Day 1 Welcome to the Axiom
"Remember Audy-o don't let anyone or anything distract you from your given directive." "Yes sir." That's the last thing he said to me before he went back to that toxic waste dump.
Now I'm in the repair ward. No I'm not disfective or anything. I guess there just checking to see if everythings fine. Then I'll be sent to the Captain and Auto Pilot. To get instructions. Probably on where I'll be staying, performing, ect... you know stuff like that.
You're probably wondering how I got into this ship. Since it took off 300 years ago. Well my creator Cea Smith had wanted to stay on earth. I told him that if he did he would eventually die. Well I was wrong. He got into a vat of sludge. And is now 347 years old. The only thing that he lost for his imortality is the ability to produce offspring. Which he says he doesn't mind. But I know his greatest wish is to have a child or two.
He built a rocket and sent me here. Cause he said I would be of better services here. Of course he came with me. But went back to earth.
You may be wondering who I am. I am Audy-o. My name stands for nothing that I know of. I'm 5'10. I weigh about 64 pounds. I have short black hair. Red eyes. And I wear and mostly black suit. The top is sort of a mini dress. And the bottoms are just loose pants. They are both made of silk. And I have white headphones on for visual effect. But they work!
I finnaly done with my 'check up'. I guess I should go see the Captain and Auto Pilot. When I walked out I surprised to see alot of the bots' were androids like me. So let's put my vocabulary to use. "Hi. I'm Audy-o do you know where I may find the Captain and Auto Pilot?" I asked one android. "I'm M-O. And yes follow me." And with that he started to walk in a different direction. "So what do you do here?" I asked. "I clean" "Ah yes I see. So what do you do in your spare time?" "I clean" "I see. So your directive must be cleaning." "Yes." "Wanna be friends?" "Friends?" "Yeah umm it's people who like each others company" "Ok M-O is now Audy-o's friend" I smiled. He may be a cleaning bot. But I can break his habit er uh directive
Day 1 Welcome to the Axiom
I Was Born Like This
This is my fanfic from Deviant Art.
It wasn't getting any views there so I though I would upload it here too.
Sorry it's kinda short.
Wall-e or any of it's character do not belong to me.
Umm so yeah every one in my fanfic is in humanoid form.
I love constructive critisism!
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Young 16 yr old jason marks...
chapters 1-2
kind of short,...
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