As Merlin the Greatest warlock of all time, plundged the bottom of his talisman into the center piece of exclaibar.. A flash oh green light arubted from the end of merlins talisman. The green light was blinding, but yet i still kept my eyes open.

    " Is it over ? " i said wit disgust. I was hoping for a better show but i guess wishes dont come true. " Yes" Merlin said. I closed my eyes and wandered off. I was guessing merlin was going to do the same thing. I didnt want to keep him. From the corner of my eye i saw a nother streak of green light. I turned to face Merlin. But it wasnt Merlin i was faceing. I was faceing a huge snake. Well it more so looked like a water demon. There on the ground was Merlin. The water snake went for the water but it took exclaibar with it.