Chapter 1
Most people think leprechauns are nice, jolly little people. Well there wrong! I come with experience. O, by the way my name is Tom McLuwiny, I’m 15 years old, and I live in Columbus Indiana. I lived there all my life… until now. My parents have to move so they can keep there business running. My parents run an Irish thrift store. And guess where we are moving… if you said “Ireland” your right! I don’t even want to move. My parents say it will be exiting to go there. Three days later, I’m in Ireland. The house my parents bought is huge! It gives me the creeps though. My room is on the second floor. Small compared to my parent’s room.!.
Chapter 2
Like I was saying, I have experience with these evil creatures! About a week after we moved in, my parents had to leave for the weekend. No big deal, my parents had done this before. They had to go back to Indiana, to see how they (the movers) were going to move the rest of our stuff. When we first moved in, there were electrical problems, and it sounded like someone (or something) was saying something, but we thought it was the wind (we thought). When my parents left, things got worse. Problem, after problem, it got to the point where I had to light candles every four minutes. Every time the power would go out, I would have to go down to the basement and turn the power back on. When I went to bed that night, I heard a huge crash! So, I grab my be-be gun, and ran down stairs. And of course, the lights were out. When the power goes out so does the phone. I had no one to call at that point. I was walking forward to grab my flash light, and then right before I grab my flash light, I stub my toe. I grab my flash light and I see what I stub my toe on.
Chapter 3
“It looks like I stub my toe on a pot of gold”. I said out loud. I thought it was fake, my dad likes to collect stupid things like that, so… I picked it up. Then the lights came on. I went up stares and put “it” next to my bed. I had my flash light in my pocket, and I was going back down stairs to get my be-be gun, when I got down stairs, my be-be gun was gone. I thought to myself, “I left it right where I stubbed me toe, right next to the lamp.” Then the lights go off (again). I turned my flash light on, then I heard a gun shout from outside! So… I’m on my belly and I’m army crawling to the front door. Then all of the sudden the door pops open. And this little kid is at the door. So I have my flash light and I pick him up and set
him on the couch.
Chapter 4
I took my be-be gun away from him. Right before I shinned my light on him the lights came on. When that happened I saw that kid was no kid. He looked like a… 60 year old man, but as tall as a two year old. He was wearing all green and black, and his ears were pointier than the end of a knife. I was being very polite and I said, “Hello…, sir?” I tried to shake his hand, but no success. Then I said, “Um, why did you have my be-be gun?” then he said. “Where’s me gold?” Then I said, “O that... is it yours?” he said, “Yes, yes! You stole it!” so I was heeding up stares to got it for him.
Chapter 5
I said, “Relax dud, I….” He said, “I’m not a Dud... I’m a Lepercon!” when he said that it stopped me right in my tracks. Then he said, “Don’t stop get it!” I turned around and I see about 15, little people/Lepercons. He had my be-be gun in his hand, telling me to get it. So I went up stares to get it, and all those things a flowing me. When I get to my door, I ran in and slammed it shut and locked the door. It is now 3:46 a.m. Indiana time, I haven’t changed my clock. I grab my cell phone and my cell phone battery was dead. Then those creatures are slamming on my door. I’m yelling out my window for help. Then there is a mob of “Lepercons” in my front yard.
Chapter 6
Then I hear this high pitched squeal. I’m hold in my ears as tight as can, trying to block out the nowise. Then, all the sudden… black out. When I wake up, I’m in changes. I’m trying to figure out where I’m at, this is what I see:
1) Dead people everywhere,
2) Midlevel touchier devices,
3) Wood.
That’s all I see.
Then a group of Lepercons comes in, then I say, “I don’t know who you think you are but…” then the one of them, literally puts a sock in my mouth! I mean a real sock, not a fugue of speech. Then they pick me up and take me to this arena. They set me down and unchain me. I take the sock out of my mouth, and when I look up they were gone. Then I look around and there is a bunch of people in a circle. So… I go over there.
Chapter 7
When I get over there I noticed that they all had pots of gold in their hands. All the sudden one of the people in the middle of the circle pulled me on my but. Now I’m in the middle of the circle and I say, “what the hell, that…” she put her hand over my month and said, “the ones without gold sit in the middle for protection. Otherwise they’ll kill you and through you in the dudgeon to ‘rest’. My name is Lillyona Smith. They won’t hurt anyone with their gold.” Then I said, “ok… my name is Tom. So… why are you hear?” she said, “one of those monsters were in my basement. It kept turning the lights on and off. So… I went to turn the light on and I found a pot of gold… and well… I heard this high pitched squeal and I wake up here. You?” “the light kept going out at my house too… but I heard a loud crash and I went to investigate and well you know the rest, with the squeal and all.” “oh.”
Chapter 8
Now all the sudden there are trumpets going off and this little man comes out wearing all gold looking clothes and says, “we are tired of waiting for you humans to give our gold back. So we shall execute you all now. Bring them in.” I asked Lillyona, “what’s going on?” she looks at me horrified and says, “they threatened to do this before but they never did.” “what?” “it’s our family.” Then there are a bunch of people coming through these doors…then I noticed my mom and dad. I break through the beerier and run to my parents. As I’m running I’m yelling, “Mom, Dad” they look at me like they aren’t even alive. Lillyona is yelling, “come back quick, there already dead, there zombies.” Next thing I know there’s a s**t lode of arose shooting at me.
So I run back to the group. When I get there all dead, there blood is everywhere. So… right now I’m freaking out… so the next thing I know I hear someone saying “Tom, Tom wake up.” then there’s this earth quack. And well I wake up.
The End
Or is it.....
three days later it really happend. But, everone die. That is my story.

- Artist: Jonesy515
- Description: it's about a boy named tom...and how i see leprechauns...there mean, EVIL, and roude.....like me...XD
- Date: 11/30/2008
- Tags: leprechauns thererealanddeadly
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