Chapter 20 - Area O and Area M

    (Music playing - Black Burn/ Megaman Z X )Download

    *The flutter flew through the sky over Area D and when they reached a city residence they saw fire and mechanloids roaming throuh the city streets. Vent and Aile never seen such terror since they saw there mother shot years ago.*

    Roll= Oh no.... this is terrible. Were too late.

    Vent= NOOO!!!

    Aile= Slither must have stalled us to attack this defenseless city.

    Kaolla= This is very unforgivable.

    Vent= Let's get down there and make them pay!!

    Aile= Roll, get closer to one of those enemie ships, let's tear down a few while were in the sky.

    Roll= You got it!

    *Vent megamerged with Model H, Aile megamerged with Model Ph. Kaolla was about to pick out a biometal but Roll called her.*

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    Roll= Kaolla! I have something Phil sent me.

    Kaolla= Yes Roll?

    Roll= Phil told me to give this to you, as he was repearing Kos-Mos, he analyzed her data and created a new biometal. It's called Model KM. Phil said you can have it.

    Kaolla= YAAA!

    *Kaolla megamerged with Model KM and Kaolla joined Vent and Aile and took Rush and jetted down the path of the Slither ships. Vent and Aile were sitting on top of one prepairing to jump to a building to meet up with Kaolla.*

    Vent= Kaolla! Over here!

    Aile= Let's go Kaolla!

    *The slither ship Vent and Aile were sitting on top flew near a building and both jumped off and decended to the grouund level to meet up with Kaolla.*

    Vent= Sweet new biometal. You look like Kos-Mos now.

    Aile= Where did you get that!?

    Kaolla= Philly made it for me! It's called Model KM. Let's fight for these people!!

    (Music changes to - Black Burn Electpital dance/ Megaman Z X )Download

    *Kaolla primed the twin rotating guns and shot away incomming ghalleon mechanloids and Vent sliced a bunch of Remmutars with his Model H sabers and even fired some plasma bolts on a few mavericks. Aile threw a barrage of kunai daggers on some enemies as well and all 3 dashed to the path where all of the main havock scorce was located.*

    Kaolla= Lookie over there!!

    Aile= More people are trying to escape. Let's help them.

    Vent= Im in on it too!

    *Vent and Aile attacked more mechanloids attempting to attack a group of helpless civilians and other people attempting to escape. Kaolla headed straight to the area where seemed to be a dead end. Kaolla downed some face mechanloids and remeutars. Later Vent and Aile regrouped and headed straight down the same path as Kaolla. Then they spotted Prometheus and Pandora.*

    (Music changes to - Fate deep seated grudge/ Megaman Z X )Download

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    Prometheus= Well well now. Look who we have here. The brats who helped us chase off those bothersome space pirates. And you girl! You must be the one named Kaolla. I see you got yourself a new biometal.

    Pandora= Im afraid this is the end of the line.... for the 3 of you.

    Vent= What is ithe meaning of all of this!?

    Prometheus= As you see, we are finishing a project that our real master has left off.

    Aile= Serpent. I know.

    Pandora= Im afraid that is not true. You see, were not really with Serpant, we are with another.

    Vent= So your saying Serpant is not the culprit?

    Pandora= Correct.

    Kaolla= But why hurt all of these innocent people?

    Prometheus= You see, to complete project haven, Dr. Weil 100 years back had us to hide away for awhile. We escaped before John could bring down the main core like Zero did with the first Rangarock. John foiled his plans on Rangarock 2, so now those fragments are called Model W. The resistance lead by a girl found the 1st one and Serpent fell for it's power.

    Pandora= And now we collect the people for sacrifices for the model W. Serpant himself is now digging it up and once he retrieves it, he will have the people's souls to power up the ultamate Model W and we can rewrite history.

    Aile= You sick! Your all so sick!

    Vent= I had enough of this crap!

    Prometheus= Very well, have it your way. Now prepare yourselves!

    (Music changes to - Decisive battle/ Megaman X 7)Download

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    *Vent and Aile battled Pandora while Kaolla took care of Prometheus. Kaolla fired a barrage of blasts from her quad guns from her Model KM and was raining them on Prometheus and he returned fire with flaming skulls and pillars of fire. Kaolla took out the skulls with her KM saber and dodged the projectiles. Aile and Vent was manovering Pandora as she launched her electric and ice assult. Vent and Aile dodged as much as they can and when thery were shooting at Pandora, she whipped up a shield blocking the kunai daggers but the shield of her's couldn't hold back the wind pillar Vent unleashed. Vent switched biometal to Model F and Aile switched to Model Z. Vent shot a bunch of fire blasts on Pandora but she began to teleport from one corner to another. Aile was also watching out for her attacks as well. Kaolla casted (Fire 3) on Pandora when she got close enough to the combating group and then casted (Thunder 3) on Prometheus when he tried to get her from behind.*

    (music stops)

    Prometheus= ENOUGH!!

    Pandora= Such adolecent children.

    Prometheus= Oh alright, you win for today. But be warned, if Serpant shall fall, it dosen't mean it's all over.

    Pandora= Goodbye children.

    *Prometheus and Pandora teleport away*

    Vent= What was all that about? Dr. Weil? I never heard of him.

    Aile= That sounds like something John could tell us.

    *Sudenly Prairie opened linkage to Vent, Aile and Kaolla.*

    Prairie (radio)= Vent, Aile, Kaolla, are you 3 alright!? It looks like the Slither ships are witthdrawing. It seems you beat them. You better meet up with Roll and return to base.

    Kaolla= Ok.

    *The flutter flew downward to pick them up. Then they all took off. Meanwhile........John with Model FA equipped during the chilled night. John ventured in the cave nearby the spot where Vent and Aile found Model X. John found a big door where he somehow reconized when he was onboard Rangarock 2.*

    John= Could this be?

    Model FA= This is the door from the old Rangarock, not the 2nd. And you need 6 passwords to open it. We need all the 6 biometals but since you got them all, I can open the door at anytime.

    John= Good. We need to get to Serpant and stop him!

    *Model FA opened the heavy security door and John went on in.*

    (Music playing - Doomsday device/ Megaman Z X )Download

    *The door lead to a huge cave where chunks of the origional Rangarock was supposed to crash and there were Serpant's strongest mechanloids everywhere. John went on ahead and trashed every one that got in his path. When John took out the enemies, Model S collected more cuber souls allong the way. However, since it was night, Model FA will not deactivate at all. John couldn't megamerge as long as it was night. Joh did feel a bit embarased but he had to deal with it. John continued to go deeper in the cave and even though he did, John was still feeling worry for Phil that he wished to go after Wily allone. John continued to go further in and he took out mechanloids even he never seen before. One was a cyber elf looking object that could teleport and shoot. John got closer and he spotted a dragon shaped mechanloid that was trying to stop him. John jumped on top of the giant mechanloid and brought it down to a crashing stop since Model FA had Model C's micro jam ability as well. John then ventured further in the cave. John continued to travel in the cave and entered a chamber full of water and platforms full of spikes. The water kept changing levels constantly making it almost impossible for travelors to enter and get to the other side without getting hit by the spikes below, but for John, this was nothing. He made it without trouble. John felt a slight pain that warned him he was getting closer to the large Model W and felt as if he knew this feeling before.*

    John= This feeling. Urghhhhh... Reminds me when I was in Rangarock 2.

    (Music stops)

    *John entered another room and found the chamber with the large Model W. John gasped as he looked at the Model W and he reconised the shape of it and the size as if he seen it before. It looke djust like the head part of Dr. Weil's headbase core when he took the giant form when he merged with Rangarock 2. But John felt different all of a sudden. This wasn't the one John knew. This was the core part when Zero fought Dr. Weil, the origional part of the origional Rangarock.*

    John= Well I be? It's the part from the origional Rangarock.

    ???= And correct you are!

    John= Huh!? Who?

    (Music playing- Phalanx/ Megaman Z X )Download

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    Serpant= Well well well, Megaman Plum, well met again.

    John= Serpant! What are you doing here?

    Serpant= I see you already found the Model W core for me.

    John= What do you plan to do with it?

    Serpant= Oh it's very simple really. I am going to take it back and continue my project for the remaking of this world. Project Haven.

    John= Project Haven? Where have I heard that before? ..... no. Dr. Weil said something about... Serpant. What happened to you? If you used to be a guardian, why are you doing this?

    Serpant= Model W has shown me new ideas and incredable ways to change the world.

    John= Model W shown you this!? Listen Serpant, you were a good person once, I know. But I heard from Vent and Aile that you were responsible for maverick outbreaks, even years ago whn there mother was killed durring a maverick outbreak in a carnival. You can't really be the one who did that?

    Serpant= It is nessasary to find sacrifices for the Model W to help awaken it's true power. The souls of people are nessasary to fuel the Model W with fear and sorrow. That is the way Project Haven can be executed. Join me, and you may be forgiven for your actions against Slither inc.

    John= You got to be kidding? I, join you!? After what you done? Project Haven sounds too dangerous. This is not worth sacrificing innocent people and fueling fear and sorrow for something like this. This is all one cruel joke!!

    Serpant= I guess that means "no" then.

    *Serpant snaps his fingers and the Model W core was teleported from it's chamber*

    John= WHAT!? Serpant, don't do this!!

    Serpant= Oh don't worry, I will continue it without you. I don't need your help anyway. I will make sure you get a front seat of all the action. Afterall, were all in part of the game of destany. Farewell.

    *Serpant teleported*

    John= SERPANT!! ARGHHHHH!!!!

    (Music dies down slowly)

    *Suddenly there was a broadcast from the esistance base from Kay*

    Kay (radio)= John, are you there?

    (Music playing- Babel tower/Megaman Z X )Download

    John= Bad news Kay. Serpant got the Model W core. That's what he was after. How are things where you are?

    Kay (radio)= Not so good. I haven't heard from Phil since he left to fond Dr. Wily and Dalton. I feel like something may have happened to him.

    *another channel opened up and it was Kos-Mos*

    Kos-Mos (radio)=John...Phil got... captured. He told me to go on ahead and protect the Pillar of Autumn..... Omega Zero came out of nowhere.... he captured Phil. You are in the forbidden area correct?

    John= Yes I am.

    Kos-Mos (radio)=He's heading your way, but the area your in goes deeper. Keep exploring. Omega Zero may be looking for you again.

    John= Thanks Kos. Oh man Kay, things are not looking good. You go on and pass the message to Prairie and tell her to tell Roll to make sure Kaolla, Vent, and Aile are all ok.

    Kay (radio)= I hear you loud and clear. Over and out.

    (broadcasts end)

    *Suddenly, a red cyber elf appears and flies near John. It was the cyber elf Tello.*

    Tello= We meet again John. I see your in Model FA.

    John= Yeah, but as long as it stays night, I can't use any other biometal. What am I supposed to do Tello?

    Tello= He's in this world. I can feel it. Dr. Weil. And he also has the biometal kin to the black one your wearing now.

    John= How did you know about that?

    Tello= It dosen't matter now. But your friends matter now. Vent and Aile will plan to face off with Serpant. You must go look for the same friend who saved the 4 guardians.

    John= You don't mean.... Phil!?

    Tello= Correct.

    John= He said he was going to the mount...

    Tello= There's no need to go there, he's approaching in this direction. Im sure you know who's responsible.

    John= Omega Zero.

    *John clenches his fist and his knuckles lightly cracked*

    Tello= Listen John.... that reploid claimed lots of lives both human and reploid. In my past life, me and X fought against him and sealed him away allong with his creator. Ever since there downfalls, they were revived by a couple of madmen from another world.

    John= Dr. Wily and Dalton. They revived Dr. Weil. And thanks to them, Omega Zero is stronger than ever.

    Tello= Yes.... and this we both cannot allow that abomination to roam this world freely, he's way too dangerous. I believe you can stop him. I may be able to lend you my power but that Model M may be the only one to do that.

    John= Ok. Lead the way Tello. Wait.... who are you really?

    Tello= .......,

    John= Well?

    Tello= I will tell you when the time is right.

    (Music dies slowly)

    *Vent and Aile finished there battle with Prometheus and Pandora, Phil is reported captured, and Serpant got away with the model W. John is now deep in the caves of the secret pits getting close to where possibly Dr. Weil may be hiding. And who is this Tello? Find out next time.*