I Love You, Ren. Part One
HoroHoro fell in Love with Ren awhile after the Tournament was postponed. At first, HoroHoro started thinking about Ren. Then he even started dreaming about Ren. And whenever he looks at Ren he Blushes. He didn't notice these actions for awhile. But when he did, he realized he had a crush on Ren. He tried to dismiss such thoughts. Thinking
"No way! Were both boys. There's no way I could have a crush on him"
But even though he tried to dismiss his thoughts about Ren, he couldn't help but feel intoxicated by him. He soon decided to except his thoughts. Eventually his feelings towards Ren grew into Love. HoroHoro was sure of it. He was in Love.
He decided that he had to confess to Ren. He was holding these feelings of love inside. He needed to tell Ren. But, he was scared. He was scared of being rejected by the one he loves the most. He tried to tell Ren how he felt, but every time HoroHoro got Ren's attention, he couldn't say anything. He just stuttered. HoroHoro couldn't say anything. HoroHoro just didn't want to get hurt.
"Ren" HoroHoro was trying once again to confess.
"Yes? What is it HoroHoro?" Ren seemed agitated. HoroHoro would almost always call his name whenever they were alone and then say nothing.
".............." HoroHoro didn't answer. Ren got angry.
"Dammit HoroHoro! How about this time, you actually say what you have to say, eh!?"
"............." Once again, HoroHoro didn't say anything.
Ren grabbed his shirt and pulled him close.
"I'm getting really annoyed with you. Every time. Every time you get my attention you don't say anything. It's getting Really annoying. If you have something to say, then say it. Please"
Ren's voice was Soft all of a sudden. He let go of HoroHoro's shirt.
"I'm your friend, right? HoroHoro?"
HoroHoro was surprised by these words. "Ren, of course I'm your friend! Someti..." he was cut off by Ren.
"If that's true, then why don't you tell me things anymore? Like how you're feeling or what's on your mind?" Ren sounded depressed.
"Ren, I......" Everything got silent. HoroHoro was starting to get angry at himself. He was sick and tired of holding these feelings to himself. He knew that he should tell Ren how he felt. If he didn't tell Ren, he would regret it forever! But, HoroHoro was scared. He was scared that Ren would reject him. Scared that he would be rejected by the only one he ever, truly loved. HoroHoro had crushes on people before, but he never fell in love with any of them. But, HoroHoro would ask himself,
"What would happen if I told Ren how I felt about him and he rejected him?"
" Would things become awkward between me and him? And would our friendship fade away?"
HoroHoro asked himself these questions and many others. These questions kept him in fear. HoroHoro was scared............. so scared!
But not anymore! He knew that he would have to tell Ren sooner or later. And he chose sooner. Keeping things from your fiends is bad enough. But keeping things from the one you Love is even worse. HoroHoro was sick of being Scared! Today HoroHoro would tell Ren that he loved him!
Everything was so quiet. The crickets chirping seemed to be amplified because of this silence. And they were both on the second floor! With the window *slightly* closed!
Ren seemed to be getting more and more depressed. HoroHoro couldn't stand to see him so sad. He... he had to do something.
"There you go again, not saying anything again. I'm sick of it" Ren was going to say more, but he was cut off by HoroHoro, who grabbed him by the shoulders and pressed his lips up against Ren's. Ren was surprised at first by this sudden Kiss, but soon, he closed his eyes and melted into it, excepting it, instead of separating the two of them.
Without knowing it himself, though. Ren was in the spur of the moment.
Deepening the kiss was his reaction.
But after awhile, Ren stopped the Kiss by trying to pull away "H-Horo....Horo" said Ren.
Ren was in a small state of shock. He wasn't expecting HoroHoro to kiss him so suddenly.
"HoroHoro, I..."
"Will you go out with me!?" Ren didn't have a chance to finish his sentence. HoroHoro was scared of what he was going to say. Something like "I'm not like that" or maybe something worse.
Ren looked at him for while. HoroHoro closed his eyes, and kept them close.
Afraid of the response he thought he might get.
Ren lifted up hands to touch HoroHoro's face, his gentle and soft hands caressing
HoroHoro's skin. HoroHoro opened his eyes, only to see Ren's passionate eyes staring into his. Then, Ren kissed HoroHoro. They stared into each other as the kiss deepened and Deepened. They closed they're eyes. Meling into kiss romantic moment. Until it got to a point where nothing could separate them. HoroHoro then wrapped his arms around Ren's waist. Holding him tight. Ren moved his hands down from HoroHoro's face to his shoulders. HoroHoro was afraid Ren would try to pull away and stop the kiss, so he held on tighter, deepening their passionate kiss even more.
The two heard footsteps coming their way. They separated their lips. Their kiss, which seemed like it couldn't be stopped, was over at the snap of finger. But even though the person coming their way was getting closer, HoroHoro moved one of his hands up to the back Ren's head. He pressed Ren's head down against his chest, it seemed HoroHoro wasn't going to let go any time soon. But Ren pushed the hardest he could against HoroHoro, and they were separated instantly. Ren stared at HoroHoro with eyes of passion. Wishing for more kiss. But they had to stop.
It was obvious Ren didn't want to separate either, but they didn't know who it was who was coming, and who knows what they would have said if they saw HoroHoro and Ren in the middle of a romantic Kiss.
The person who was coming into the same room was Lyserg, Anna had sent him to go get the two for dinner.
"Come on you two, dinner's ready. It smells fantastic!" Lyserg was happy about something. He had a big smile on his face
"O-Okay, were coming" stuttered HoroHoro. Lyserg stopped smiling. "What's wrong?"
"It's nothing. We were just about to come down to dinner" This time Ren answered. More calmly then HoroHoro did. Lyserg shrugged his shoulders and smiled again. Then he left.
HoroHoro and Ren started walking down the hallway to the stairs
(They were in a room on the 2nd floor). Suddenly, something grabbed HoroHoro's Hand. HoroHoro swung his head back to see that Ren was holding his Hand. HoroHoro smiled.
"Yes, I will" HoroHoro was confused. What was Ren talking about?
"I mean about going out with you. I will". HoroHoro's eyes lit up. He smiled even more. Then he suddenly turned around and hugged Ren.
"I Love you"............"I really Love you, Ren!"
I Love You, Ren. Part One
This is a story about HoroHoro trying to confess his Love to Ren Tao. They're from the Shaman King series.
I think they make the best couple. This is a Shonen-Ai (BL) Story.
Setting: Yoh Asakura's house.
Time: Sometime after the Shaman King Tournament was postponed.
The only people we hear from are HoroHoro, Ren, and Lyserg. Anna is only mentioned.
The story is set in third-person.
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