• My whole life, i've moved around. Everytime i thought that"Finaly, i can acually stay here and nothings going to happen, but then something does and i have to leave agian.
    But finaly, i have found a small town where i no nothing bad is going to happen... that atleast what i believed untill one year a new girl arived at my hight school. Her name was Prisum, i thought that, that was a beutiful name. We became friends for that year then my best friend, who alot f other people though was very cute, asked me out. I had liked him when we first met but when he dated Safire i told myself that he would never like me like that and that i should just give it up. So Wil and i were dating, it took me awhile to get used to it. But the one thing i never thought would happen was that Prisum, cornered me one day and told me that if i didn't break his heart then something bad would happen. But see i had been happy for so long i had put my guard down, so i thought nothing of it. So i just told her to take it easy and me, ehr and Wil would calmly talk this out tomarow. She sucked her teeth at me and i rolled my eyes and walked away, cause i was late for my date with Wil.
    That night i told him about what happoned after school, when i did he got so angry. I've never seen him get this angry before, not even with his old girfriend. Thats when i started getting suspicious. The next day went by fine untill i got to lunch, as soon as i walked in i felt this chill run down my spine. I turned and looked across the cafeateria, and thats when i senced her... my evil twin.

    See when, roaly babies are born they either have a blue or purple chrystal on their forhead. But when i was born, a crystal never showed up, my mother became very worried, but the magic man told her that she should be happy for i was the choosen babie. I was the choosen babie alright, when i turned five, my crystal broke in half, because i witnessed a demond killing my mother. An evil hatred formed in my crystal, so it broke so i would not become the most evil person the worlds have ever seen, but instead an other bodie grew and the black part of my crystal took root inside that other me.

    So back to me seeing my evil twin... as soon as i saw her, my hands fell limp and my tray of food droped all over the floor, Wil saw me standing there looking like i was in pain, so he got up and rushed over to get me. He yelled my name a couple of times and shook me, finaly i turned my head slowly and looked at him and panic in my eyes. "Remember how i told you i was special and if someone found me i would hev to leave?"
    "Yes, i do but what is going on? Your not going to leave me are you?"
    My eye's filled with tears as his statment, "Your not going to leave me are you?" rang in my head. as a tear fell from my eye, he scooped me up and ran out of the cafetiria. Whe we were far enough away from the cafetiria, he set me down and grabed my shoulders tight.
    "What is going on? Is your mom making you move?"
    "I don't have a mother." I chocked out
    He gave me a weired look then sighed.
    "Ok, so your dad is scaring you and telling you that you have to move because your dating me right?"
    At this time tears were streaming down my red checks.
    "I don't have a... dad"
    At this Wil, shook me. He yelled at me but i was to depressed to even hear what he was saying, all i could do was cry and shake. Finaly he stopped yelling and shaking me. He pulled me away from him and made me look at him. My blood shot eyes stared anywere but at him. Then he pulled me close and tuked me head under his chin. I shook and snifed and cryed. Then after there was a huge wet staine on his red shirt, he pulled me out of his tight and protective grasped and kissed me. Then there was a huge bang, and the whole school shook. He grabed me and pulled me in even tighter. But this time i pushed him away, he looked at me as i strugled to pull meself up. His eyes filled with tears that just wanted to pour out.
    "I have to face her, if i don't i'll be running for the rest of mylife and i'll never be able to setle anywere."
    Wil, gave me the most confused look, i smiled and ran into the cafetria. I heard Wil, get up and chase after me, and i new that he didn't want me to go to a place that might be dangerous. But i did anyways. Then he saw something a man should never have to ever see.
    Me and my twin fought, and we faught harder than any wresaler ever to be born. She threw me against a wall and i would kick her threw it. I would pull her hair and she would swing me and throw me by mine. She would kick me and i would kick her to the celling. This went one for about three hours till finaly, she came an inch away from killing Wil. Time froze, as i saw her getting closer and closer to him with the fatal blow. I closed my eyes and all of a sudden i felt alot of pain and warm stuff all over my body, as the warm stuff flowed more around my body the more i felt my life slipping away from me. Then i head his voice calling out my name.
    "Rain, Rain! Come on you can bet this! Please Rain, please don't leave me......."
    I woke up in a dim room, and i new i was in the hospitle. I looked around but it hurt to much so i closed my eyes and just listoned. I heard my monitor and foot steps walking around aoutside of my door. The i felt one side of my bed sink down. I opened my eyes slowly and saw his face close to mine. He smiled and breathed a smile.
    "Hi." i said but my voice was girgaly and rough. I closed my mouth in embarasment. He laught and kissed my forhead.
    "You really scared me you now that?"
    I put my eyes down, and nodded.
    "Ok, so your safe, and you don't have to move away next time your twin decised ot show up, just don't try and kill yourself as much as you tryed to today."