zack mutterd to himself. he hanted the briney taste in his mouth, the cold air, the darkness that engulfed them. zack mutterd LUN and a sphere of light apeared over his hand. zack grumble as he repeated LUN and the whole room went into a blanding white light. Aqarius yelped and coverd his eyes and yelled "Zack!!! turn down the power!"zack sighed and said LUN and watched as the room became a nicely, evenly lit room. jake mutterd under his breath and the group continued walking.
zack looked around the cave. it was old, brine smelling, the walls were smooth and wet, they were in a foot deep water, and nearby a waterfall could be heard. Aqarius, a tall, 18 year old, wth dark blue hair, light blue eyes, and black and white robes, stood there yeld out to jake and zack "watch it!" as a huge wall of water rushed up behind the two 14 year olds. aqarius saw it coming to close to the now running boys and yeld out HYDRO!!!! and he groaned in pain as the wall of water came to a halt.
zack got the idea and yeld out HYDRA and watched jake do the same. zack groaned as he pushed his hands foward and then the water started moving slowly backwards. the whole group sighed with relief after the wall of water had disapered in a low stream. jake found a torch and sed a simple IGNIUS and the torch bursted to life. Jake yelped as the torch became a pyroman, dangerous creatures that are manlike, but there made of fire.
Zack sighed and yeld out HYDRO and watched as water shot out of his hand and soaked the pyroman. zack gave a relieved sigh and looked at jake and said "next time theres a torch, dont light it unless were at a safe place, here, there could be a hydra around the corner." jake started stuttering "z-z-ack....l-l-ook-k b-b-hin-nd y-y-ou.." Zack and Aqaurius turned to see a huge multiheaded dragon apear from a corner. "oh why did i have to say that?" zack groaned and then yelped as the hyrda tried biting him.
a book i wrote, called mythica, this is were zack, auqarius, and jake, are in brine island, fer ur info, words in italiac, are greek words.....i used greek fer the spell casts....fer example if the person wanted to control water.....they yell out "hydro" and they start controling water XP. at any rate...... plz rate and comment :)
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