After a night of making out under the stars, Devon brought me home.
"Thanks for um..." I started, "tonight."
He smiled. "Anytime."
"So does that mean that we're going to do this again?"
"Unless you don't want to."
"I do," I said almost to quickly.
He laughed a little, "Then how about tomorrow?"
"That sounds great."
He smiled and rode off into the night. I watched for as long as I could before the darkness swallowed his form. I sighed contentedly. Tonight, I had tasted something close to peace. Bliss. That lasted about thirty seconds after he left. I felt distress and anger coming from behind me. I turned around, and the porch light came on.
"Would you like to explain to us as to where the h*ll you were?!" my foster dad shouted.
"I was with a friend," I said honestly. It wasn't lying. They had just never assumed I could have a boyfriend.
"Who?" my "dad" demanded. "Was it that Goth chick? I don't trust her...."
"It wasn't her, Jerry," I said evenly. I never called my "parents" mom and dad. It was because I knew that they weren't my parents. They were only keeping me until I turned eighteen and became a legal adult.
Jerry sighed and looked to Tayna for advice. She walked up to her husband and put a hand on his shoulder. "I think you should go on to your room," she said diplomatically.
I shrugged and headed upstairs to my bedroom. My sanctuary. Once my bookbag was set down and the door was closed, I went to the computer. I started up the internet browser so I could check my email. While, waiting, my fingers touched my lips. They were still tingling. I smiled, thinking about how he had kissed me.
When the I opened up my email, there was one from my closest friend from the Goth table, Tabby.
Holy buckets, girl! What happened today?! I want full details on what went down when you rode off campus on that stud. And I don't mean the bike. ^_^ Wait. Better yet, tell all at the dining table.
See ya, Haven.
I rolled my eyes and shut down the computer without even bothering to reply. I stood and lazily fell back on my bed. Within a few moments, I was fast asleep, dreaming about what was to come between Devon and I.
Chapter 4: Good Dreams
Lee Olivander
So sorry about being late. Busy, busy me. This is the fourth chapter of Dance of the Dead. Again, if you would like a quick and easy way to catch up, visit my profile to find Chapter 1-4 up and running.
As always,
Filia of Umbra (Daughter of Shadows)
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