• The room was still lit, but General Maximum wasn't in the meeting room. "Maybe we should go... I don't know Piccolo, should we really tell him?"
    Piccolo was about to say something, but Maximum interupted him. "Tell me what?" He asked with a sinister grin. I was about to tell him, but again he interupted. "I know you're pregnant." He snarled. What was that look on his face? Surely it wasn't... pain? Regret? Sadness? Before I could ponder any further, Maximum struck out at Piccolo, making him smash into the wall. "Piccolo!" I gasped. Piccolo only gave me a weak grin and slowly got up and limped into the hallway. I looked back in Maximum's direction, but he was gone.
    "Are you sure you'll come back for me?" I asked as Piccolo got into the Army jeep he had stolen and hidden. (And for somebody to hide something in a crowded Army base was amazing) "I promise, Taki. Don't ever think for a minute I won't come back." He handed me a tracking chip. "Swallow this. You won't be able to digest this, thank goodness. It's so that when I get back I can find you, okay?" Piccolo kissed me on the cheek and waved good bye. Silently, he left. I swallowed the chip and hoped he would hurry back. "Hello? Who's out there?" A guard, Kip Anderson, asked as he rounded the corner. "It's just me Kip." "Oh. Where's Piccolo?" I put my hand on my stomach and said, "I suppose he's sleeping. I couldn't sleep, so i was looking at the sky." I fake yawned. "Well, I suppose I'll be going back to sleep now."