• There once was a boy. He cared for others, and was maybe the most handsome and kind boy in his grade at school. But then, something terrible happened to that boy. No he didn't die, and he wasn't tortured. No. It was much, much worse.

    One day, that boy was in school. But then, he overheard people talking. He closely listened:

    "Yeah, that guy, what about him?"

    "He is SUCH a piece of crap."

    "I know! He's probably the weirdest kid in the SCHOOL!!"

    "He is a disgrace. Why did he even come to be?"

    "I don't know, but maybe he was made so the world will be a total garbage can when he grows up!"
    That was it. The end of all his personality. CRASH!!! His fragile emotion container, shattered. All the light-weighted, good emotions in him escaped. He went from good.... to emotionless(nearly). He became a boy who sees the world as a dark, ugly place. His only emotions that were left were:
    Excitement, anger, sadness, jealousy, and fear. Even his kindness left. However, his excitement protected itself and the other emotions, preventing them from ever fleeing. Nowadays, people don't gossip about him. They go up right to his face, insulting him. Reminding him of that fateful day.

    However, even the smallest light shines in the dark. Every place in the world he goes, his emotions return. They fled to different places, waiting for him. Here they are:
    Salt Lake City: Surprise
    Disney World: Happiness

    Today, some of his emotions are still waiting. That boy will stop at nothing to find his emotions.

    Who is that boy, you ask? It is none other, than ME.