, but she did say soon,” he replied.
“Thanks,” I said.
“You‘re welcome,” he said and left. “Z” and Syd came in respectively. Then, (finally!!) Sky came in.
“Hey,” he said.
“Hey,” I said.
“How are you?” he asked.
“Getting better,” I replied, “I was talking to Bridge and he made an interesting point: He thinks that when we go to different world, we might change our appearance.”
“What d‘ya mean?” he asked.
“Well, we could go into a world where its completely underwater…” I replied.
“Like Atlantica?” he asked.
“Right,” I replied, “and we could be merpeople.”
“Never know ‘til we get there,” he said.
I just smiled and he smiled back. There was an awkward silence. Kat came in and said:
“Rachel, you‘re cured. You can go to Mobius.”
“Great,” I said.
“Commander Cruger would like to see you both right away before you leave,” she said.
“We‘ll be right there,” he said.
We went to the Command Center where we saw this beautiful…alien cat? Alien cat??? (WTF??) Cruger said:
“Rangers, and honored guest, I would like to introduce you to a very good friend of mine, Selina.”
“Hello,” Selina said.
“Are you the one who gave me the Keyblade and the piece of paper when I first arrived here?” I asked.
“Yes, dear, I did,” she replied, “Ah, Doggie, I see you’ve chosen the Keybearer’s strength ally.”
She went towards Sky.
“Young man, you are aware that you must stay and protect the Keybearer at all cost?” she asked.
“Yes, ma‘mm,” Sky said.
“You are to leave Mobius. Before you go, I have a gift for both of you,” she said.
Meanwhile, Maleficent, Gruumm, and Mora were talking to Dr. Eggman in Mobius.
“A Chaos Emerald! What does this do?” Mora asked.
“This ultimate power is to unlock the fabled Babylon Gardens. There are seven Emeralds. That is why I am holding the World Grand Prix! The entry fee…” Eggman replied.
“Who had the last emerald?” Mora asked.
“I do, my dear,” Eggman replied.
“Why bother having a race?” Gruumm interrupted, “We don’t need to waste time with a stupid race! Find the Emeralds!”
“The entry fee, my friend, are the Chaos Emeralds,” Eggman said, “Six teams in all.”
The four if them started laughing.
Selina gave us the gift of magic. We both have healing powers.
“These new powers,” she explained, “will strengthen in time. Along the way, you will receive new powers.”
“If we’re gonna beat Maleficent once and for all, we need all the help we can get,” I said.
“Good luck, you two, the fate of the world depends on you,” she said.
Then, with yet another flash of light, she was gone.
“Does she always do that, sir?” Sky asked.
“Yeah, she does,” Cruger replied.
An alarm went off. Great, just what we need!
“What is it, Kat?” Cruger asked.
“I’m not sure,” Kat replied, “It’s coming from downtown. I’ll put the image on screen.”
She did that and we saw more Heartless and one Heartless we’ve never faced before. I think.
Meanwhile in Mobius, Maleficent was watching us from this magic bowl.
“This Heartless will drain all her power,” she said.
“Eggman said the sixth Emerald is placed so that girl and her friend’ll find it. He also said that the Emerald’s bewitched to turn into a Heartless when the winner is announced,” Gruumm said.
“Excellent work, Gruumm,” she said, “Now to go down and eliminate the competition.”
“We want her to win?” Mora asked.
“That’s the plan, toots,” Eggman replied as he came in, “This Heartless Emerald is set to destroy the winner and the runner up.”
They laughed evilly again.
This Heartless was huge. One…I’ve seen before. Why she brought him back, I have now idea. After seeing it, I went to load Kingdom HeartsÔ. I looked into Jiminy’s Journal for Stealth Sneak. The others followed me.
“This is what we’re fighting,” I said.
“What is it?” Syd asked.
“A giant lizard,” I replied, “He’s invisible, but you can definitely tell he’s there.”
“Then, you’re gonna need these,” Kat said.
She handed us earrings. Was this a goodbye present?
“Um, Kat, I’m not exactly an earring kind of guy,” Sky said and he handed them back to Kat as I put mine on.
“Thanks, Kat. This is awesome!” I said.
“It’s not your ordinary pair of earrings, Sky,” Kat said, “Rachel, press your right earring.”
“Okay…” I said.
I press the earring and a screen came across my eyes.
“Whoa!” I said.
The screen focused itself so I could see better.
“What do you see?” Syd asked.
“Heat signatures, weak spots, maps of the worlds. Kat, this is unbelievable! Thank you!” I said.
“You’re welcome, Rachel,” Kat replied, “Did I mention they’re also communicators?”
“Awesome!” I said.
“Press your left earring,” Kat said.
I pressed the earring and I changed into a Bluetooth headset.
“Whoa!,” I said, “This is unbelievable!”
“Sky, your earrings are invisible, so it doesn’t look like you’re wearing them,” Kay said.
“It may seen that way to you, but how’s it gonna look when I’m walking down the street, talking to myself?” Sky asked.
“You can worry about that later,” I replied, “We have business to take care of.”
The Rangers suited up and got out the Keyblade. We headed downtown. There was nothing. We walked around a little.
“I thought you said that you could tell he’s there. Where is he?” Syd asked.
“I’m positive he’s here, somewhere,” I replied.
“Thermal?” Sky asked.
“Yeah,” I replied.
We both pressed our right earrings and the thermal imager came on. He was right there in front of us. Sky took a few steps back and I just kinda tripped over my two left feet. Graceful, huh? The other Rangers had no clue what we (more so, I) was freaking out about.
“What? What is it?” Bridge asked.
“It’s standing right there!” I replied.
“Right where?” Cruger asked.
“Right in front of us!” I yelled in reply.
Just as I yelled that, the Heartless decloaked. The rest of the Rangers too a few steps back. More Heartless appeared.
“We’ll take care of the Heartless, you take care of this big guy,” Cruger said.
“Right,” I said, “Sky, you with me?”
“All the way,” he replied.
The monster just stood there. It was waiting for something. Then, this figure jumped off its back.
“Rachel,” the figure said, “You are the last person I’d ever expect to see.”
“Do you know who this is?” Sky asked.
“No clue,” I replied.
“You don’t know who I am?! Maybe this will remind you,” the figure said.
He kissed me. So nice. Oh my god! It’s Alex, my boyfriend!! Oh wait, we broke up recently. Why did we break up?? He’s so cute. He pulled away from me and asked:
“Ring any bells, babe?”
“Alex! Oh my god! What are you doing here?” I asked.
“You know, I’m not exactly how I got here, but I’m here now and I’m gonna take you home,” he said.
“Take me home?”, I asked with a confused look on my face, “You don’t even know how you got here and you somehow found a way back! And what are you doing with this thing?! Do you even know what it is?!”
“Not really, nor do I care,” he replied.
Now I remember why we broke up. He never cared. About me, about anything.
Do you know why we broke up?” I asked.
“No, refresh me,” he replied.
“You don’t care! That’s why I left,” I said.
“So are you coming with me or not?” he asked.
“Are you gonna take that from this guy?” Sky asked.
I forgot he was there. He’s right, though. I’ve put up with him for far too long. He did this to me once before, never again!!
“No,” I replied.
“What?” both Sky and Alex replied.
“No, I’m not coming with you!” I said.
“I’m with you, girl,” Sky said.
“I think not!” Alex said and he pushed Sky and the other Rangers out of the way. (By the time this happened, the Rangers had finished battling the Heartless). He used some kind of magic or something. And then he put up a invisible force field up.
“Rachel!” Sky yelled.
“If you won’t come with me, then I’ll have to take you by force!” Alex said.
“You couldn’t before,” I said.
“That was before I got this awesome power,” he said.
He shot a lightning-filled orb at me and I somehow caught it with the Keyblade. I threw it out of harms way.
“Impressive,” he said, “What else can you do?”
“A lot of things,” I replied.
“Show me,” he said.
I ran towards him and he (somehow) pulled out a Keyblade just…like…mine. We clashed.
“You know, I underestimated you, you’re a lot stronger than I thought. That’s a mistake I’ll never make again,” he said.
“That’s funny,” I replied, “I was thinking the same about you!”
I pulled away from him and we continued fighting. While I was fighting Alex, I totally forgot about the giant inviso-lizard Stealth Sneak. So…
“Rachel, look out!” Sky yelled.
I look up and the thing starts to attack me. I rolled out of the way before it could do any damage. I rolled near the force field and I somehow broke it with the Keyblade. The Rangers came over to me and helped me up. Alex was outnumbered. We started to corner him.
“That’s alright,” he said, “I know when to back off.”
“Really?” I said, “You never used to.”
He shot me a mean look and said:
“I’ve changed since we broke up. I’m a new man.”
“After that, I don’t think you have. You’re still the same pathetic man I thought I was in love with,” I replied.
Sky made a face. At least, I think he did. I really didn’t see the face because he had his helmet on.
“Pathetic?! I’ll show you pathetic!” he said and he put his Keyblade up in the air and started to slice me in half. Then Sky stepped in and said:
“I don’t think so!” and he shot him with his blaster. Alex was blasted back about two feet.
“Sky, what the hell?” I yelled as I ran towards Alex.
“It was set to stun,” Sky replied.
Alex got up before I had a chance to reach him and he said:
“If you think this is over, it’s not! Not by a long shot!”
Then, he raised a smoke ball in the air and told the Stealth Sneak to attack us after the smoke clears. He threw the smoke ball. We coughed. Alex disappeared. The finally cleared. The Stealth Sneak started to attack. We got in some very lucky hits. Then, he went invisible.
“Oh, no! He disappeared! Whatever shall we do?” I asked sarcastically.
I pressed my right ear and the screen came over my eyes. Sky did the same thing. Even though we had the thermal, it took us a while to find him. Then, out of nowhere, he decloaked right in front of us. Again, we got in some very lucky hits. Then, Sky got bit by the monster.
“Rachel, defeat him,” he said.
“I can’t leave you,” I said.
“I’ll be fine,” he said, “Defeat him.”
I shook my head saying okay and I went over the monster and defeated him. Then, I went over to Sky.
“Are you okay?” I asked.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” he replied.
“Ooh, let me try the healing powers,” I suggested.
“Why didn’t I think of that?” he asked.
“You were in pain,” I replied.
“Right,” he said.
So, I used the healing powers on Sky and he was back to his old self in no time.
Meanwhile, in Mobius, Eggman and his cronies were hard at work preparing for the World Grand Prix.
“I’m gonna go make my broadcast to Sonic and his friends,” Eggman said.
“You do that,” Mora said.
Eggman made his way to the control panel. He fooled with some buttons and he told his communications robot to post the broadcast. He saw a blue hedgehog, a pink hedgehog, a yellow two-tailed fox, a cream colored bunny and a red echidna, talking.
“Attention, racers, now is the time for the World Grand Prix! A single Chaos Emerald is the Entry Fee. Meet at Future City in two hours!” Eggman’s robot said.
“What is Eggman up to now?” the blue hedgehog asked.
“I don’t know,” the yellow two-tailed fox replied, “But I got this feeling that he’s not alone in whatever he’s planning.”
“What do you mean, Tails?” the red echidna asked.
“Remember the green porthole we saw in the sky the other day?” Tails, the two-tailed fox, replied.
“What about it?” the red echidna asked.
“Well, that was right above Eggman’s fortress. Whoever came outta that porthole can’t be good, if Eggman’s involved,” Tails replied.
“Sonic, what do we do?” the pink hedgehog asked.
“I’m entering the race,” Sonic, the blue hedgehog replied with a cocky smile on his face.
Back at S.P.D. HQ, Sky was getting last minute instructions on how to fly the ship that was to take us to Mobius. I, on the other hand, was talking with Selina.
“Young Keybearer, I give you and Sky the gift of fire,” she said.
“Thank you,” I said.
“You‘re welcome,” she said.
“I do have a question,” I said.
“Yes?” she said.
“When we get to other worlds, will we change?” I asked
“That is something you will have to discover for yourself,” she replied.
Sky came out of the Commander’s office.
“Ah, Sky, here you are,” she said, “I have something to tell you both.”
“Okay,” I said.
“Your journey is a long and perilous one. The dangers you are about to face you must face together. You must come together to be one,” she said, “With that said, Rachel, I’m going to give you new clothing. These have powers beyond your understanding.”
She pulled out a wand and flicked it in my direction. The next thing I knew I was wearing a skirt. I never wear skirts.
“Um…” I started to say.
“You’re right. It’s not a good look for you,” she said.
She flicked her wand again and this time I was wearing something that this certain character would wear on Japanese Anime. Sweet!!
“There, that’s better,” she said, “When the time is right, new powers will be bestowed upon you.”
“Thank you for everything,” I said.
“Yeah, thanks,” he said.
“Your welcome, young ones,” she said, “To Mobius!”
“To Mobius!” I said.
“To Mobius!” Sky said.
We went on the ship and plotted a course for Mobius.
End Of Chapter 1
- by PrettyGuardianSailorMoon |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 09/10/2008 |
- Skip

- Title: A Kingdom Hearts-Like Story
- Artist: PrettyGuardianSailorMoon
- Description: This is "A Kingdom Hearts-Like Story". Go easy on me. This is my first time submitting. The story has the same plot lines as Kingdom Hearts, but with some different characters. There are two parts in the story that I used different text and it doesn't show up here. Hope you enjoy.
- Date: 09/10/2008
- Tags: kingdomhearts
- Report Post
Comments (7 Comments)
- Suds n stuff - 07/19/2009
- not bad
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- Morpheus167 - 06/13/2009
very nice
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- Yuki_Storm_freeze - 10/03/2008
- AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
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- MikeBonez - 09/22/2008
- I like this story. Keep making more lol.
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- psycoblack85 - 09/15/2008
- Are you gonna make more??
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- Beautiful Sayuri - 09/15/2008
- LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!! When's the next one??????
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- Grand Tuxedo Mask - 09/15/2008
- It's really, really good.
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