• 2

    "It has been thirteen years." Rosilynd said at the breakfast table. "you think he would have given up on you by now."

    "not a chance. You don’t know this ******** Rosi. He doesn’t give up." Rosilynd opened her mouth to say something. "Don’t even try to Rick roll me woman! And besides do you really think that he would just let us go around killing his hunters?"

    "point taken. But why does he like you so much? And don’t call me Rosi, use my full name damn it."

    "the ******** if I know." she rubbed her temples. "he has this thing, once he sets his desires on you, you’re his, and no one else’s."

    "Any way doesn’t matter you wanna go hunting before rehearsal. We have a few hours, camon it will be fun! You know how much you love to kill his followers. And maybe if we are really lucky we will find some zombies to blow the heads off of."

    "sure, that sounds good, I need to blow off some steam." she opened the closet and pressed some numbers on a key pad and the wall opened up. Inside the wall was enough ammo and weapons to prevent a zombie apocalypse. Raven grabbed a shotgun, grasped the grip, and shook the shotgun loading a bullet in the chamber. "time to nut up or shut up."

    "you are dumb." Rosilynd stated.

    They walked into the auditorium covered in blood of all colors, smiling and laughing about the kills they got. Everyone looked at them funny.

    "what? You never seen two girls fresh from a hunt before?"

    "good hunt?" asked the bassist, Alucard. He was also a hunter. He was half faerie. His mother was a slave in a faerie castle, the same castle she was kept in as a child. They broke free from there together and have been friends ever since.

    "you could say that." they smiled slyly at each other.

    "doesn’t matter we need practice. Lets set up the equipment." Rosilynd stated picking up her guitar.

    Tomorrow night they were opening for the Trans-Siberian Orchestra.

    "so what are we going to open with?" asked Darius, as he set up his drum set.

    "I don’t know D, maybe with "one bright day" then we can do a couple of un originals and then close with "behind the name". sound good?"


    with the equipment set up, Raven began to sing. as she held the mike in her hand and belted out the notes, it felt so right, her spirit began to soar. for a good solid hour they practiced, the time flew by. soon the pain in her back became very evident. the last note in the song turned into a scream of pain as she fell to the ground. you cant show any weakness. she told herself.

    she bit her lip till it bled, lifted her fist and punched a nice hole in the stage. she stood up, no pain evident on her face. "I am going to go home. I’m so sorry. please forgive me." Raven said softly and she left the stadium. "Rosilynd I will be walking home so I will leave you the car. see you at home darling."

    "But Raven our concert is tomorrow we need to practice!" shouted Alice, the guitarist. Rosilynd put her hand on Alice's shoulder.

    "let her go. she will be fine and ready for the concert." Rosilynd raised a fist threaten. "but she better not be out ******** hunting alone again! I might not save you this time!"

    "your just saying that because she never lets you drive the car."




    "that was the first warning. he is getting closer." Raven said to herself. she let her head fall. "I feel like Harry Potter. oh no the mark on my back hurts when he’s near!" she said sarcastically, "God am I dumb." she sighed and started to walk faster. she must have looped the park five times before collapsing on the nearest park bench.

    "so ******** tired. will I even make it home? I could teleport." she held her hands to her head. "no not a chance, that will definitely give me away to him. even if I wanted to I don’t have the energy for that." there was a rustling behind her.

    "whose there! show yourself." she reached for her gun, only to grasp nothing but air. she reached down to her thigh and grasped the knife she kept on her at all times. two men emerged from the bushes. "who the hell are you?" they were both wearing all black, and were white as ghosts. the one on the left had red hair and the one on the right had white, they both looked like something out of an anime. the marks on their face and necks identified them as Post-Trans Incubi.

    "hey look at the little slut we found doesn’t she look like dinner." the red head said, sadistically

    "hay ******** I asked you a question."

    "yeah she does. hey Victor how old do you think she is?" he pulled a gun out and aimed it steady, it was her gun ******** pick pocketed her.

    "why does that matter Marquis?"

    "girls like her taste better at a certain age."

    "hey I’m talking to you two. who the ******** are you?"

    still ignoring her Marquis disappeared and reappeared behind Raven knocking the dagger out of her hand and putting her in a choke hold. Victor walked up in front of her picked up the dagger and held it to her throat. "now be a good little slut and service us properly."

    Raven spit in his eye. "******** off." she dropped her glamour a little bit to show her sharp vampire like fangs, blood red eyes, and her hair began to blow up by some unseen wind.

    "ohhh s**t I think we have a faerie on our hands." said Victor sarcastically. Marquis wiped the spit from his eye and slapped her across the face.

    "you will not speak to your master like that." he ripped at her shirt with the knife, and at her pants.

    her necklace glinted in the moonlight. "******** dude, look at the pendant! that’s his mark!"

    "whose Carlisle’s who ******** cares." Marquis grabbed Ravens hair and pulled her mouth to his and kissed her roughly. in defense she bit his tongue till it bled, she then flipped Victor off of her knocked the gun out of his hand, and started to run. in anger Marquis snatched Ravens gun with the molten iron bullets from the ground and shot her in the shoulder. "next one is going in your head b***h."

    Raven started to see double as the Iron poison seeped into her veins. just before she blacked out she saw a tall man with long dark hair pull Marquis and Victor off of her. then nothing.

    she opened her eyes, bolted up and took a fighting stance. in the corner of the dark room there was a man, the one who saved her, ugh that thought almost made her vomit. a sharp pain in her shoulder and she was back on the bed, she looked around and realized she was in a bed with black silk sheets, and she wasn’t in her clothes. she was in a big Avenged Sevenfold tee-shirt.

    "ahh your awake I see." said the man in the corner. Ravens veins started moving like they had living creatures inside them. "I managed to take out the bullet, by the looks of it was an Iron hollow point filled with molten steel, and it seeped in to your veins."

    "who are you and were am I?"

    "my house and my name is Warren." he came over and sat on the corner of the bed. she winced and touched her shoulder. it was wet. "it looks like you reopened your wound, I’ll have to redress them."

    "what the hell are you talking about? I am perfectly fine." she stood up, and winced slightly. "and what do you mean I’m at your house? how the ******** did I get here?"

    "Well I couldn’t just let an helpless little girl get attacked by two strange men now could I? I will get the bandages. just stay put." Warren said smugly.

    "what the ******** do you mean helpless. I had the situation completely under control!" Raven shouted, irritated by his smug attitude.

    "Really, totally under control. With one guy having you in a headlock making you immobile, and the other guy tearing at your clothes like a lion tearing at a antelope carcass, yeah sure totally under control." he smirked, infuriating Raven even more. before she could say anything Warren left the room for the new bandages.

    Raven walked over to the desk in the corner where she spotted her weapons. she strapped her knife to her thigh, and loaded a molten silver hollow point bullet in the chamber of her Glock, she opened up the window to try to leave, when Warren came back.

    "whatcha doin?"

    "leaving." Raven said bluntly, putting one foot out the window.

    "really your leaving in just my tee shirt, and once you get out there what do you plan to do?" Warren said smugly.

    getting irritated Raven smiled a defiant smile and stated "Nope. I am going out naked." she took off the shirt and tossed it at his head. blood began to drip from her arm "as for what I’m doing I’m going to go and kick those mother ******** asses." she saluted Warren, "I will probably never see you again, and because your cute," she pulled him and kissed him on the lips. "see you." she jumped out the window and increased the strength of her glamour and became invisible, like most faeries, before she landed on the ground.

    later that night she stalked back to the Penthouse and to Rosilynd. her arm was still dripping blood, even more so than before, and it was beginning to turn black and had bizarre shaped protrusions coming from the wound, and every once and a while her veins would look as though they had worms in them. a sure sign that there were still shards of the bullet in her arm. ******** bastards. she entered the lobby of the building, pushing the rotating door not really caring at all how many humans saw the door moving by itself. she entered the private elevator and pushed the button for her floor. the doors opened up and Raven stumbled into the room, the iron in her system finally getting to her, she collapsed on the floor.

    "Raven is that you? what took you so ******** long?" Rosilynd walked into the hall and found Raven laying on the floor in a pool of blood. "dumb a** you got shot again didn’t you. You need to learn not to go out hunting without back up." she sighed heavily and dragged Raven to the bed. "ill call Josette."

    three hours later Raven was feeling better, now that Josette was done healing her. "you need to start wearing better amour when you fight. or ******** take back up. any longer with that iron in your body I might not have been able to save you. I had to give you a complete blood transfusion."

    "I didn’t need saving. a few hours rest and I would have been fine." said Raven crossing her arms and turning her head.

    "your dumb." Rosilynd stated punching Raven in the head. "you made those bullets specifically to kill faeries, like you!"

    "ow what was that for b***h?"

    "your being stupid again! going out without back up! your infuriating!"

    "what ever mom. you need to pick one Nagging Wife or Trophy wife!"

    Josette looked at them and rolled her eyes. "see ya at the shop tomorrow." she waved and left.

    they both waved and continued arguing. "well now thanks to you my new dress is ******** stained with blood, and so is the floor! and you get to clean them tomorrow!"

    "cant I gotta work at the cafe tomorrow."

    "your still working there. your tattooing and my recording label make enough money! why do you insist on working at a cosplay cafe?"

    "does it bug you?"

    "yes sometimes."

    "there’s your answer. and because its fun."



    "did you find her?" asked a man. the man had long Copper hair, and wore a very regal looking jacket over a stylish black suit. he had a face that was eerily pretty, the kind of face that could make you do anything, and eyes as black as the darkness which he controlled.

    "yes My Lord. she is in New York, she owns a Tattoo shop, plays in a band named Black Beauties. And something very strange, she works at a Cosplay Cafe as a Maid." the Thorn Faerie threw a file stuffed with pictures and papers, all on Raven.

    "at last my Queen. I have found you. My Marahana Hellsing."


    Raven walked in to the coffee shop and went into the back. "hey manager. how’s it been today?" she opened her locker and pulled out her uniform.

    "pretty busy. there were a lot of people asking for you. well for Rika-chan." the Managers look today was a classic Lolita Maid outfit.

    "what’s tomorrows event?" Raven asked, picking up a tray and bringing it out onto the floor. she brought the dish to a customer. "here you are Goshujin-sama, I hope you enjoy and can forgive me for being late with bringing your food." Raven bowed and walked back in the kitchen.

    "tomorrows event I was thinking we could do Pirates. it would be fun."

    "I like it." Raven said smiling as she went back out to take some orders. she walked up to a table of four men, pulled out a pad and pen. "and what would you like Goshujin-sama? might I recommend our delicious strawberry dipped in chocolate parfait? it is like heaven in your mouth."

    "that sounds wonderful thank you. bring each of us one."

    "as you wish Goshujin-sama." she returned to the kitchen and continued the conversation with the Manager.

    "the only problem is..." Manager mumbled the last few words.

    Raven put her hands on her hips. "what is the problem Manager?"

    "I haven’t been able to find the costumes. and we need a Man to be the Captain, and my cousin cant come up."

    "Manager sometimes I think you are such an air head. get me everyone’s measurements, and I will make the costumes." Raven laughed and picked up the tray with the next order on it.

    "and what about the Captain?"

    "ill be the Captain."

    "but your a woman. and you have such huge boobs how the ******** are you going to hide those?"

    "don’t worry about it Manager. ill take care of it." the Manager, no one at the cafe knew of what she really was. and she intended to keep it that way.

    "Rika-chan your the best!"

    "thanks hun." Raven walked out onto the floor and out to the table, "here are your Chocolate dipped Strawberry Parfait Goshujin-sama. please enjoy." the bell on the front door rang.

    "Welcome home Goshujin-sama--" she froze. it was him.