Kelsey unlocked the large wooden front door to her house and pushed it open poking her head around the side.
“Dad?” she called through the house getting no response, “you here?” she called again a little louder this time just encase the male she was addressing happened to be upstairs. No response.
She rolled her eyes, her father always stayed late after work leaving Kelsey to cook. She didn’t mind she liked the peace and quiet; she took of her kitty bag and hung her jacket in the cupboard under the stairs.
Cuddling her cat bag she made her way into the kitchen, she skipped over to the mahogany cupboards got on to her knees and while still clutching the cat in one arm began searching for something to eat. She was halfway into the cupboard when she found some pasta.
“Aha” she quietly exclaimed to herself “gotcha” she grinned as she closed the cupboard, setting the bag of pasta on the table and the cat next to it so it was in a sitting position, she began rummaging through the fridge pulling out some tomatoes and a couple of red peppers.
“Lalala” she sang to herself, setting the tomatoes down on the chopping board.
She paused for a moment then skipped over to the CD player, which was plugged in next to the cream coloured toaster, and switched it on. All of a sudden the kitchen was full of the sound of music, The Beatle’s very famous Sgt Peppers album to be exact.
“Picture yourself in a boat on a river,” she sang softly as she began to slice the tomatoes and peppers.
“With tangerine trees and marmalade sky’s” she was on her knees again looking for a jar of sweet Tai sauce.
“I know you’re around here somewhere,” she told the cupboards content. “Aha you can’t hide from me,” she giggled as she grabbed the jar she was looking for.
Half an hour later just as she was pouring the contents of her cooked meal into two separate bowls she heard the door open.
“Hi dad” she sang
“Hey sweetheart” she heard him call back “smells good”
She laughed “you haven’t even tasted it yet” she smiled up at her dad as he walked into the kitchen. Her dad was a kind faced man the person you can never get mad at, he had shortish chocolate brown hair and a short beard to match, his cheeks were slightly rosy and he had large, deep, crinkly, brown eyes. Out of all these things Kelsey had inherited none; she was and had always been the spitting image of her mother, something that had been difficult for her father to deal with for a large period of time.
“Oh wow” he practically drooled over the food. Kelsey finished washing out the pans and took a seat opposite her father. She watched eagerly as he pierced a piece of pasta onto his fork making sure to gather up the sauce and vegetables she had thrown together.
“Honey you should have your own TV show with this kind of cooking”
She beamed and began to eat her share of the portion.
“How was your day anyway?” he asked her digging around for a piece of tomato.
“Oh…awesome, I took Frank to this new ice- cream place and they have this wall you can spray paint.”
“Sounds fun”
“Yeah it was” Kelsey sighed picturing Alex leaning over the counter.
“What was the ice cream like”?
“Huh” Kelsey shook her head slightly “oh it was delicious…they had so many different flavours it was insane it was like taking a trip to candy mountain or something” her dad laughed and shovelled some more of the pasta into his mouth.
She smiled watching her father. They were so alike in personality, they both have that thirst for life that is so rare to find, they’re both vegetarians and had extremely colourful personalities.
“How was your day?” she asked, standing up to take both of their empty bowls to the sink.
“It was okay, oh that reminds me” he took a minute to interlock his fingers and lean back on the chair. “What are you doing this weekend?”
“I don’t know, I haven’t made any plans”
“You never do,” he laughed it was a gracious yet jolly laugh, it was natural and just seemed to roll of his tongue. “Anyway there’s a charity event this weekend and I was wondering if you would like to help out…Frank can come too of course the more the merrier” he added watching her expression.
“Of course we’ll be there…what’s the event”
She looked up from the sink in time to see her father swallow and she knew before he even opened his mouth.
“Breast Cancer” he looked at the table, and Kelsey could feel something swimming in the pit of her stomach. She mimicked her father by swallowing. Her Mother Kimmi had died of Breast cancer five years ago. It had nearly killed her father, especially since Kelsey was more or less the spitting image of her mother, that’s why she had died her hair red, she tried to look less like her so that it would be less painful for her father. They managed to pull each other through it though.
“We’ll definatly be there” she smiled down at her father “I wouldn’t miss it for the world” she added under her breath, turning to dry the now squeaky clean dishes, not really paying much attention to them.
“Well I think I’m going to take a nap I’m pretty tired” Kelsey listened as her dad gave a huge yawn.
“Night kitty” she heard him say to her bag, which made her giggle. “Night sweetheart…oh and don’t forget to light a candle for your mom” he kissed her on the cheek gave her shoulders a squeeze and made his way through the kitchen to the stairs.
“I really should give you a name” she sighed turning to look at the bag on the table, it had been a gift from her mother, Kimmi had given it to her a week before she was hospitalised which was also a week before she passed away as she knew cats were Kelsey’s favourite animal, and Kelsey never went anywhere without it…she hadn’t named it because she couldn’t think of a suitable name, she would have named it Kimmi after her mother if she hadn’t told Kelsey it was a boy.
“I miss her” she told the cat bag picking it up and clutching it in her arms, she screwed her eyes shut and took a deep breath breathing in the scent of the plush cat, it smelled of her mom all because Kelsey always sprayed it with her mom’s perfume it smelled of fresh flowers and berries and was one of the main reasons Kelsey took the bag everywhere with her. She never ever wanted to forget that scent.
Still clutching the cat she made her way into the living room grabbing the box of matches out of the kitchen drawer as she went.
In the living room on a small cabinet was a large picture frame holding a picture of Kelsey’s mother Kimmi. Kimmi had soft features almost fragile, so you can imagine what she looked like when she became ill. She had brilliant green eyes that reflected the light making them look like thousands of tiny emeralds all glittering individually. Her heart shaped Face was framed by loose Caramel curls that looked almost edible along with her porcelain skin. Around the picture were soft fairy lights glowing across the darkened room, either side of the picture were two candles. There was also white rosary beads in a small pile in front of her Photo, they had always been religious but it wasn’t extreme and they never forced anything on Kelsey for instance they didn’t make her pray every minute or force her to go to church, it was just the traditional family thing, like saying grace before meals.
Kelsey lit the match and let the flame engulf the candle on the right; she hesitated then lit the candle on the left as well.
“Hey mom” she murmured “I’m lighting dad’s too, he’s pretty tired he was working late again, I hope you don’t mind” she looked down and began playing with the ears of the white cat cuddled against her chest.
“Frank says hi…and we’ll be going to a charity event this weekend for breast cancer…though I guess you already know that huh” she swallowed and opened her bag, out of it she pulled a piece of paper and on it was a drawing of a small girl with white hair and pink eyes holding her hands out to a dragon as though she was about to embrace it. It was in the Japanese style of anime or mangha. Her mother had always loved the fantasy kinds of things, things like secret worlds such as Narnia or childish fantasies like princesses going of to get kidnapped and stuff, Kelsey loved these things too and it was the main reason she started reading, watching and drawing mangha.
“This is for you mom. I know you love Dragons and stuff, I even used some glitter body powder for the scales, and I put some of it in Ayami’s hair too, I hope you like it” she folded up the picture and placed it behind the framed photograph making sure it was out of the flames way.
Kelsey began watching the flame flicker for a few minutes before turning to the picture.
“I miss you mom,” she breathed; she didn’t want to speak too loud for fear that her voice would break. She hated crying she could never do it in front of her dad, when her mom died she did it all in her room because she had to be strong for him, so she cried in secret and then pretty soon she learned to force it down. She hasn’t cried since.
She buried her face in the white fur of the cat bag and breathed in the scent for the millionth time that day.
“I met a girl today…her names Alex…it was sort of a shock for me to find out that I liked girls” she chuckled softly at this “she’s really cute, she has these really cute rosy cheeks and Crystal blue eyes that look like mini carved diamonds or something” she laughed this time feeling childish.
“Well I’m going to go call Frankie, see you later mom…I love you” she gave a last look at the picture of her mother smiling up at her, blew out the candles after praying silently, Then left the room taking a deep breath.
Kelsey crossed made her way into the hallway grabbing the portable phone, (which weirdly looked like a burger Kelsey had bought the phone and managed to persuade her dad to use it after telling him it was a veggie burger and so then it was dubbed the veg’), slipped of her shoes and socks and began jogging upstairs with the cat still under her arm.
She stopped outside her father’s room and pressed her ear against the door, the faint sound of steady snoring reached her ears, she smiled and carried on along the hall, she looked up to the ceiling where a small door faced her, attached to it was a long piece of string, Kelsey eyed it for a moment then jumped up and just managed to grab it.
The door opened and a long set of silver ladders dangled at her feet. They weren’t metal ladders they were the sort of ladders you saw Indiana Jones climbing, the only exception was that she had painted them silver along with little pink climbing flowers she liked them better they were sort of graceful and when she was younger she would pretend she was the princess heading to her tower.
Her father had offered to paint them but as Kelsey pointed it out his artistic skills weren’t all they were cracked up to be!
She shoved the phone into her cat bag, slipped it onto her shoulders and began to climb the ladder. Once in her Attic bedroom she closed the wooden door and sighed with relief as her feet sank into the thick white carpet, she closed her eyes and wiggled her toes grinning before making her way over to her king size floor bed, it was so comfy, like a huge mattress that you could literally sink in. she pulled the phone out of her cat bag and sat the cat down so it was propped against her many pillows, flipped open the phone and began dialling Frank’s number.
“Hey dude” Frank answered happily
“Hey boob” she giggled, she loved Frank he was the only one who brought her to earth, because a few years after her mom died that was when Kelsey was angry she wouldn’t talk to anyone and having friends wasn’t an option, she was so closed off and would get angry at the smallest things. That was until she saw that stupid melon head jock stuffing Frank into a locker!
“I told mom you said hi” she smiled into the phone
“Oh thanks…man I totally forgot to tell you” She could picture him biting his lip now; he always did that when he ******** up or when he was nervous.
“It’s cool dude”
“So how much of your room did you damage with pansy this time?” She smiled as she heard him chuckle. Pansy was Frank’s guitar and his most prized possession
“I actually got in later than usual”
“Oh really? Do tell”
“Well you know Mikey”
“Yeah! The awesome dorky kid, who every one loves” she grinned.
“Well you know he has a brother”
“Um no”
“Me either but he does”
“Seriously. Wow. Small world”
“Yeah oh and he thinks we’re going out” Frank tutted as Kelsey rolled her eyes.
She was to use to people mistaking their close friendship.
“Anyway I bumped into Mikey’s brother in the park…literally”
“How many times do I have to tell you to watch were you’re going?” she laughed shaking her head.
“Yeah, yeah. The point is he is totally freaking hot!”
“Oooh aaaand?”
“He asked me if I wanted a coffee and of course I said yes” Frank practically squealed down the phone.
“Dude you are such a girl” Kelsey snorted.
“Pooh you…it turned out he was bisexual too”
“Wow” was all Kelsey could say. “I wonder why we’ve never seen him at party’s…I mean if he’s Mikey’s brother I would’ve thought he’d be with Mikey getting in on the action”
“Nah…he seemed sort of…I don’t know unsocial…oh and he’s seventeen but doesn’t go to our school”
“Huh? Why?”
“I don’t know he wouldn’t say”
Kelsey sighed; she could tell he was biting his lip again.
“Well it’s obviously a difficult topic for him”
“Yeah true”
“So you plan to meet him again?”
“I dunno…oh man I did this totally embarrassing thing, when he had to go we were stood out side and I automatically held out my arms for a hug”
Kelsey blinked for a moment then burst out laughing.
“Shut up…it’s your fault it’s because you always ******** hug me!”
“Sorr- sorry” she steadied her breathing in an attempt to stop laughing “wha-what did he do?”
“Well he sort of stood there for a minute…and then he hugged me…and he, he whispered in my ear and called me Frankie”
“Wow” Kelsey whispered, she could tell that Frank really liked this guy. “Awww Frankie that’s so cute” she squeaked.
“Shush, anyway what about the ice cream hottie?”
“You mean Alex?”
“Yeah, yeah!”
Kelsey rolled her eyes
“We’ll have to go in there again” he chuckled happily, and then Kelsey remembered.
“Oh Frankie that reminds me, what are you doing this weekend?”
“Nothing I never am why?”
“Well there’s this charity event and my dad wants to know if you’ll come?”
“Yeah sure what’s it for”
Kelsey took a moment to clear her throat. “Breast Cancer”
“Of course I’ll be there…definatly I’m sure mom will come as well!”
“Thanks Frankie” she murmured down the phone, picking at the corner of her quilt.
“No problem Kelsey I’ll always be here for these kinds of things and so will mom”
“Thanks Frankie I appreciate it…tell Linda I said hi”
“Roger that.”
“Okay, well I’m going to go now I love you Frankie”
“Bye deary, I love you too pewee”
She grinned into the phone
She put the phone down and rested it on the cupboard next to her bed. She looked across the room and spotted her bass, it was gorgeous, white and Black glittering letters spelled DOMO (Frank had insisted she named her bass like he had named Pansy)
She picked it up and plugged it into the amp turning it down so she wouldn’t wake her father, then began strumming it lightly. Kelsey loved the sound of bass she strummed it again and was happy to know it was perfectly in tune.
She had saved up for practically years for this bass, she had fell in love with it when she was down at Keys music store looking for guitar strings for Frank.
She smiled serenely strummed it one more time then burst into a slap bass line, it was funky way funky. She began to move around to the music, spinning around and falling over a few times. She span Domo around her body and began playing more of a punkish riff before ending up finishing playing Black Flag’s Nervous Breakdown until her energy was totally spent she bowed to her room completely out of breath, took of her bass then fell onto her thick carpet grinning at the ceiling.
- by CharlockBaggins |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 04/06/2010 |
- Skip

- Title: The Art Of Holding Hands 5
- Artist: CharlockBaggins
- Description: frerard
- Date: 04/06/2010
- Tags: holding hands
- Report Post
Comments (2 Comments)
- CharlockBaggins - 05/05/2011
- hah thanksss they are ace bands man kudos biggrin
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- Third King of Shadaloo - 06/05/2010
- 5/5, for putting The Beatles and Black Flag in the same story.
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