Emily sat on her lawn, playing with a stick, her hands cupped around her chin. “Nothing ever happens here” Emily thought sadly “Nothing exciting or new, or even out-of-the-ordinary.”
Emily Jackson lived with her grandmother after her parents died mysteriously. The police searched everywhere in the state, but never found them, or even a sign or clue to what might have happened. Emily’s grandma was always talking crazy, saying that her parents were lost in a portal to a different dimension. Emily wanted to believe her grandmother, seeing if the did fall into a portal, there was still a chance they were alive.
So she sat there, debating once again, if the ideas her grandma had might be true. Emily had only read about portals in books. The stories said that sentars and pixies lived in the magical places. Even if her parents had fallen in to a door to another dimension, all the creatures could have killed them by now. Emily read about dragons the size of houses, breathing hot flames onto anyone who took there jewels or other shiny objects. You see, dragons have a genetic attraction to shiny things. They go around there dimension and take as many shiny things as they can find. Now I know what you’re thinking “Dragons STEAL other people’s possessions!!! What cruel creature would do such a thing??” Well, dragon’s never take anything that doesn’t belong to them. In different worlds, there are these small, dragonfly looking things. Instead of little light capsules, these animals have a little blue star. At night, if creatures who eat these ‘StarryFlies’ that’s what there called by the way, come out for a snack, the bugs zap them, throwing a wave of electricity into the predator.
But back to the dragons. After the bolt is sent threw the animal, it immediately turns the creature into molten stone. The dragons take the animal with there claws and carry them to the caves hidden in the mountains for Dragons only and dip them in (Yes, it’s gross) the dragon’s liquid…. Duty. It melts the rock and turns the creature into a giant crystal, the color of the crystal determines on what animal it is. Here, this is a chart:
Blue Margine Hummingbird= Red
Melina Frog= Orange
Leaf Grasshopper= Yellow
Green Spotted Leopard Toad= Green
Laugh-Bounce Fish= Blue
Michael Jackson Maniac Mouth-Crusher= Purple
Time-Twisted Toad= Pink
Multiplying Blob= Comes in- Gold, Silver, Copper and Brown
But anyway, any of the creatures could have killed Emily’s parents. Wondering if your Mom or Dad was alive is a heart-aching task.
Emily got up and walked over to the tire swing and spun it around in a circle. She always pictured that if she twirled it enough, it would create a portal leading to the world where her parents were held captive. Suddenly, as if out of nowhere, the ground became cloudy, it turned into a milky white center, spinning around. Emily reached in. When she took her hand out, there was an insect topped on her index finger. Emily couldn’t tell what it was. The bug had the wings of a butterfly in a dark purple and a tail like a lizard. Its tongue snaked out like a snakes and it’s feet were webbed like a frogs’. The creature hopped from her hand and into the portal again, disappearing. Emily glanced back at the house before stepping inside what later became her greatest adventure…
The Portal: Sub-Book
this is just kinda like a preveiw to the real thing, I call it "The Portal"
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