• It was all a blur. The bright light blinded my eyes. I couldn't see what was happening. But I could feel it. I felt like it was the end of the world. Thoughts rushed to my brain. My family, my friends, what was happening. Then I woke up in a different place. But one thing was very wrong........I was alone.


    I felt myself fall. I jumped up and screamed. I couldn't hear myself think. I waved my fist and I could feel something burning. Fire burned my hands. I screamed in pain. I didn't know how I was burning. But I saw fire come out of my hands. I was so frightened, I crawed to a tree. I was so scared, I was with my friends. My friends where were they I couldn't see anything. I started walking. It felt like hours with the sun beating down on me. I could see something in the distance. It was water. and a person. I rushed over. I could see the limp person laying dead on the ground. But suddenly the person woke up. It was Aries, one of the friends I had lost.
    "What, who are you?"
    "I'm Sage your friend."
    We sat a looked to the sky a wished we could go home and very soon
