She held her heart out to him. Her hands trembled as she did. Everything rested on this moment. If he dashed it upon the floor, how would she ever find all the pieces? If he took it, could she trust him not to break it later? Despite these fears, she knew that she could not keep from offering it to him. She loved him more than she knew she could love any one person. They had only known each other for a short time, but he was her life now.
Her body froze when he reached for her.
He hesitated.
Of course he wanted to simply take it, hide it away, keep it tucked safely near his. She was so precious to him, despite that he could not explain why. How could he accept without giving up his in return though? Did he not love her enough to show her this courtesy? Could he risk the same vulnerabilities?
“I love you,” she whispered, drawing his gaze.
His heart started; she rarely said those magic words. When she did, his happiness increased two-fold. He knew she meant it: she had difficulty speaking the truths of her heart. He smiled. The phrase fell easily from his lips. Even though he had no trouble saying it, there was no less passion.
“How much?” he wondered gently.
Her mind stumbled for the right words. How could she possibly quantify it so that he could understand? Even she did not know the extent of her love, nor did she know her heart’s capacity for love. She pulled her heart closer to her as she thought; it was hard to leave it so exposed. What were the words?
“Enough to share secrets. Enough to argue without fear of you leaving. Enough to offer not only by body but also my heart to you. Enough to set myself at your mercy, to trust you. I love you more than I can understand.”
The honesty made her body quiver.
Carefully, he took her heart and settled it in his empty chest.
“What happened to yours?”
He folded his arms about her. “You stole it.”
Love is precious, as are the ones we love. But can that overcome the risk of giving away that which is most sacred to us: the heart?
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