“Wow!” Haven grabbed my other newly marked hand, “You control two elements! Is this even possible?”
I snatched my hand away; Mimiki said, “I have never seen any chosen one with two elements.”
Sami, Toby, Tahlia, and I stared at Mimiki, “Um, how many chosen ones have you seen?” Toby asked, finally talking again.
Mimiki, Harris, and Haven all began laughing. The rest of us were puzzled, at least I was. What was so funny about what Toby said?
“I guess you forgot to tell them,” Harris chuckled.
Haven giggled, “Yup.”
“What the heck are you people frickin talking about?” Tahlia half growled, probably annoyed.
Haven and her parents stopped laughing and sighed, “I’m very old,” Mimiki said, “about five hundred years old, to be exact.”
This calls for a ‘say what?’, Mimiki is how old?! Five hundred frickin years old! Who the heck lives that long?
“Wah! Who lives that long?!” Sami cried.
Mimiki smiled, “Elves can live up to at least six hundred years, and I look pretty young for my age.” She winked.
“Sure! I thought you were only like in your thirties!” Toby blurted out.
I turned to Haven, “Now, how old are you?” I mean, if Mimiki was five hundred years old, I wonder how old Haven is.
Haven laughed, “I’m only twelve; I’m only half elf, and people that are half elf and half human have a human life span; I just get the cool powers. Like this,” She looked at a jar on one of the tables, and it levitated in the air. She blinked, and the jar dropped back on the table, “See?” she grinned, “I also look human, so I can hide myself in human crowds.”
I looked at Mimiki, “Why can’t she? She looks like a human.”
“Sure she does, when she wants to,” Haven said.
I was puzzled, “Huh?”
Mimiki had cut in, “Elves can veil themselves for a little while and make themselves look like anything they want, from human to animal to even items like a jar or a tree. But only a short while, a day at the most.”
“Now what do we do?” Tahlia leaned against the wall, “Do we go after Marlo? If she isn’t a chosen one, there’s nothing to protect her out in the woods. Who knows what could happen to her.” Tahlia sighed, “Should we? Ever since a few days ago, I really don’t know what to do anymore.”
It grew silent, everyone looked around. Tahlia has a point. Where is Marlo, anyway? She is defenseless, and people say that these woods are very dangerous. She could hurt, or worse. No one was talking, Toby was shaking his hair, Sami was looking at her Converse sneakers, Tahlia had her hands in her jean pockets, and I was playing with my mop of a head of black hair. Haven looked at her parents.
Mimiki sighed, “I guess that would be wise. I bet that Marlo girl is trying to find her way back home anyway. But, we should pack supplies just in case.”
Everyone groaned, even Sami. Marlo has been rude the entire time, and we kind of just got here. None of us wanted to leave.
“Come on,” Haven smiled, “you guys can control the elements; we’ll be fine, especially if we pack a few of Dad’s charms.”
Toby gave a grin, “I guess we do need to find Marlo, she’s our best friend. Plus, she could be hurt.” Everyone murmured in agreement. I sighed.
Mimiki cleared her throat, “Let’s start packing, now come on everyone.” Everyone but Harris followed Mimiki upstairs to pack. I really hope that Marlo was ok, and that we can find her.
Toby and I packed together, we hadn’t really talked much in the past couple days.
“I really hope Marlo is ok,” Toby said, and I nodded.
“Haven’t you notice that she’s been kind of distant from everyone, or really rude?” I asked.
Toby nodded, “Yeah, especially toward Haven. I was surprised how cruel she was to Sami. She probably has super PMS.”
I gasped, “Toby!” I smacked him, “So not cool!”
“What?” He said; then looked at my ‘evil’ glare, “Oh, saying PMS in front of a girl is a bad thing, right?” I nodded. Then, our packing was done. Mimiki charmed my messenger bag to be bottomless for eternity; that was cool magic. So all we had to do was throw our stuff in my bag, and Mimiki even said it wouldn’t feel like it weighed that much. She was right; this was defiantly my favorite bag. It was black, pink, and purple, had a cute skull, and could hold anything. It was perfect.
“Ready?” Toby asked, leaning against the doorway. I nodded and followed him out of the room. I was relieved, Toby was being Toby again, and that made me happy. Mimiki and the rest of them were ready too, and Harris threw in a few extra charms in all of the bags, for emergency. Harris was cool too, he was human, but it fit right into the whole ‘magic’ scene. That leaves only one question, are we human? Sami, Toby, Tahlia, and me, were we human still even though we had these powers? Oh well, I shouldn’t really care.
Toby grabbed my arm, “Shay, come on, they’re leaving.” Toby pulled me out of the house, “Hurry up. Are you sick again?”
I smiled, “I’m fine, I was just thinking. Now let me go.” Toby let go and I ran past him, “Race ya!” I cried. Toby began running after me. We use to do this a lot when we were kids; I thought this would lighten the mood a bit.
“You suck!” Toby cried, “You know I suck at running.” I stopped and laughed.
I shrugged, “Our lives have totally changed. We went from little kids playing in a sandbox to middle schoolers with powers.”
Toby nodded, “Yeah. A lot of things have changed. But hey, at least we’re still the same people.” I was confused. “We didn’t change who we are. Just because we got powers, we didn’t let it go to our heads, and we didn’t turn mean like Marlo.”
“Oh, yeah,” I got it. I shoved my hands in my pockets. I then stuck my hand up, and water shot out, I made it twirl around in rings. “This is so cool.” I muttered, then I shot the water in my mouth, I was thirsty.
Toby looked at me, then shot his hand up, he opened his mouth.
“Don’t you even try that!” I grabbed his hand, “Are you stupid? You’ll burn your fricken tongue off!” I held his arm; then used my other hand to shoot his face with water.
“You always spray me,” Toby said. He shook his head like a dog, “Sheesh.”
I rolled my eyes, “Would you rather be wet or missing your tongue?”
Toby sighed, “You got a point, speaking of points, where the heck is everyone?”
I looked up; then realized- where was everyone? There was no one in front of us. I didn’t see Tahlia, Haven, Mimiki, or Sami in front of us. This was an ‘ah crap!’ moment.
“Ah crap!” Toby and I said together.
Toby began running his hands through his hair, “Man, this is so not good! We’re lost! In these woods! That’s like walking into hell!”
“Toby!” I took his shoulders and began to shake them, “Calm down! We’ll be fine! Don’t cha remember? We have powers and charms!”
Toby breathed heavily; then sat on a tree stump. He slumped down.
“I guess you’re right, Shay.” He said, then put on a smile, “We can survive this. And hey, the charms might have some instructions to them.”
I nodded and sat down. I pulled out two charms from my bag, and handed one to Toby. Then, the one in my hand floated up in the air, and a tiny person, like the size of Tinker Bell, popped out. It was purple all over, its body was light purple, its hair that went to its ankles was dark purple, and the dress it was wearing was purple too. Big dragon like wings were stuck to the little person’s back.
“Hello,” the winged tiny person said in a normal voice, “My name is Primrose. And yeah, I’m fricken fairy the size of Tinker Bell. But, I’m also your guardian fairy. I’m here to protect the chosen ones.” She fluttered up to my nose, “Nice to meet ya, Shay and Toby.”
Toby and I blinked quickly, “Holy crap,” we both said together. A fairy! A real life fairy! And she had a normal voice, not one of those high pitch voices that fairies normally have.
“Are you always that small?” Toby asked. Primrose blinked, then laughed.
She sighed, “Nope. Fairies are totally different from how they’re portrayed in the media. We can only stay this small for a little while. But, I was sent to that charm in fairy form so ya’ll could meet me. But, ain’t there five of ya?”
I sighed, “We got lost from the others. But, there’s only four of us,” I showed Primrose my two marks, “I control water and earth.”
Primrose’s eyes widen, “Oh my God! This has never happened before.” Then, she gasped, then flew away to behind a tree. There was an explosion noise; and a bigger version of Primrose appeared. Instead, she had olive skin tone, black hair that looked purplish, and was wearing a purple t-shirt, jeans, and grey Converse sneakers.
She was about only three inches shorter than me, and I was 5’5. Primrose looked just like a normal girl.
- by hq_bowler_chick_14 |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 07/22/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: A Secret Evil- Chapter Nine
- Artist: hq_bowler_chick_14
- Description: chapter nine is here. all i can say is another character is introduced
- Date: 07/22/2009
- Tags: secret evil magic
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Comments (1 Comments)
- MarukawaBubbleGum - 08/02/2009
- haha. now i hafta wait for the next chp >_< darn!
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