• Quote:
    tab “Hey Sasuke-kuuuun!” A small, pink-haired girl skipped with lively excitement toward the quiet, ominous boy who was leaning casually against the fence.
    tab “Go away,” he breathed, having too much on his mind to talk. Plus, the girl running towards him was nothing but a nuisance. He turned, facing away from her, and began to saunter the other way, but the girl persisted.
    tab “Guess what Ino-chan said?!” Sakura asked Sasuke the rhetorical question, “She said girls rule and boys drool! But I don’t think you drool Sasuke-kun. You’re too cool,” She smiled, giggling to herself as she continued, “But some boys do drool when they see pretty girls!”
    tab “Apparently you’re not speaking from experience, heh heh.” Sasuke responded smugly, his back still turned to her. A blonde, spiky-haired boy who happened to be watching from afar had heard what Sasuke had said and walked solemnly over to his two peers.
    tab “Shut up! Just because you’re insecure, doesn’t mean you can be so obnoxious!” The boy told him off, not caring that everyone was watching. Annoyed, Sasuke simply pretended that he hadn’t heard the boy, and he walked off, disappearing into the horizon.

    tab See, he was always there for me, that blonde boy. But I never gave him credit. Remembering what happened those years ago makes me wish Naruto had called me obnoxious instead, for never saying thank you to him for standing up to Sasuke. And when I finally had the guts to tell him, I couldn’t have picked a worse time.

    tab “Naruto, what’s the matter?” Are you still upset… about Sasuke?” I said. Naruto turned, looking no longer sad, but angry.
    tab “Of course I’m sad! I couldn’t even save my friend! Because of me, he’s DEAD! And he’s NEVER COMING BACK, dang it!” He burst into tears, throwing his head down onto the table he was sitting at. Trying to quell his sobs, I rested a hand on his shoulder.
    tab “What do you mean, you couldn’t save your friend? You have saved so many of your friends! You have no idea how much everyone owes to you. And anyway… Sasuke… doesn’t matter…he…never did.” I said, but I knew instantly that it was a mistake…

    tab “Naruto!” I yelled after him as he was sauntering away. I struggled to catch up, as it felt like he was miles ahead of me. We had just had an argument, which wasn’t uncommon since what had happened only two months ago. Running after Naruto, I felt like I was in a dream, no, a nightmare, one that would never end. This had been happening a lot lately; Naruto and I arguing, then him running away, and me chasing after him. Naruto ignored my voice and continued walking, but I could tell that he longed to break down crying.
    tab “Naruto, please stop!” I sensed tears falling from my eyes; I had never been so upset. I shouldn’t have brought it up! I know well that Sasuke is a delicate subject! I thought, angry with myself for once again ruining everything. I tried desperately to tell myself that everything would be okay, but this time it was different. I had said something that he might never forgive me for. And now I was going to lose my guardian angel. Forever.
    tab I stopped chasing Naruto after he ventured into the forest. Hopeless, I fell purposely to the ground, but held in the tears that I desperately wanted to release. In that instance, I realized fully all of the pain that Sasuke had brought; not only to Naruto and I, but to everyone around him.
    tab Lucky Hinata. She never even really knew Sasuke at all. She never felt the pain he gave out. Still… she and I are alike in the way that… we both… have strong feelings for Naruto. And neither of us have the guts to tell him……………no. I will tell him… if he’ll listen.
    tab I willed myself to stand up, filled with new determination. I ran into the forest, tripping over rocks but never falling as I pursued Naruto. Endlessly, I sprinted through the dense woods, calling “Naruto!” as I ran. Suddenly, I tripped over a huge rock and fell.
    tab Ugh… I thought, feeling warm blood run down my leg from the scrape on my knee. I tried yelling again, but not a word left my lips.
    tab “Ow! Uggghhh…” I sighed, the pain in my leg growing stronger. I wasn’t going to lose Naruto…the one who was always there for me, the one who was sorely under-appreciated, and the one that I was in love with. Staggering to my feet, I tried to remember which way Naruto had run. Then, in a sudden miracle, I heard a loud thud not too far away from where I was. I limp-ran to a small clearing in the forest where what I came upon made me gasp and shudder.
    tab Naruto lay paralyzed on the soft grassy ground, gasping for air. A large kunai was lodged in his chest, devastatingly close to his heart. A river of tears flowed from my eyes while I watched the horrible scene.
    tab “Uzumaki Naruto… heh. So you’re the one so renowned in the five great shinobi countries? You’re just a stupid kid.” A mysterious man with a black cloak draped over his body mocked Naruto, poised to kick him.
    tab My body moved without even a swift thought in front of Naruto, making the strange man hesitate with his motion. Snarling, the man continued his leg movement, only to be stopped by my iron grip. I lifted my arm and flung the surprised enemy to the ground in front of me. While doing this, I could hear Naruto weakly whisper my name.
    tab “Don’t you touch Naruto!” I yelled furiously, grabbing the distraught man by the collar of his shirt.
    tab Faintly, the man uttered, “W-what do y-you care…” His eyes closed, obviously badly hurt.
    tab “I…I…” In that moment, memories of everything Naruto had ever done for me, which was a lot, ran through my mind. You could say that that was when I officially fell in love with Naruto. “I love him! And I’ll do anything to protect him…and keep him here with me!” I threw him down on the ground hard. “Go! Now!” I snarled as I ran to Naruto’s aid. I held his head in my hands, and sighed with relief when he stirred and opened his eyes. His gentle but weak smile filled me with a warmth I had never felt before. It was the warmth of worry, caring, affection, and most of all, love.
    tab “S-Sakura-chan…did you…really mean it? About…loving me?...” Naruto muttered, still looking deep into my eyes, and I knew, because I was staring into his eyes as well.
    tab “Yes, Naruto…with all my heart.”