Adriana’s head snapped up as the new student waited in the classroom. The moment he stepped foot in the room she could sense his aurora of power. It clung to him like water to rose pedals. She felt it brush her skin as he glided to the teacher’s desk at the back or the room. It was cool against her skin and it left her tingling. She listened carefully as he spoke to the teacher in a soft, irresistible voice.
“What is your name, young man?”
“Alexander Kristopher.” He murmured, passing his schedule to her. My senses were stretched so thin I heard the whisper of paper as it traded hands.
“Thank you, Alexander. Do you go by Alexander? Or Alex, perhaps?” If I didn’t know better I’d say my teacher’s voice sounded on the edge of flirting.
“Alexander, please.” I could hear slight irritation in his perfect voice, or, at least, I thought I could. With that last murmured request he made his way to his seat. It was then I gained my opportunity to look him over.
He was gorgeous of course. He had midnight hair, which fell into his eyes and brushed his broad shoulders. As I watched he ran a hand through the silky strands. His skin was pale as moonlight, a standout against the black cloths he wore. He glanced at me just then and I saw that his eyes were a deep blue, almost black. I ducked my head, letting my violet-tinted hair form a shield against his probing eyes. Unbidden I felt the pressure of someone’s mind on my own; a second later his thought’s entered my own.
“What is so different about you? I can sense your power. Who are you?” I threw up my mental shields.
“What the hell are doing in my head?!”
“I sensed you watching me and I was curious. I’ll leave if you really want me to.” I sighed, mentally. “That’s what I thought.” The arrogance was clear in his voice as he spoke.
“Are you human?” he questioned.
“Yes.” I replied curtly, “and you?” He chuckled.
“No. I haven’t been in a few hundred years.”
“If you aren’t human, what are you?”
“A vampire.”
One of my random inspirations that never went anywhere. Tell me what you guys think!!!
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