When I was finally done crying Alekzander started leading me to a nearby bench. Then all he did was let me lie my head down on his shoulder and we didn't say anything at all. I slowly closed my eyes and began to relax. It feel pretty akward to lie on his shoulder like this but in a way it was comfortable. I felt save here with him, I just felt so warm and knew that everything was going to be all right.
"Hey, wake up!" he shouted out of nowhere which caused me to jump up a little.
"Huh? what?" I asked sleeply.
"Where you asleep?" he asked annoyingly, "You wouldn't answer my questions."
"No I wasn't, I was thinking about something." I said irritated, I didn't want to admit that I was sleeping.
"Whatever, but hey what happened before? I mean when you ran into me. What were you running from, or who?" he asked seriously
Oh man I really don't want to talk about that with him. He'll probably think I'm crazy! And how can i blame him? it does sound crazy!"Um well..." Ughhh! What should I say?! "well um I don't know how to.."
"Just spit it out already!" he ordered
"I just...I just can't!" I cried out and began to sob again "It's just...you just.....you just....wouldn't...understand." I said angrily.
"Hey! Hey! look I'm sorry I didn't mean to be mean and make you cry it's just..." he paused for a second and sighed "It's just you made me worry back there...I mean you looked so afraid and fragile that I got angry.You make me worry about you ya know that?"
I just couldn't help but stare at him confused. I mean I make him worry I didn't know i did that to him. I didn't always mean to and I didn't know I meant something to him. But I'm glad i do at least he does notice me and at least he cares about me a little.
"I mean don't get me wrong you are a annoying little brat for making me help you a couple times. I mean its so annoying having to wonder if your okay or not. It's just your pretty reckless you know that. you do things without thinking."
'Hey! Wha-what is that suppose to mean?!"
"What do you mean?! You fell off that five story staircase remember?!" he asked angrily
"What?! I didn't do it on purpose or anything! I fell because of those two little brats who were PLAYING on the staircase and they bumped into me and made ME fell! So I didn't do anything wrong.
"But you didn't see that they were there! You should pay more attention on your surrounding than worry about other things like boys, hair, and clothes!"
"What?! Well excuse me for being a normal teenage girl! Yeah everything is my fault! yeah don't worry about it I was only pushed to my doom by little kids yea its my fault okay!"
"Exactly. So you see my point!"
"Ughhhh! your just...your just so impossible!" I huffed out at him. Then out of no where he starts to laugh.
"What is so funny?!" I asked frustrated. I mean I don't see anything that can be possibly funny...
"Well?! What is it?" and he ignores me and continues on laughing out loud. What the heck is wrong with this guy? what a freak!
"Hah ha it's just that ha h..you are a easily distracted person aren't you?"
"Hu-huh? Wha? What do you mean?" I asked confused
'Well I cheered you up didn't I?" he said confidently
"Wow I guess...I guess you did. Was that your intentions all along?" I asked curiously
"What? What are you talking about? I just did it because it was a on the spot moment." he said smoothly. Well I think he did it to make me happy and I'm glad.
"Yeah sure whatever you say" I said getting up and walking away.
"Huh? Hey-hey wait a minute!" he yelled and grabbed my wrist before I could leave and pulled me toward him.
"Uh what is it?" I asked confused
'Your not going anywhere, got that?"
" Wha-what? Who do you think you are? Ordering me around like that.?!"
"I think I'm the guy who saved your life this morning remember? Now I want you to answer me. What happened before you ran into me?"
"Ughh! I ummm I...can't"
"Can't you tell me?" he asked me looking into my eyes. His eyes they look so lonely and sad.I think he wants someone who he can call a true friend and share tings together...but does he really want someone to talk to who has a ridiculous story as mine?
"I just...um" *sigh* "Okay um the thing is I...I saw...I saw my...mother! I saw her again." he looked really confused when I said this
"Why? What's the problem are you two not close or something?" he asked
"Um no that's not it...it's just...okay you'll think I sound really crazy for saying this but..."
"I won't think that..I mean your a bit reckless but I don't think that and i don't think I will when I hear what you have to say...just tell me."
"umm thank you...okay ummm She died a while ago and I saw her again today." I said while looking down
"Uh...but how is that possible?"
"I don't know! But she was horrifying today she had blood everywhere! And..and she started chasing me and tried to grab me and I didn't know why! I was so scared and then that's when I ran into you but when I turned around she was gone!"
"I'm sorry..I didn't know I thought it was something else but I apologize for asking this but did she have an amulet on her neck?" he asked wryly.
"Um I don't know I didn't see anything...I'm not sure. Why? Is there something wrong?
"Umm no it's...it's nothing I'm just asking...but um let's get out of here."
"Huh? What are you talking about?"
"C'mon let's sneak out and go somewhere."
"Well I wanna get to know you better plus I wanna make sure your safe."
"But we'll be breaking the rules."
"What haven't you ever broken the rules before?"
"Ummm let me think uhhh no! Besides won't the police stop us since we're in our uniforms?"
"Hmmm your right...here..." he began to unbutton his uniform jacket and he gave it to me. "Here, wear this over your uniform."
"Uhh thanks but um what about you?"
"I'll figure it out on the way now c'mon..." he grabbed my hand and we ran out to the exit door.
"Hey! hey wait a second!..." and of course we're already out the door and we kept on running all the way to down town...
(Downtown shopping district)
"Ughhh why are we here? We shouldn't be skipping..."but before I could finish Alekzander covered my mouth with his hand.
"Shhh! We'll get caught if you say it out loud" he said angrily "C'mon follow me" and he began walking away.
"He-Hey wait for me!" I yelled and ran up to him "He-Hey! Where are we going?"
"Up there." he said and pointed forward. I couldn't tell because there is a lot of stores in that direction
"Ughh! Where? There's a lot of stores there you know! Hey don't ignore me!"but he kept on walking on and continued to ignore me so I just decided to just be quiet and walk on with him
This guy...who does he think he is? Dragging me with him like this...dragging me out of the school and making me skip! ughh! What an a**! And where is he taking me now?! It's just so quiet! I can't stand it!"
~Alekzander's P.O.V~
'Damn! He's already found her location! How is that possible?! I have to keep her safe incase they come after her. Damn it all how did he find that she's the one?! I can't let her die! What should I do?' I thought to myself as Katie and I walked to the store ahead of us. 'Okay stay calm..fisrt things first I have to change her appearance now that he knows what school she's in he'll surely know her uniform outfit...
"Hey! Are you listening to me?!" Katie interrupted my thought.
"What now?"
"Why are we here in this store?! Are you crazy? This is a woman's shopping store!"
"No s**t! Why do you think we're here?!"
"Well I don't know! I don't want to go shopping after what's happened all day!" I covered her mouth and led her inside the store.
"Listen you! I'm going to get you new clothes that way you won't be in that jacket all day and so the police won't stop you! Got it?!" geez she's so annoying! Why does she keep on nagging?!
"What?! I can't let you do that..let's just..let's just go back to school"
"No way!"
"Ughh why not?"
"You need to be cheered up and I'm just the person to do it."
"Wha-what? What are you talking about? I'm fine I'm just fine. I don't need any help from anybody I'm fine on my own." she said sadly while looking down to the floor.
"Hmpf that's what you think. listen I can tell these things and right now your in a dark cave and you feel like you can never get and and see the light again...but trust me if you keep moving forward we can make it out of the tunnel and see the light again. And you won't need to do it alone either there are people who want to help you and I can tell that they truly do love you."
"Hikari, Ajiou, Kayko, and Hotaru" I heard her say slowly to herself.
"Hi there! Can I help you with anything?" A cheery sales women asked us. I took a glance at Katie to see what she wanted to do.
"Only if you want to...blockhead."
"Don't call me blockhead!" she yelled angrily at me
"Or what? Your to stubborn to even let me buy you an outfit"
"Oh yeah?! Yes please ma'am where is your junior section?" She asked the saleswomen. Ha I got her.
~Katie's P.O.V~
"Oh yeah?! Yes please ma'am, wear is your junior section?" I asked the sales lady. If this guy is going to get smart with me then I'll make him wish he never offered me this shopping spree....I guess all that shopping craziness from Ajiou finally paid off.
~Still Katie's P.O.V~
"Alrighty now have a nice day! And thank you for your time." the sales women shouted out to us as we walked out the store.
"I-I can't believe it...how can you afford that outfit..." I asked in shock as my face was like..0_0
"What? I have a job you know?" he said calmy like he just bought a $20 outfit. That oufit was $251 dollars! Even I can't afford it with a weeks pay check!
"C'mon follow me." he said as he walked toward an alley-way
"Um Whe-where are we going?" I asked confused as we stated heading up some steps to an apartment building.
"Um Alekzander..where are we going?"
"We're going to my apartment really quick. You need to change and so do I"
"Wha-What?! Are you crazy? I'm not going to a guys apartment! Besides why didn't you buy something from that store?"
"Because i don't like the clothes they had there and if we kept on looking for something for me to wear that would have taken a time from our day." he said as we kept heading up th stairs. We continued on in silence. We finally stopped on a floor and he pulled out a key from his pocket. Once he opened the door he stepped in first and I followed him inside.
"The bathroom is over there you can change into your new clothes there.I'll be in my room and I'll change there. When your done changing just wait for me out here."
"Um okay" I said to him and headed for the bathroom while he headed for his room "Thank you Alekzander...for everything. Your sweet for doing all this to cheer me up."
"No problem." he said only and closed the door to his room and I entered into the bathroom with my shopping bag.
Katie's outfit (ignore the pink hair just imagine it's light brown hair and try picturing the jeans too ^.^')
After I changed I put my uniform into the bag and stepped out of the bathroom. I looked around the room and headed for the couch.
What am I doing here? I should be at school. Hikari would be worried and really mad at me if she found out I'm cutting school even worse that I'm cutting school with a guy! I wonder what he's doing now? It's taking him a while to change.
I looked around the room and realized that no one else lives with him here. 'Where are his parent's at? Does he live here alone? And where did he get all that money from? This guy is really strange. Just who is he anyway?'
"K' ready to go?" he asked me. He was wearing black jeans with a white shirt and a black jacket.
"Um yeah. Let's go." I said quietly
"So uhh where are we going?" I asked shyly
"I'm not sure...you wanna get something to eat?" he asked
"Umm no I'm okay for now." Then my stomach started making gurgling sounds ughhhh why now?? I didn't really get a chance to eat my lunch at school today...
"Hey let's go over there to MC Donald's.." he said as he grabbed my hand and began to lead me to the fast food restaurant....when was the last time I came here...probably back when mom was still alive...mom I miss you so much...I wish..
"So what do you want?" he asked
"ummm I don't know...I hardly ever go here" I stuttered a bit embarrassed
"Okay..then I'll order for you..how about you go find us some seats?"
"umm okay." I said and began to make my way to an empty clean table and sat down.
"Hey cutie what are you doing here by yourself?" a guy said with a group of his friends gathering around him.
"Want some company toots?" another guy asked and sat in the seat across from me while the first guy sat next to me and his friends grabbed up chairs and sat around us... ohh great.
"Um I don't think..."
"So what's a girl like you doing here by yourself?" one of the guys said to me
"Ummm actually I'm here with.." then the main guy grabbed my hand and my chin with chin with his other hand and pulled my face closer to his.
"C'mon how 'bout a kiss.."
"Uhh wait! I...!" I closed my eyes hard and waited... but nothing came then I felt my chin being released. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Alekzander with the guy's hand pulled away.
"Listen buddy she's with me..got that?!" he said angrily then the guy pushed away from Alekzander and faced him
"Who do you think you are?" he yelled out
"The guy who you shouldn't had messed with" he said
"Why you b*****d!" he said as he tried to punch him but he just dodged it and grabbed the guys arm and flailed him across the room.
"C'mon let's go he said as he brushed himself off and put his arm around me and we walked away...
"Hey get back here you punk!" the main guy yelled out to us.
"C'mon he said while laughing and for some odd reason I laughed with him too and we headed toward a little cafe with tables outside and we headed toward there and sat down. He pulled out the food from the MC Donald's bag and gave me a wrapped up sandwich and he got out his and we began to eat.
"What was all that about?"
"I really don't know..I just sat down and then those guys show up"
"Why didn't you call me?"
"I tried to but those guys kept messing with me and I was afraid. I just didn't know what to do."
"Your just lucky I got there when I did."
"Yeah..thank you...again. This is..what.,.the forth time you've saved me today?"
"Yep. You owe me a big debt." he said (I hope) jokingly
"So where are we going to go now?" I asked curiously
"Hmm how about the park?" he asked
"Sure!" I said excitedly
"Okay then.. let's go." He said and he grabbed my hand and we headed for the park
Okay! Here is where chapter 6 ends! x)))) I hope you guys liked it and if you didn't well then I'm sorry it was suckish xP...I'll promise to do much better in the next chapter. I don't know I have the feeling it was good in the beginning but then got type boring around the middle and end so sorry about that ^.^' so yea rate message comments tell friends please!!!!! ^.^

- Title: A Vampire wants to marry me?!!
- Artist: -Euphema-
- Description: Here's chapter 6 so enjoy rate message comments tell friends go crazy
- Date: 08/24/2009
- Tags: vampire wants marry
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Comments (4 Comments)
- Faye Sephim - 10/02/2009
- you really shouldnt doubt yourself you're actually a very good writer and the theme is a good basis i just kinda wanna get to the finish!!!
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- lexi2197 - 09/07/2009
Write more, I insist!
P.S. Why is it called "A vampire kidnapps and wants to marry me if there has been none of either (marriage and kidnapping)
I guess it's best because you're making it gradually go upward. . . Just ignore my ramblings. - Report As Spam
- emore_vicky - 08/31/2009
- i like this chapter it wasnt boring! please please please write more
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- GopherNugget - 08/24/2009
- wow that was funny
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