- The only sound in the large and pitch black room was the soft clicking of keys being pressed on a computer. A man who was almost impossible to see in the room sat at a computer typing away staring intently at the small screen. Since the background was black and the letters white, it was very hard to be able to see any of his features clearly. You could tell he was stooped over, though the way he was seated he almost looked painfully arched. He finally stopped typing and sat back up straight, his spine popping in the process, to admire his work. The program he had been designing for years was finally finished. He tapped a button and the screen went black deleting any files that had previously been in his computer. He stood and stretched going around the dark room as if it were the middle of the day and took various possessions, mostly wires and mechanical pieces that looked more like junk than anything useful, and stuffed them into a large bag. After he finished he slung the bag over his back and walked towards the door leading out of the room. He was halfway through the door when he looked back into the room. He gazed at the tangled computer set at the corner of the room and all the junk and wires lining the floor and sighed almost sadly before shutting the door and never looking back.
- by AlliktheDevourer |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 05/25/2009 |
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- Title: Never Go Back
- Artist: AlliktheDevourer
I don't know... It was kinda based off an RP me and my friend had been writing with a character that had been a total computer junkie. Never leaving his home and always on the computer or on videogames twenty-four seven. Then suddenly he gets forcibly dragged out of his "happy" little world because of something he created. I'll let ya'll guess what that is.
p.s. Also I know it kinda sucks, I wasn't working on a novel here. - Date: 05/25/2009
- Tags: never back computer nerd black
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Comments (1 Comments)
- Inwolves - 05/31/2009
- "never turning back again" reminds me of never going back and whining about the past.
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