• [G]abriel had been waiting for quite some time to go out with somebody and now that he is; he is not too satisfied.
    "Gabriel, darling." His girlfriend, Shiela, smiled and batted her mascara covered eyelashes at him. He knew what came after this, she did it all the time.
    "How much of my money am I spending?" He asked, almost nervously. She looked at him, her lips curving into a grin. Her sandy-blonde hair waved over her face and covered her eyes. Covered the betraying look she was giving him.
    "Oh, nothing much. Just a couple, y'know, thousand..."
    Gabriel nearly felt the money fly out of his wallet as Shiela reached into his back pocket and took his credit card from his wallet.
    "No way, not this ti--" He was cut off abruptly as he noticed Shiela prancing down the hallway of the school.
    "How does this always happen!?" He turned, facing a row of lockers and balled his hand into a fist. He lifted his fist, slamming it against one of the lockers in frustration.
    "Excuse me, I don't think my locker enjoys being abused." Gabriel turned to find a boy talking to him, but he seemed different than many of the other guys in his school.
    This boy had big boxy glasses that looked too big for his slender face. They had begun falling down the boy's nose, Grabriel could not help but laugh a little. He found it almost... cute.
    "Don't laugh at me, and could you move away from my locker?" The boy waited, watching Gabriel as he moved away from the locker. The boy seemed to be looking at Gabriel as if he were a rat and his own self was a bird who just found its prey.
    "Sorry..." Gabriel begun to scan the rest of the boy's features: Ripped jeans, a Dir En Grey t-shirt and a pair of bright pink Doc Marten boots, but nothing caught his attention more than the boy's hair. It was white, but there were many different colors in his hair which formed to make a rainbow around his head.
    "What are you staring at!?" The boy snarled, he felt a sense of violation when Gabriel looked at him, almost as if he were vulnerable to him.
    "N-nothing..." Gabriel shook his head and slowly began to walk away from the boy.
    "He sure was rude..." Gabriel sighed, coming to a halt when he reached the doors that exited the school.
    "No ******** way..." His gaze became blurred with tears, he felt as though a hole had just been burned through his heart. Outside of those doors was Shiela, handing a beautiful Onyx ring to another guy.
    "No wonder she wanted my ******** credit card!" Gabriel was ready to scream, but hesitated when he felt a hand resting on his shoulder.
    "Nice, is that your girlfriend?"

    And so, what will happen in the next exciting addition of: "Honey, I think I'm gay!" Check back next week, and we just might see! I hope you all enjoyed.