Chapter 1. Jack Storms.
Cheyenne was a small city. It seemed to be busy just like any other city. Not much happened here it was obvious to Tanner Velfet even though he had never been out side the small village he lived in. And yet people Drove like there was. They soon pulled away from the down town area and in to a more lifeless side of town. His mother drove then past a YMCA and a old looking gas station. A few minuets later they were driving in a neighborhood.
They pulled up in front of a large light blue house. Tanner looked up. On the roof sat two unusual girls. One was Tall thin and muscular. Here hair was long and had red and black streaks in it. She wore a gray Tank top that had a red on both side that ran horizontally and a pear of shorts that matched. The second girl was smaller and athletic looking. Her hair was Shorter and had blue and black streaks in it. She wore the same tank top only with blue. Tanner thought they were sisters. They sat there watching each other. After several minuets past Tanner’s mother sent him out. “Just ask to see Jack Storms Tanner.” She told him. Tanner sighed and looked up at the two girls. “Oi! You boy! What’d you want?” Called the girls in red. “Is Jack Storms home?” he asked watching them warily with is Dark green eyes. “Of cores He is?” The other girl answered as she stared him down with her cold Green eyes. “Thank you ladies” He Called. “He’s in the kitchen.” the blue girl add.
Tanner nodded and went inside.
Cloudya looked a Sam. “You want to Go see what he wants?” Sam asked, a mischievous look in her eyes. “Of core lets go “see” what he wants.” Cloudya snickered as she stood. They raced to the edge of the house. “psychos’ first.” Cloudy said. Sam grinned and claimed down the ladder. Cloudy fallowed. The paint was rusty and was pilling off. IT left a white powdery residue on Cloudya’s hands.
Sam waited for here at the bottom. “Come on.” she hiss rocking back and forth. Cloudya jumped the last few feet.
******* ******* ******* ******* *******
Jack Storms type quickly on his lap top. Every few minuets he’d stop and ruffle his hair in frustration. The dhow was sending out false readings again. He sighed. It looked like he would have to have Cloudya fix it agene. If they were going to chase at all this season they would need it. Just as he was about call for Cloudya there came a knock at the door way of the kitchen. He looked up. “May I Help you son?” He asked Standing and closing the lap top. Tanner nodded. “Yes sir. I was wondering is, Jack Storms home?” Tanner asked. Jack laughed. “I am Jack. So watcha want kid?” Tanner grimaced. “my mother needs to talk to you.” Tanner pointed out the window of the kitchen were the car sat in plane view. “Judging by the accent your not from around here. By the way what’s your mothers name?” Tanner smiled “Her name Is Bonny Velfet.” Jack stiffened then smiled. “Well go get her then.” Jack argued. Tanner nodded and left quickly.
********* ********* ********* ********
Two hours Later
The sky had grown dark with clouds. Tanner had never seen weather like this. Lightning flash and lit the play ground. Sam sat high up on a set off monkey bars. “ The storms getting worse.” She called to Cloudya who stood on one of the pole supporting the monkey bars. “Vortex just issued a Tornado warning for us.” Cloudya resounded over her shoulder. Tanner sat up and stared at cloudya. “What’s a Tornado?” he asked. Sam began to laugh evilly. “You really are English aren’t you!” She giggled and laid back on the bars. Cloudya looked down at him with her dark green penetrating eyes. “You’ve never herd of a Tornado before?” She asked watching him with an air of curiosity. “Nope.” he answered shaken his head. “You’re useless then brit.” Sam scoffed as she stared up at the dark and menacing sky. Tanner flushed red with anger. “Now lessen you bloody Yank!” He glared at Sam. He hated her she was so… Irritating.
“Stop it! The both of you. Your arguing like a…” Cloudy stopped and looked straight at the school. She waited and lessoned. Was it possible? She herd a strange noise. Cloudya felt a tug at her mind as if some one was calling out to her. She felt a chill run down her spine. Sam sat up at too. “Cloud?” She said nervously. “What’s wrong Cloud.” Tanner stopped glaring at Sam and looked up at Cloudya. Cloudy had become rigged as if some one had just called her a name. For several seconded she stood there not moving, not even breathing. The without warning the winds kicked up.
Cloudya turned finally looking at Sam. Sam saw the fear in Cloud’s eyes. Cloudya mouthed one word. “Tornado”. Sam stiffened. “Cloudya! What’s happening?!” Tanner shouted. Tanner’s voice snapped Cloudya out of her trance. “Sam it’s here! And it’s a monster too.” Cloudya shouted over the howling winds. Tanner felt fear grip his sole in it’s cold grasp. “What do we do?!!” He cried jumping to his feet. Sam nodded “Do we make run for it Cloud?”
Cloudy shook her head and climbed down from her post. “It’s to late to run We’ll have to find shelter here.” Cloud searched the play ground. “There! We can go under there.” She said pointing under a red play ground set. Tanner nodded and ran for it. Sam did the same and cloudya trialed behind. The three lay flat on the ground gripping the melt post in a death grip. Suddenly the wind died down. A deathly calm fell over the world. “ Is that it?” Tanner asked looking at Cloudya. She never got the chance to answer. There soon came A ripping sound and then… the wind was back. But this time it was worse. The school before them began to shake and pole apart. A large and Monster us figure swallowed the building whole.
The black vortex ripped at the three teens. The wind screamed in their ears. A unbearable presser pressed down on them as the monster roared over them distorting everything in it’s path. Tanner began to see lights popping in front of his eyes.
The air around tanner grow cold like ice. Tanner fought the erg to let go of his life line. Ice began to build up on his hands and face now. Am I going nuts now? He asked him self. The erg to let go came even strong now. Tanner wanted to let go now but he couldn’t. His whole body was made of ice. He couldn’t let go! Tanner looked around for the girls. He let out a scream but it was lost in the howling wind.
Sam felt the Air around her heat up. She watched in amazement as her skin began to catch fire. She was shore it would burn but it didn’t. She felt harm. Then she herded it. A scream. She looked at Tanner. He was covered in ice and was screaming at her. That’s when she realized she was covered in fire.
Cloudya stared at Tanner and Sam. What’s happening? She thought. She looked at her own hands she had become watery. She was Made of water! She began to laugh. It was such a strange sensation.. It tickled.
Just as it seemed to get worse the Tornado diapered. Cloudya look around. They were buried under the debry of what use to be the school. There was no way they could get out. Sam sat a few feet away on fire and glaring at Tanner. Tanner sat with his back agents a post and glaring back “Bloody Yank.” he mumbled. “I told you to stop calling me that you stupid brit!” She snapped angrily. Every time Sam became angry her fire would grow burn even hotter. “Clam down you two. You bickering isn’t going to help.” Cloudya snapped. Sam took a deep breath. “your right Cloud I’m sorry.” Tanner looked around. “ We’re trapped.” He wined looking at Cloudya fearfully. “Don’t wary about it Tanner We’ll find a way out of this mess. I’m shear of it.” CLoudya rashered him.
Cloudya observed there prison and spotted a beam of light.
******** ******** ******** ******** *******
Jack run from the basement. He felt the Fear of losing the last thing he truly love grip him. The Tornado had left a trail of destruction just beyond his house. His home lay untouched by the storm but the same could not be said for the other people who live here. He fallowed the trail up to what had once been elementary school. His daughter and Sam along with Tanner Velfet had walked down here to play around till lunch.
When Jack Storms got to the Playgrounds rowans he stopped and stared in horror. There were no sighs of life anywhere. Then he saw it. It was the blue shredded remains of Claudya’s favorite blue hoody. It waved in the wind wet and dirty form the rain and flying dirt. Jack took a few steps back. How could this Have happed? He asked him self. Jack stood for a few seconds in shock. He refused to give up on Cloudya He wouldn’t condemn her to such a fate like he had with his wife. No he had to believe that Cloudya, Sam, and Tanner were alive and well in the safety of a hidden please. He knew what to do but it would heart his pride. Jack took his cell phone from his back pocket. He dialed 911.
********* ********* ********* *********
Cloudya frond at the mess around her and her friends. “This might be harder then I thought Sam. If you blast a hole through there it just caliphs down over us agene.” Sam glared at the wall of destruction. “lets just try it Cloud. You never know your idea might work.”
“True but what if it makes things worse.”
“Cloudy we’ve been it worse then this remember Greensburg?”
“Don’t bring that up that was a accident.”
“So what you saved ower asses and more”
“Damn it Sam I hate it when you pole that.”
“I know that’s why you’re my friend.”
Tanner stared at the two girls. “You’re both bloody nuts!” He cried form his sitting spot. Sam turned to Tanner. “Lessen you. Cloudya has been chasing tornados for 14 years she knows what she’s doing.” Tanner whimpered and looked away form Sam. “Don’t scare him he didn’t mean it. Sam he just scared.” Cloudya snapped eyeing Tanner with concern. Sam rolled her eyes. ”Can we please get to the blowing things up part!”
Cloudya held her breath. ”Yah lets get this over with. Fire away Sam.” Sam grind devilishly and Throw a ball of fire at the wall. For a second nothing happened but then slowly a hole began to melt open. The hole grow bigger and bigger letting in fresh air and a small amount of light. Cloudy let out a sigh of relief. Her idea had worked. Her idea had really worked! Sam laughed triumphantly. “now that’s what I call fire power!” Tanner stood up and walked to Cloudya. “May I ask you something Cloudya?” Cloudya looked Tanner up and down. “Not until we’re out of here. You need some air.” Tanner nodded in agreement. “That I do yank that I Do.”
Sam was the first to climb out of the wreckage. She looked around. Nothing looked familiar. “Uh cloudy you better see this!” she shouted with surprise. Cloudya climbed out and stared in shock. “It destroyed this half of the neighbor hood. Look our side looks as if it never happened. What the hell!” Cloudya cried angrily. For a moment Cloudya had Sam scared. “This is one hell of a bloody mess Yanks.” Tanner Sighed as he crawled out behind them. Cloudya nodded sadly. ”You’re telling me dude. This wont end well the news station will be here anytime now.” Sam ground unhappily. “God I hate those nosy bastards.” Tanner watched Sam for a minuet. “Sam! You’re on fire.” Tanner cried in surprise. Sam glared at Tanner. “Now’s not the time for you’re stupid complements…” Sam looked down at her self. ”Oh yah I forgot about that.” She finished sheepishly.
Cloudya’s eye’s widened. “Kill the flames Sam my das over there in the street!” She hissed at Sam. Sam turned Pell and quickly put her flames out. “Let’s go guys but be careful. We don’t what stable and what could cave under foot.” Cloudya said softly. “oh and not a word about what happened to us got it.”
Tanner placed his left foot on a board and put his weight on it. The board gave a loud grown and Cracked. Tanner yelped as it gave way under his foot. As he fell forward He felt a hand Grab the back of his shirt. Tanner found him self choking as he looked down in to a dark hole. “I thought I told you to watch it.” Came Cloudya voice from behind him. She polled him back and let him go. Tanner gasped for air then smiled. “Thanks you bloody yank… I owe you one.” Cloudya scowled. “You mean two.” She corrected. “I saved your as from that tornado remember?” Tanner nodded. “Yah I remember.”
Sam stood at the egh of the wreck. “Hurry up you two! We aint got all day!” She shouted waving her arms. Sarrina grabbed Tanner by the rist and guided him across the deadly maze of bricks and what not. Sam glared at them when they got to her. “Took you long enfgh!” She shouted exasperated. Sarrina glowered at her friend. “You didn’t have to save the Brit!” She snapped back. “Oh stop it you to!” tanner shouted over the two girls. For a moment he thought the were going to kill him. But then Jack spotted them.
Jack gave a cry of joy and Ran to the tree teens. “I thought you were dead or something.” He cried rapping his arms around Cloudya and sobbing loudly. Cloudya hugged her dad smiling. “It’s ok da. We’re fine even me. Pluses you should know It’s not that essay to get rid of me.” She laughed softly. Jack held her at arms length away. “I thought I lost you like I lost your mother.” He cried tears running down his face. Tanner stepped forward. “Miss Cloudya was brilliant. She save owe lives.” He declared elbowing Sam. Sam glared at him for a moment then caught on. “oh yes She a smart friend.” She said. Jack looked from Sam then to Tanner then finally to Cloudya. “Is this true Clouds?” He asked looking Cloudya in the eyes. For a moment Cloudya was silent. “Yes Da it’s true.” She finally admitted sighing. Sam Scowled. “Hey look it’s the nosey bastards!” She said putting her hands on her hips and glaring a large van.
Jack looked over his shoulder at the Van. “Ah yes I believe it’s time for us to take ower leave.” She stated letting go of Cloud and waving for them to fallow him. Tanner raced after him. Cloudya Looked at Sam. “Lets go.” She said. Sam walked next to her. “Hey cloud I’m in the mood for some icy chillness You think your dad will let us go get some?” She asked………
- by ArashiTsuyoi81 |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 07/24/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: Shift! the golden city
- Artist: ArashiTsuyoi81
chapter 1
Jack Storms - Date: 07/24/2009
- Tags: shift golden city
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