It’s Chapter Seven Bitches!! HEEEEEEY!!! I’m feelin black today so I’m a act lyke dis yo. Now how is u ********? Na’mean. We be crunk in dis club…O.k. I can’t act Ghetto to save my life. It’s sad cuz I’m black. I guess I’ll stay the ditsy blond I was supposed to be. Does anyone know how to Read PM? Or to see how many people read this story? Please tell me!!!!
Sorry I took long…Feminine reasons kept me from writing.
Sasuke- I don’t not own Naruto.
Me- Thanks for sayin that for me Sasuke.
Sasuke- Whatever. Now were is my twenty bucks?
Me- In that dark room over here. Hehehe…
It had been three weeks since the whole school drama; Naruto was happy that no one made a big deal out of it. The one thing that still annoyed him was his exhibitionist boyfriend and the fan girls that were encouraging him. Naruto had also let himself believe that he had a small attraction to Sasuke and nothing more. And that the attraction came from the way they had been. Naruto was thinking about all of this when Sasuke came down the hall and called to Naruto. Naruto turned and smiled think of the devil he thought. He waited as Sasuke came to him.
“Hey.” Sasuke said
“Hi.” Naruto said. Sasuke took Naruto’s hand and they continued walking. They walked in comfortable silence until they came to his and Naruto’s next class, 2nd hour History. Naruto sat in his desk and Sasuke stood near Naruto’s desk. Naruto was copying Sasuke’s work while Sasuke was just staring at Naruto. Naruto noticed and looked up.
“What?” He asked
“You are so sexy.” Sasuke murmured to Naruto. Naruto blushed.
“Don’t say stuff like that in school.” Naruto murmured back. Naruto finished copying and the teacher came back in class. Sasuke quickly made it back to his desk. During class, Naruto listened intently while Sasuke watched Naruto. The whole time he was telling himself to stop, but he couldn’t. He had always been like that; so obsessed with Naruto, it was scary. He told himself it wasn’t healthy but now Naruto was his, so it made it o.k.…right?
Naruto was laying on his living room couch and eating an apple while watching his favorite show Narue (A/N- Yes, It’s Naruto.) when the doorbell rang. He expected it to be Sasuke but was surprised to see Sakura and Kiba standing there.
“Hey.” He greeted them with a huge smile. They let themselves in and took off their shoes and wore looks as if they were doing something serious.
“What’s up? Naruto asked and made his way back to the living room up the stairs. They all settled into the sofa and Sakura looked at Naruto with a serious look.
“So spill.” She said sternly.
“Spill what?” Naruto asked.
“Don’t bullshit us Uzumaki. How is the Uchiha in bed?” Kiba interrogated. Naruto blushed deeply.
“W-what?” He stuttered.
“Is he good in bed? We need to know this so we know you got the best.” Sakura said.
“We haven’t even done it yet!” Naruto exclaimed. Kiba rolled his eyes.
“Sure.” He mocked. Naruto crossed his arms.
“It’s only been a month. Does every relationship I’m in need to be rushed?” He asked.
“Every? You had Sai, which lasted a month and Neil was your ******** buddy for a while.” Kiba said then realized he shouldn’t when Naruto shot him a look.
“Neji was your ******** buddy?” Sakura practically screeched. Naruto hushed her.
“How come you told Kiba!” She said with a pout.
“I didn’t. He caught us.” Naruto explained. Sakura flipped her hair.
“Well, whatever. It’s no fair. Does Sasuke know?” She asked and gave a devilish smile.
“No. I expect you not to tell him. Or anyone. Got it?” Naruto more of stated than questioned. Sakura rolled her eyes and nodded.
“Fine, but you gotta spend more time with us o.k.? You seem too wrapped up in Sasuke and it’s scary.” Sakura said and Naruto nodded. Then realized what Sakura said. And huffed.
“I’m not too wrapped up in Sasuke.” He mumbled
“Dude, yea you are.” Kiba interjected. Naruto rolled hi s eyes.
“You know what? I I’m not gonna’ argue.” She said and slouched back in his seat.
“So you promise?” Sakura asked.
“Fine.” Naruto said. Sakura smiled
“Good. Now how is it in Sasukeland?” Sakura asked.
“Good I guess.” Naruto said in a bored tone.
“What you guys are already having problems?” Kiba asked.
“No. it’s just I’m not sure I like him, ya’know?” Naruto explained.
“Then why are you goin’ out with him? I mean you’re the one who said don’t waste your time with someone you don’t like.” Sakura said Naruto shrugged.
“Well, if you haven’t noticed, I don’t get a lot of guys. So I just jump at any chance I get now.” Naruto said. Kiba laughed and mumbled hypocrite and Sakura shook her head.
“ I don’t get you at all, Naruto.” She said then turned serious. “You better not hurt him. If you do, I swear I’ll pull your intestines out of your mouth then play jump rope with them until you’re sorry.” She said. Naruto nodded but looked scared and Kiba laughed again.
“I thought you loved me more Sakura-chan.” Naruto said.
“I do, I made a worse threat to him.” Sakura said with a smile.
“Scary.” Naruto said then looked to the television to watch his ninja show. Saukra noticed and perked up.
“Ohmigod! I love this show!” She screeched and turned her attention to it.
“Has Narue found Sasaki yet?” She asked
“No, He’s still looking.” Naruto informed and Sakura nodded. They were absorbed in it until Naruto’s phone started playing ‘control’ By Metro Station.
“New ringer?” Sakura asked Naruto nodded. He looked at his phone. One new text from teme the phone read. Naruto opened his phone to read the text. Sakura peered over to read it too.
Hey wat r u doin??? It read Naruto texted him back
Nuthin much watchin tv w sakura n kiba Naruto texted back. Naruto got a text back that only said o.k. then soon after the doorbell rang. It’s probably Sasuke Naruto thought and opened the door to see his dad standing there. He was wasted and stumbled in. Naruto panaked and ran upstairs and ordered his friends to leave.
“Why?” Kiba asked. Before Naruto could make a legit excuse, his dad started yelling for Naruto.
“I just really need you guys to go.” Naruto practically begged. They both gave a skeptical look then got up. They were too late though. Minato had made his way into the living room.
“Naruto, you little s**t, I’ve been calling for you.” He roared then noticed Kiba and Sakura.
“Who the ******** said you can have company?” He yelled then slapped Naruto. Kiba and Sakura just stood there, shocked. Naruto cradled his cheek. Minato looked at his hand to see Naruto cover up he used to cover his scars on his hands.
“Wearin’ Make up again huh? What are you a f*****t?” Minato sneered and hit Naruto again, knocking him to the ground.
“Dad, s-stop, there’s company.” Naruto said as he tried not to cry. Minato kicked him in the stomach.
“Shut up you little s**t! I hate you!” Minato yelled then turned to Naruto’s friends who were still and laughed.
“Your little friends are just as useless as your mom, they don’t do s**t.” He said and spit on Naruto. He gave one last kick before leave. Naruto just laid there, holding back tears and feeling numb.
“Oh, Naruto!” Sakura cried and ran to him, helping him up. “Come on, get some of your things, you’re coming home with me.” Naruto fell limp in her arms.
“I-I cant l-leave or he’ll hurt m-mom.” Naruto stuttered. Sakura ignored him and ordered Kiba to start packing.
Sakura and Kiba were loading Sakura’s Ford Focus and Naruto was lying in the back when Minato came out.
“You think you can take my ********’ son?” Minato yelled. “I own that worthless child!” Sakura flinched at his words. Kiba became angry.
“He’s not worthless! If he was your son, you wouldn’t cal him that.” Kiba yelled back. Minato came at them.
“What the ******** do you know?” He yelled. Naruto looked up from his seat. He watched as Minato and Kiba went at it while Sakura hurriedly loaded the last few bags.
“Kiba, just get into the car.” She ushered. Kiba grunted and got into the passenger seat, still yelling at Minato. Sakura quickly got into the front seat and sped down the street, thanking whoever was out there that Minato wasn’t coming after them.
Naruto was sitting on a kitchen table, letting Sakura clean his wounds when Kiba spoke.
“So, how long has he been doing that to you?” He asked Naruto, who answered avoid eye contact.
“For a while, I can’t remember how long. But I let him, or else he’ll hurt mom. And that’s why I need to go back. Or he’ll kill her.” Naruto mumbled the last part. Sakura finished then ordered Naruto to take off his clothes.
“Why?” He complained.
“Because you’re covered in blood. Plus I want to give Kiba a show.” She said and winked. Naruto laughed a little.
“Now come on, take it off.” She ushered. Naruto obeyed and took off his orange shirt. He looked to his friends, who were in shock of his body. There were huge bruises and cuts all over.
“C-come on, Pants t-too.” She bossed, fighting tears. She couldn’t believe it was happening to Naruto, the happy-go-lucky loveable goofball. She looked at Naruto’s legs, they were in worse condition. Both his thighs were completely blue and yellow and there were deep cuts everywhere.
“Do you want me to wash the rest of the cover-up off? Because there’s a lot more.” He told Sakura. Kiba turned away and Sakura burst into tears.
“s**t Naruto! Why’d you let him do t-this, you b-baka.”(T/N- Baka=Stupid, idiot, dummy) Sakura managed to say before really sobbing. Naruto took her into his arms.
“I’m sorry, Sakura-chan.” He whispered and let her cry. He looked up at Kiba who was muttering something under his breath.
“I…I gotta go.” Kiba seethed out. Naruto smiled.
“See you at school.” Naruto called to the retreated brunette.
“Yeah.” Kiba called back before slamming Sakura’s front door. Naruto got up and pulled Sakura up along with him.
“C’mon Sakura-chan, let’s go to bed.” Naruto soothed and led Sakura to her bed.
Naruto woke to someone poking him. Naruto groaned and opened his eyes. He Saw Sakura smiling at him.
“C’mon hun, we got to go to school.” She said sweetly. Naruto nodded and sat up. He looked around the room and saw one of his outfits lying on the foot of the bed. It was the blue shirt Sasuke bought for his birthday last year and a pair of dark jeans that he hated to wear because they fit like girls jeans.
“You’re wearing that.” Sakura said. Naruto gave her a ‘how’d you know I was about to complain?’ look and Sakura smiled.
“Get dressed. Sasuke’s picking you up in 30 minutes. Naruto’s look turned to confused.
“How does he know I’m here?” Naruto asked.
“Oh, I was texting him last night. He knows about everything now. I also talked to my mom. She said you can stay so long as you don’t trash the house.” Naruto let out a giggle. Last time he stayed the night at Sakura’s; he had accidentally knocked over photo frames and ceramic figurines. It made Sakura’s mom so mad, she ordered them to go to bed even though it was7pm. The thought of her mom made him remember his mom. He became sullen. He couldn’t leave his mom, she couldn’t fend for herself.
“Mom.” Naruto murmured.
“Oh don’t worry. Once my mom saw how you looked, she called the cops. Your dad is probably sharing a cell with big mike until he gets a trial. Then it’ll be with big Joe.” Sakura informed. Naruto laughed.
“Thank you Sakura. I love you.” Naruto said with a pure smile, something Sakura had never seen.
“I love you too.”
Sasuke came at exactly 7:00 to pick up Naruto. Sasuke was thrown back when he saw all the bandages on Naruto. Naruto noticed him staring and he smiled.
“It’s nothin’ Sasuke, I ‘m o.k.” Naruto reassured. Sasuke pulled Naruto into a hug.
“I know. I knew all along.” Sasuke murmured. Naruto became shocked? Sasuke knew.
“I-I’m Sorry Naruto.” Sasuke said. Naruto looked at Sasuke and gave him a small peck on the lips.
“It’s not your fault Sasuke. You didn’t do it.” He said and walked to Sasuke’s car ignoring him say how it was his fault.
They drove in silence. Naruto was thinking about what Sasuke just did. So he really cares about me Naruto smiled. I guess he’s o.k. They had reached the school and in the car Sasuke kissed him and whispered reassuring words to him. Naruto smiled
I might like this guy.
Well that’s it. It’s sorta the usual length. The right amount of words but it’s only 5 pages…hmm…Well That’s Ch. 7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAKU-RAN!!! If you haven’t guessed, I’m a Sakura fan girl *Squee!* I know her birthday is in 8 days but I don’t think I’ll update by then…I’m sorta grounded. I got an E (F) in Geometry and English…I know English…It was funny at conferences ‘Yea I was looking at the grades and I noticed Vannah got an E. I blame the computer though. I mean I have to tell her all the time to stop reading and writing’. I though it was funny, but My dad didn’t…Well see yallz later!!
- by ox_Ignorance_xo |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 05/23/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: If you were Gay pt. 7
- Artist: ox_Ignorance_xo
- Description: Part 7!!! w00t!!
- Date: 05/23/2009
- Tags: weresasunaruyaoinarutosasuke
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