• As Chris become best friends with Philip, he was the leader on the people in the store. Everytime a zombie came he would risk his life and go out outside to kill it. 5 days passed, a man stood up and said "I've have had it, I'm going to go away", but Chris said "You can't, it's not safe", but the man didn't car, he quickly unlocked the door and went away, dissapeared in this air. The next thing the people in the store heard was a scream, so they were terrified of it. The miliatary quickly responded to this emegency, they builted a gate to keep the infected inside so it wouldn't spread the world, but only 1 zombie has fled outside the world causing havoc everywhere. New York was clear of zombies in a matter of days, then Chris and the people inside were free! They happily prayed of this day as a miracle. Chris and his children walked back to their home. They started a new life, but they had a funeral of the mom. All their families had died.

    1 day later, the zombies reached up to Mexico, spreading the virus. The United States closed the gates to South America so they wouldn't be infected. The United State Miliatary had no idea, but to use nuclear bombs in the infected area. As soon as the bombs were ready, they launched the area filled with zombies. They ran out of nuclear bombs as soon as they hits Texas. Only 1 remaining city, which was Rhode Island where Chris and his children started a new life. As zombies scattered everywhere in Rhode Island, the school where Chris's children got infected. As soon as Chris heard this, he quickly rushed to his children's school so he can save them, but it was too late. He saw children coming out of the school as zombies. He saw his children on the ground dead, then they got up and looked at their dad. They growled at him and Chris quickly made an escape. As he went through the town where his peaceful neighbor used to live, but the zombies emptied it. Chris saw tons of zombies coming his way as he drives through the town.

    VRROMMM!! Went his car 210 miles per hour, the next that happened was he got confused and hit a tree nearby the road. CRASH!! He bumped his head and fainted. He woked up 5 hours later surrouned by people who looked normal, and they asked "are you infected?", but Chris couldn't answer and he fainted again.