The lost love of my life.
Chapter 1
It had all started on June 27th 2014,my physics professor,sir Stephen Hawking, said,
“ Mercury,Dawn, see me after class please”I genuinely thought I had landed my self in pretty deep water,so after class I went up and sir Stephen said,
“Mercury,Dawn,each class in the physics department have one person to go to mount Evans in Asia, which as you may know it may erupt at any moment,but as we have seven plane tickets you can both go,you are going to go to see how and exactly why volcanoes explode like they do,the plane will set off at half past ten in the morning, the day after tomorrow so pack your bags!”
As I walked over to my dorm to make a sandwich for my lunch a hand tapped me on the shoulder ,
“I think you dropped something” and it was Mercury handing me a small book entitled “a pocket guide to sound”
“oh,thanks”I replied as I took the book from his hand and slotted it in my bag.
“see ya!” he shouted as he ran on,back to his dorm to start his packing for the small expedition.
My dorm is an old one so it was cheap but not very homely,so no girls liked, or wanted it, so therefore I was on my own.
I had made my sandwich and sat down to contemplate the events of that day. Finished with my sandwich I sat on my bed and thought about the trip, and finally came to a decision,I was worried,worried that the volcano might erupt, but I put that aside and got my suitcase out and packed some stuff, such as,coat,seven
long sleeve tops,five short sleeve ones,eight pairs of trousers,four pairs of shorts and all my Legendre (underwear imbeciles)and with that finished I set my suitcase aside to do my home work.
When I finished I laid my self down on my bed and look at the ceiling,as I said earlier,I was worried,but in all the worrying I fell asleep.
Chapter 2.
On the day of departure I had got my bags packed and I was prepared for the volcano and the plane ride.
“Students and Tutors, today is the day that these students go off to Mount Evans for important research about volcanoes” says the head master standing in front of the “easy jet” plane,”I now introduce the happy campers,first is Mars,then Sapphire, the Marco Polo twins, Rose, Mercury and the lovely Dawn! I now permit you all to enter the plane and be seated.”
I walked up the plane steps and almost tripped once or twice, but eventually I got to my seat and sat down in the first class cabin and asked for lunch-wine and sick bag.(Just in case!)
About fifteen minuets later Mercury came and sat next to me,
“ hey!,want a wine gum?”
“nah,I'm fine,want a drink?”
“okay, go on,I'll have some.”
We then sort of just sat silently for five minuets then I broke the silence with,
“don't you think the physics of helium two are strange?”And the conversation sort of took off like that, but soon the talking stopped as we ordered dinner, I had tikka chicken,chocolate-vanilla pudding and some grape juice, but again after we had dinner we talked about stuff like family,friends and not much else,but the flight took its toll on my insides-I was sick, the sick bag did come in useful after all any way.
So the best part of the trip was spent being sick and not much really happened after that really,because Mercury moved away from me and I sat silently for forty-five minuets after that.
Then Mars came and sat next to me for the rest of that plane trip,we also talked for a while but in the reality of the conversation it never really got as deep as it was with Mercury, but, the thing is that I may be, falling ,...IN LOVE?
Chapter 3
Well I got off the plane ,felt a bit queasy, went to the ladies toilets, freshened up and after all that we set off for the camp site, AT THE FOOT OF THE VOLCANO!!!
So we all pitched our little tents and had a little snack before we went to bed,but Mercury's tent got ripped so he had to share with me!You see my tent had a two compartments so Mercury slept in one with me in the other.
The next morning I went on my laptop and was surfing the web when all of a sudden an ad comes up,it says:
() () This is bob!
=(--)=copy and paste him
/ ( . )all over the web.
/ Your life just might depend on it.
But I just ignore hat and carry on until it's about 7 am and I switch my laptop off and get out of bed so I could get dressed.
At breakfast we had some toast and a bit of bacon and after all that we made sandwiches for later up the volcano.
On the way up the volcano in the abandoned ski lift,(it was abandoned because the volcano could erupt at any given moment) we all sat silently occasionally tacking sips from our water bottles.
I probably sat the silentest during that ride, because of my six th sense for danger sense was going mad from the danger,and I was not generally very good at sensing danger but I was keeping quiet all the more.
* * *
At the top of the volcano we were looking at how the volcano was behaving,but it seemed to be quiet,it was active but it was reasonably quiet.you see the three types of volcano states go like this:dormant(asleep),active and the grand finish erupting
Chapter 4
Now I know what you're thinking....but stop it and pay attention to the story!
Later that day we found out that volcanoes could be active for years and not erupt but thins one was a bit more unpredictable than most but we shouldn't worry... easy for some!
When we came down the volcano we had tea,I have to say it wasn't the best egg scrambled rice and ham ever but still I wasn't made in a high-tech kitchen like it should have been but we ate it all AND got seconds.
But instead of getting seconds I went to bed, and got out my laptop.

- Title: The Lost Love Of My Life
- Artist: tifflette
- Description: I go on a pretty epic adventure to a volcano and almost lose the life of the one I love. but It all has a nice twist at the end.sorry buts thats all I've written!
- Date: 08/11/2010
- Tags: lost love life
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