Finding the Halmark Grand Hotel wasnt the hard part, getting in was.(just to fill u in, The Halmark is where rich people go to get drunk and get ritcher. so you could imagine the security.)But there i stood in the overgrown gardens that surrounded the damned place looking onto the arivving limos. The sign near the entrance announced that tonight was the anual lunar ball. Great, even more ritch scum than usal. Great even less of a way to get in. Not like they'ed a scuffed up, dirty beatneck that still smelled like a full fledged fire in anyhow. Nervesly i bit my gloved left hand. A hbbit i'd picked up over the years.
Then out of one of the sleek black lomos emerged the woman. Even from this distance she looked stunning. The way her dark brown hair fell on her shouldrs. And even the way she walked made me want to follow her.
Get a grip man. Stay pofetional.!
How to get in?
As if in response a string of bearly audible cruses came from the other side of the trees. Moving over i saw a lomosein stopped on the side of the dark, twisting road that lead to the Halmark. Thin wisps of smoke wafted from ots engine. The driver stood by the front of the limo, kicking it and cusing away.
A feral smile slid across my lips.
Mike dillenger hated waiting. Especily on incompetant drivers. He'd have to remember to fire him after tonight. Raising his voice so that his driver heard loud and clear Dillenger said "Lets get going already."
" It may take a few mineuts sir. May I suggest you walk?"
"No you may not."
Aftera few more moments Dillenger heard the drivers dore opean the close.
" About time you incompetant fool." he said. Then watched, suprised, as the front of the hotel slid past.
" Hey. Stop. You passed the entrance."
The car didnt even slow. " What is going on?" Dillenger demannded. Like those were the magic words the car stopped and the driver got out. When the dore next to him opeaned he struggled out and demanded wat was going on.
Then before the darkness he saw a gloved fist flying tward his face.
After i took the guys tuxedio i bound him with his tie and gaged him with his tupe.seeing that i was ready i made my move. No one stopped me from entering the hotel. And i found the restraunt easy enough. Though i'd hardly call it a restraunt, the flore was mainly a dancing area surrounded by tables. But I gotta say, the place looked grand.
seeing the woman i made my approch. Not like with felix, it took all my concentration just to look rlaxed. Though she was beutifle in darkness, she was gorgous in the light. Because of those thoughts i didnt realise thae she had company with her untill i reached the table.
" Oh im glad you could come." She said, defanetly an act, but not that she didnt pull it off." May I introduce Alic Postearose. A co-worker of mine."
Alic had lean features and a pencil mustach. Somthing about him was familure to me. Somthing i couldnt shake. I nodded in greeting.
"Alic could you please get us some drinks?"
" sure." He said in a gruff but oddly familer tone
When he had left the woman pulled me over to the dnce flore.
" I cant dance" i told her slightly embarresed
" I think uyou will find that you can." With that she pulled me onto the flore and placed my handin hers and on her hips. She was right. From somewhere deep in me i moved in rythem perfectly.
"How did you know that? In fact how do you know anything about me."
" Slpw down jax" she said softly" Let me start with explaining why i am here. My name is Areana Wite."
"As in Malcome Dolittle wite? The scienist?"
"Yes, and keep your voice down. Im his daughter. Well around 25 years ago he was put on a team woking on somthing called the human developement project. Their goal was to create a way for humans to evolve into a smartter, faster speices. This was caused by the economic screwup 6 years before."
The economice screwup meant about 30 years ago that almost everyone was on there own. And sveral groupes of terorists mercinaries and pirates moved about.
" So? Whats this got to do with me?"
" You were their first sucsessful attempt. But even after, none came out the same. My father cared for you like his own. But about 9 years ago somthing happednd. most belive someone inside the tean went rouge bue every thing was destroyed in a fire. then you apeared 6 years ago as an assasin. Oh and those that suvived the fire now work for direct. we try and help those expirements that also survived."
Just then i stiffened. The blond man from erlyer mossied into the room, with his full entorage.
" What is it?"
"Devry's goons." The blod looked around the room and smiles visesly. I knew i was doomed. Here go the bullets.
- by patrick kuhn |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 12/02/2008 |
- Skip

Comments (2 Comments)
- BeaniesFTW - 12/07/2008
it was pretty good once it got going, but try to correct your grammar mistakes. it was a little difficult to read.
p.s. please rate my stories! - Report As Spam
- midnit_r0ck - 12/03/2008
- y must u leave me hanging!!!!!!!!!!!
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