• Keiko Uchihara was a 17 year old girl.She lives with her father and stepmother.She's just like every girl in this world.Normal.One day,she went back from her school after a long tiring day.Her stepmother,Akira Uchihara was nagging about Keiko not taking a bath after school.Then Keiko couldn't stand her noises,so she said,"Listen here,woman!!!You're not my mother so stop giving me orders!!!!!You don't deserve to live in here either!!!!!!!!You're just lucky dad married you!!And don't you dare try to fit in this family!!" Then Keiko went upstairs to her room and slammed the door.Obviously Keiko hated her stepmother.Akira,her stepmother,couldn't stop crying silently.She loved Keiko so much but she's just upset that Keiko didn't love her like she does.

    The next day,Akira prepared breakfast for Keiko & Kozumi(Keiko's dad).Kozumi ate his breakfast earlier than Keiko.So he went to work early.A few minutes later,Keiko came down,still brushing her sleepy eyes.Then Keiko looked at the food Akira served.Akira noticed Keiko looked at her food for the first time.And Akira was smiling with joy in her heart.Then Keiko said,"Hmph.This food stinks.I wonder what kind of peep would cook this food".Akira was shocked.She was crying again.She couldn't stand it.But she still never hated Keiko.So she's still in the family.

    A few hours later,Keiko went to school.She was laughing happily with her friends.She was so happy,she didn't realize she'd done something very wrong.Then,she went back from school.She went to the toilet to take a bath.She slowly thinked about her stepmother while taking a bath... Why'd that woman never gets mad at me?Why is she so..so,kind?to me?The next day,she was still thinking about her mother.Her real mother died when she was 10.Then,her father married another woman,and she'd thought that's a bad idea.But,she was wrong.So she decided to apologize to Akira.Then,she cycled back home as fast as she could,and she was truly shocked.Unstoppable tears flowed down from her eyes to her cheeks.To make it simple,Keiko found Akira lying on the floor,looking so pale.Then Keiko was frowning while crying and heard Akira saying,"Keiko,I'll always love you forever and ever.Please don't hate me,and please forgive my bad mistakes,".Then Keiko said,"Mother!!!!!"It was the first time she called her mother,but unfortunately,It was too late.

    In a rush while crying(again),Keiko called her father.Kozumi was shocked to hear that.Keiko called the ambulance.Then her father returned home while Akira's corpse were being carried in the ambulance.They both cried in pain.But it was too late.Keiko had always loved her but she doesn't want to admit it.Now,Keiko lives with another stepmother who's quite the same like Akira.And from that,Keiko learned:
    It doesn't matter if you're related or not.What matters is,the love that person gives to you.

    ~The End~
    I hope that was a nice story,
    I hope you all enjoyed that!
    Bye for now!! whee