In the entrance halls of Haraku University nineteen year old, Clarabelle Katunia, was seeking help for her first day. Clarabelle is a very beautiful girl with violet red cheeks, silk black hair that went to her waist and hazel eyes that dazzle in the light.
After opening the office door Mrs. Hemana (the principle) said “Oh my, is that Ms. Clarabelle Katunia? I haven’t seen you since you were 9 years old!’’ Clarabelle smiled at Mrs. Hemana. She was a plump, grayed hair, hazel eyed woman. “Of course I remember you; you were a friend of my mothers.” She said half sad. Mrs. Hemana frowned “I heard what happened I’m so sorry.” Clarabelle shrugged and mumbled “I couldn’t help them any.”
Mrs. Hemana walked Clarabelle to where the dorms where. “Well, here is your dorm; there are three girls in there that are eager to meet you. You will get your own room. So have fun!” she said as she was walking away. Clarabelle quietly knocked on the door. A minute later the door was opened by a shoulder length red head hair, green eyes, and a thin smile.
“Hey, you must be Clarabelle? Mrs. Hemana said you were coming. Come on in.” she said opening the door wider so she can come in. Clarabelle entered silently. There were two other girls in the room. One had grayish eyes, brown hair, and apple blossom skin. The second one had the same look. “Let me introduce you. I’m Kelian, and this is Lin and Jill, as you may know already there twins.” The twins smiled and waved.
They all got ready; when they were done the bell rang. They all left in a hurry. Kelian stayed with Clarabelle to help her find her way.
The halls were very crowded with rushing people finding their classes. Clarabelle sighed ‘just like high school again’ she thought. Kelian grabbed Clarabelle’s wrist and pulled her to the art room. Her, the twins, and Kelian were sitting at the same table, then entering the room laughing and talking another pair of twins came in but they were boys. One had black hair, red eyes and the other had brown hair brown eyes. They sat down with the girls and started chatting. Clarabelle noticed that Kelian was fond of the Black haired one and him with her.
Then at exactly and 7:30 am the art teacher came in and closed the door. “Welcome class, and good morning. Today we will be using a model from the class to paint a Bea…” she paused and looked at Clarabelle. She smiled and said “And this must be Clarabelle Katunia, oh it is so wonderful to finally meet you!’’ Clarabelle’s cheeks grew redder than usual, she was about to be embarrassed and on her first day. All the eyes in the room piled on her. “Ms. Katunia is a famous figure of this school; her parents built this school knowing that their daughter, Clarabelle, would attend and run this school after she graduates. “She said excitedly.
At lunch Clarabelle decided to sit by herself but that only lasted a minute. Kelian, the two pairs of twins and another boy sat with her. Kelian smiled and said “I am so sorry I forgot to introduce you to the others. This is Korono, Koratu, and Zeek.” Clarabelle smiled and waved. Zeek was very funny looking; he had different color eyes, one blue one green and a crooked smile.
The next day, Koratu and Korono came to walk the girls to their classes. Since they all had the same class they walked all together. Clarabelle walked the slowest and no one knew why. In her head she was having a memory of something, there was six pledged officers, a little girl being held back by one, and two dead adults. Then suddenly she was snapped out by Kelian, who worriedly said “Are you ok, Clarabelle?” Clarabelle nodded and rushed to catch the others.
In the art room they sat at the same table again. This time Koratu sat by Clarabelle. Mrs. Dryng (the art teacher) was doing another modeling lesson, this time it was Clarabelle who was to be the model. She was taken to the back to get a costume. Mrs. Dryng pulled out a thin, silk, white kimono and excitingly “Oh my, this is your mothers. Go ahead and put it on.” Clarabelle clutched her fists and quietly said “I can’t put it on, I just can’t.” Mrs. Dryng sighed and threatened “If you want a grade you’re going to.” She quietly pulled it on and said “Make sure someone’s there to catch me if a fall.” Clarabelle then put on a short black wig and went on the modeling stand.
Clarabelle slowly stood up and looked straight. The memory began coming again and again. In the middle of the modeling she got dizzy and collapsed. Commotion started getting louder and louder until Mrs. Dryng hushed them down. She looked at Koratu and told him to get her to her dorm. He carried her out but didn’t take her to her dorm, he took he to the river bank. The river bank was the most beautiful river in all Japan; it sparkled in the sun light and was the perfect temperature.
He laid Clarabelle on the sand and watched the fish go in and out of the water. Finally Clarabelle woke up, and Koratu helped her up. She saw the beautiful river and smiled a little. She was very surprised by it until Koratu questioned her of what happened.
Clarabelle sighed and decided to tell him to get it off her chest. “Ten years ago my parents were killed. And forever I’ll never forget the day when they attacked by pledged officers. They thought my parents were terrists, but the truth was they weren’t, they protected people who were being hunted by terrists. Every day they would bring another hunted citizen, my brother, Rick, he released them when they were out finding more people. He said ‘I’m doing it to protect us’ so I never told anyone. One day Rick was gone and six pledged officers found us.” She sadly said holding back the tears.
She continued “That dark night when they found us, they held us back and was getting ready to kill us. The thing was it wasn’t all of us they wanted to kill they wanted to kill my parents not me, so they forced me to watch. Before they died they looked me straight in the eye and then a red eagle appeared and then it transferred to me it was the gift Rick was to get for being oldest. Suddenly one of the pledged officers got very mad and killed them both in one shot. They fell to the floor bleeding to their deaths. They let me go before they left. I ran to them my mother was still living though she smiled at me, a cold dead smile she said ‘never forget the gift it’ll protect you’ then I was forced to watch her fall into a forever sleep. After that I never cried again.”
Koratu put his head in his hands and mumbled “I thought that you were always happy because you had a wonderful life. I have one question what is the Gift?’’ Clarabelle smiled a bit and anxiously said “I can’t tell you Hemara family secret and anyone else who has the Gift.’’ She stood up and went to her book bag. She pulled out a two piece bathing suit. “Well I am going into the trees to get into this because I missed gym so I might as well go swimming.” She said as she was walking into the thick trees. As Clarabelle was dressing, Koratu got in his bathing suit. They hopped in the most perfect water.
After swimming all the way through the river they found a small wooden bridge, which to Koratu’s surprise Clarabelle seemed to know it. “This was where my parents met, got married and took me.” She quietly said with a happy smile. She slowly climbed the bridge like a mountain climber. Koratu just got out and walked on. Clarabelle breathed in the fresh air and looked at the setting sun above. “Wow it’s getting late, all that fun and we didn’t notice it.” She looked at Koratu “But it was worth it.”
Then suddenly the leaves of the peach trees began falling off, it became romantic. They both smiled and looked at each other. Clarabelle got this feeling in the stomach, but quickly pushed it away by looking the other way. ‘I can’t have this feeling, not again’ she thought. “We better go know.” She said as she jumped in the water.
The next night Clarabelle found Zeek, Korono, and Koratu playing soccer, so guess that joined. At the end of the game Clarabelle won. “H…h...How could you beat me I am the champ at soccer.” Zeek said in great shock. Clarabelle smiled “I just got lucky…7 times and you got lucky once.” She said teasingly. ‘She is to perfect with her strength,’ Korono thought slyly ‘I must have her join me and help me.’ Korono pretended to yawn “Well I need sleep see you guys tomorrow.”
Clarabelle slowly walked back to her dorm, but she gets stopped on the way. Her mouth was covered by a gloved hand and was pulled back into an empty area. She saw a man with a mask covering his entire face, dressed in all dark blue. Clarabelle could feel him smiling under the mask. He began to speak “I saw how strong you are today, what a wonderful gift I know, right? I wanted to ask you something, will you join me, help me?” Clarabelle noticed that his voice was covered when she said quite clearly “No.” He shrugged and ran towards her, he pounded her against the wall, choking her face to face he said “You will, no one ever says no and walks away, so what you say?” She smirked, looked deeply into his mask. Then suddenly her eyes opened wide. She knew who it was! She shook her head no again. He let her go knowing what was in her eyes.
The next morning, Clarabelle slowly walked to her bathroom. When she looked in the mirror she saw her neck was full of bruises. ‘Well now I have two things to worry about,’ she thought ‘I’ll have to wear a scarf.’ She put on a silk blue scarf. It was a Saturday so she put on her normal clothes, a blue knee long skirt, and a plain white shirt. She slyly walked out, but was caught by Kelian. “Where are you going?’’ she asked. Clarabelle thought of a quick excuse “Eh… for a walk.” She left as quickly as possible. A minute after she left, Mrs. Hemana, knocked on the wooden door. Kelian opened it quietly; Mrs. Hemana was holding a white wrapped gift. “Hello Kelian is Clarabelle here?” she asked.
Kelian answered “You just missed her; she said she was going for a walk.” Mrs. Hemana gave Kelian the gift and asked “Will you give this to her for me, oh and tell her I said ‘happy birthday’” She smiled and walked away. Kelian’s eyes widened. ‘So that’s why she wanted to leave so badly’ she thought ‘I am going to through her the best birthday ever even if she is too old or not’
When Clarabelle came back she had a surprised look on her face. All her friends were in her dorm wearing costumes. Clarabelle laughed at the sight of all her friends clumsy surprise jump. “And this is why I did not want you guys to find out” she giggled. The boys shrugged and took a drink of the soda. Kelian smiled and said “You thought this was the real party, it’s just the beginning look outside the window at the track yard.”
Clarabelle’s mouth and eyes widened at the sight of the whole university in costumes waiting for her. “Now that is why I did not let you guys know.” She corrected herself. Lin and Jill held up a dark blue kimono with a blue hair piece. Clarabelle’s eyes shined at the sight of the kimono. The twins yelled “SURPRISE! We made it ourselves.” She slowly received the blue knee high kimono.
When she walked out, everyone had gone to the party. She looked in the full body mirror. Its…it’s so beautiful, she happily thought, Mom if only you could see it.’ She put on the head piece and blue high heels. She quietly walked out of the dorm.
When she walked into the track field everyone applauded. Koratu walked to her in his black tuxedo. “Don’t you know that a tuxedo isn’t a costume?’’ Clarabelle giggled. Koratu shrugged and said “To me wearing this is well, pretty much a costume.” They both laughed at that one. Koratu dug though his pocket and pulled out a brown case. He opened it and Clarabelle’s eyes grew brighter.
It was the Moon Diamond; the Moon Diamond was very rare because they were diamonds that looked like the full moon. Clarabelle was very speechless for who gave her the gift. “It...It…oh, Koratu it’s beautiful and so, well, great!” she breathlessly said. Koratu smiled slightly, “Glad you like it.”
Later that night Clarabelle had the memory again. Before the worse part had started she quickly woke. The only noise was her heavy breathing, she was sweating even though the open window brought cold air, and the only light was the full moon. She decided to go for a walk to cool down.
In the hallway, she heard an argument from Koratu’s and Korono’s dorm. The door was an inch open, so she peeked in. “Why did you use the Gift, Korono? You promised me and Kelian you would not do it ever again! But on the janitor?” Koratu yelled at Korono. Korono answered, “Koratu he held a gun to my head!” Koratu shook his head in regret, “He is 74 and he was in the war! Next time you use it I’m going to have to arrest you as my duty as Pledged officer.”
Clarabelle was close to tears. She opened the door even more. Koratu was looking the other direction yelling at Korono. Then Korono was looking at Clarabelle, the Koratu. He saw that she was about to cry. “Uh, Clarabelle I…I didn’t know you were here,” He said in shock. “You lied to me, you said you didn’t know what the Gift was, but here you are yelling at your brother about it!” She yelled.
Before he could get any closer to her, she ran. She went to the art room to get her mother’s kimono. While she was looking through the box she found a voice disguiser mask, she took it. “Clarabelle! Where are you?” Koratu’s sad voice called out. Clarabelle knew she could exit through the door, so she quickly pulled open the heavy wooden window and jumped out.
She ran and ran until she reached the river shaking with hatred and sadness. She pulled on the kimono, tied her hair up, and put on the mask, she was now Kutasi. She was to help the people who suffer through their hidden pain. And teach them to stay strong. Then quickly Clarabelle heard someone running towards her… it was Koratu!
Koratu saw her in her disguise and didn’t recognize her. He pulled out his gun and shouted “Who are you and where is Clarabelle?!” Kutasi said nothing, but just stood. “I asked you a question, so ANSWER ME!” he screamed. Again she just stood there. Koratu came closer, but that was a mistake. Kutasi ran right past him, faster than she ever ran before
Before she got away he shot at her. Holding her arm she ran even faster. She got to her dorm took off the kimono, and rapped her arm in gauze. She decided to go to never tell anyone about the incident that just happened.
When Sunday morning came, Clarabelle went to the hospital to take out the bullet. Winter was on its way and it was freezing outside, she knew she had to wear winter clothes today. She put on a lace hooded jacket, a sleeveless turtle neck, black jeans, and white tennis shoes. She put the hood over her head so that she didn’t risk being seen by Koratu or Korono.
Getting the bullet removed wasn’t so hard because they numbed her arm and gave her laughing gas. She got back before people started asking where she had been. She replaced the lace hooded jacket and switched it for an everyday sweater. She never felt more disgraced in her life.
Later that day, the girls were hanging out by the tennis court. “Hey lets go to the new sushi restaurant, I heard it’s great!” Said Lin with great delight. All of them agreed they were a little bit hungry, so they decided to go. Clarabelle had an idea; she knew that the guy who attacked her after the soccer game was watching her, waiting for her to be alone. She looked at her clothes for under it was the kimono and the mask. “You can take the long way; I’ll take the short way through the ally.” She said.
When they were out of sight, Clarabelle took off the clothes that were covering the kimono. She felt a movement behind her, she grabbed the persons hand and through him against brick wall. It was the same man who had attacked her! “What do you want for me?” She yelled. The man groaned in pain and answered “I’m looking for Clarabelle, I thought she came through here…where did you take her!?”
She smirked, she had an idea again. “She went a different way, but I have a deal for you. Let me join you, and help you succeed.” She said. She felt a smile form on his face. Then he answered “Yes, you were strong, that’s what I need!” Clarabelle knew her dangerous job has just begun. She helped him back up and asked “What do I have to do?”
The next day, Clarabelle was on her guard. She passed Koratu’s door, but she did not know it was open. Next thing she knew, Koratu slid out of his dorm and ran towards Clarabelle. “Clarabelle! Stop, I have to speak to you!” he yelled. She stopped instantly so he wouldn’t cause problems. “What do you want? I don’t have the time for you.” She said madly. Koratu stood there motionless and asked “Why did you run off the other day?”
Clarabelle fists grew tighter she then yelled out where everyone could hear. “I ran off because you lied to me! I don’t even know why you ask!” Koratu stood still in shock, he never saw her upset before. For once in his life, he saw her cry. Clarabelle
- by -devil_angelic- |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 06/01/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: Everything you see
- Artist: -devil_angelic-
- Description: its a story i wrote....i like it....its not finished but its good......
- Date: 06/01/2009
- Tags: everything
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Comments (5 Comments)
- Prasha - 08/16/2009
- FINISH IT ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! plz i want.. no need to know what happens next!
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- -devil_angelic- - 06/18/2009
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- Prasha - 06/12/2009
- alright i am officialy in love with this story i am adding you as an idol and then i'm favortiing this story and i want to know when it's finished!!!! 5/5 make sure i want to cry. FINISH IT PLEASE!
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- -devil_angelic- - 06/08/2009
- wat does hmmm... means
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- stephen029 - 06/05/2009
- hmmm...
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