• Akira:The Darkness part 2

    Laying in my bed I tossed and turned.Thinking of all that screaming.All the blood a six year old doesn't suppose to see.The bandits,evil sneers,dark eyes.All made me want to scream as I held my head in my hands.I finally sat up and screamed,cried,cursed.
    "MOM!!DAD!!!BROTHER!!!STUPID BANDITS!!!STUPID KINGDOM!!!DANM YOU ALL!"I screamed over and over again.Two nurses had to hold me down to my bed.The prince came in and looked at me,he shook his head and mouthed the words "Calm down Akira".I wanted to cry but I didn't.Once he gave the signal the nurses no longer held me down and left.But the prince didn't.He sat down at the end of my bed.
    "I'm sorry for all the pain my family has caused you."His voice rough but yet it was gentle.It made me want to escape even more.I hated anyone who was nice to me.Anything.
    "You don't mean that."I sighed to myself,i looked at the ceiling and rubbed my forehead."No one ever means that."I added.
    "Well,I'm not a no one.I wasn't the one in charge.My father was.Since your village didn't pay taxes.My father fired bandits to kill everyone,but first look for the most beautiful girl.And yes,you were the beautiful one.I know your family didn't want to die.But they died to save you.The head guard,Lioe was the one who picked you up.Instead you fought with him.I know you have a scar in your heart because of your family dieing but,calm down."He said trying to make a point of "Your not going to leave". I could tell he was trying to say that.He didn't have to go and tell my life story,he doesn't even know it!
    "That's a insult to try to make my life story good.You weren't there.You didn't see countless lives die.You didn't see your parents slaughtered like animals!You didn't hear my little brother's cries as the house burned down and crumbled on top of his tiny body!!Did you ever think one second to shut your royal mouth?"Anger was building up in my chest.I wanted to scream and rip his head off.No one knows my pain in this kingdom!No one!I
    He sighed.And left me there closing the huge doors to my room.I jumped out of the bed in my night gown and looked out the window."I wish I died."I growled to myself.

    ~The Next Day~
    I cleaned the floors in the long hall.This will take forever,my hands hurt.I kept scrubbing the floors,then purposely The Prince and his new rich bed witch walked past.Knocking over the bucket of water I was using.I groaned and picked it up.I had to walk to the east wing.To the kitchen to get more water and a mop.The washing boy was washing dishes.
    "Nier,can you fill this up with water?"I asked him.He was cute,even for a washing boy.Black hair,green eyes like fresh grass.And a smile that would make me sick because it was so nice.
    "Yeah Akira.I can do that."He smiled.I shuddered."Sorry.I forgot you hate anything nice."He added.I'm not heartless,I just hate nice people.To me they are just bad people who sweet talk you and end up knocking you up and leaving you with a kid.Or some dept.Or worst.He filled the bucket and handed it to me.I grabbed it quickly and turned on my heels out the kitchen.More work.I groaned as I walked to the hall again.

    ~20 minutes later at the gates~
    "I need to buy bread for the slaves."I lied to the guards.Two heavy set men stood in my way.
    "No,you don't.The prince told us never to let you out."The responded.A vein pulsed in my neck.This was going to be harder to get out then I expected.
    "The Prince lied."I retorted.The guards faces went pale.Saying royal people lied was a very bad insult.
    "Now see here missy.The Prince never lies.Now go back to his bed like a good little girl."The last 10 words made me go insane.I jumped on the guard,smacking him with my little purse full of silver and gold.
    "Now mister,I am NOT his bed witch.You b*****d.I do NOT take orders from you.Or The Prince.Tell me to go to his bed ONE more time and see what happens!"I snarled and hissed,ready to break his neck.
    "Go to his bed."The man laughed.That's it!I grabbed his neck and snapped it.The other guard yelled and 4 men carried me away.
    "MURDER!!"The guard yelled.I laughed.Wait what did i just do?!!
    "NO!!! I DIDN'T MEAN IT!!"I said trying to break free of the tight grip as i was being dragged again.Am I going crazy?We passed the Prince.They threw me into his room.I was sitting there rocking back and forth on the ground in front of him.He knelt and signaled the guards to close the doors.I looked into the doors for the last time that day.

    ~To Be Continued~