• He saw her walk past his house
    just a glimpse was all he saw

    a streak of yellow and black

    he stepped outside of his house to see who it was

    at first he didn't see anything
    then a slight movement at the top of the hill

    he saw a teen
    she seemed so familiar
    and yet he couldn't identify her

    suddely she turned and looked at him

    her eyes were wide with excitement and ........insanity
    she had a wide smile on her face

    then he recognized her
    thoughts flew through his head
    the only one who understood him
    the only one he loved

    then thoughts of blood and pain
    her face wrought with fear
    her whole body covered in blood
    all except the tear marks

    the knife in her hand the dead man at her feet

    her mother in the other room dead

    and he rembered the scream that tore from her lips

    the knife fell
    she ran toward him
    and he held her in his arms
    as she cried and explained what happened

    the man, James, had killed her mother

    and then he had gone for her
    a knife in his hand
    she had disarmed him
    and then she took the knife

    then she wouldn't speak
    he could put it together

    he opened his eyes and she was still there staring at him
    the girl he had loved and the girl who they had taken from him

    had she snapped
    what had they done to her there

    her eyes started to soften as she looked at him
    then went back to the way they had and she