Contuning on the battle Slayers vs Hell Hounds and Demon Zombies. Future Big Phil dont seem to be Big Phil future. But Big Phil dont know that.
Big Phil says: Phil take him down.
Future Big Phil says: I almost got him.
Joey Doom left out of the Shadows.
Future Big Phil says: Its too late he gone.
Meanwhile Saberous goes in the Haunted house and see dead bodys everywhere.
A Demon appears and laughs.
GorGar says: Welcome to the House of Torture.
Saberous says: Where am I.
GorGar says: Sense your going to die. Your at the Hell's Passage.
Saberous attacks GorGar then the Dead bodys raise up as Zombies.
GorGar says: You think killing me going to bring you back. Your wrong I am a Arch Demon.
GorGar blast attacks Saberous and Saberous hits the wall.
Saberous says: Powerful maby but not powerful enough.
Saberous attacks again and the Zombies turn to dust then Saberous attacks GorGar then Gorgar ends up dying.
Saberous says: way too easy.
Meanwhile Urta's Past Haunts him.
Urta comes in the castle to have supper with his wife and daughter.
Urta says: Another town was in ruins.
Urta wife says: Dont tell me its devilknight attacking again.
Urta says: It has too be only a Demon strong enough with have a Demon to take down some Towns out there.
Narcada says: Father im scared that we could be next.
Urta says: dont be afraid my daughter. My knights are all here.
Knight comes to the door and says: Your Royal Highness, Devilknight and his army is coming.
Urta says: Get everyone ready and people safe.
Knight says: Yes Sur.
Urta wife says: What are we going to do.
Urta says: I have to fight.
Urta wife says: But you cant. they will kill you.
Urta says: Only to save my wife and daughter you too must leave.
the door gets slammed down and Devilknight and the Demons appear.
Devilknight says: Urta I see you have a Home and Castle well now its time to take it all down. And you will die with it.
The Demons grab Urta wife then Narcada leaves and shuts the door.
Devilknight says: Get the girl dont let her excape. And take Urta wife to the Ice Lands where she can freeze.
Urta grabs his sword stabs the demon and tries to attack Urta.
Devilknight says: Dont move or you will die.
A Demon knight walks in and takes urta away. the demon knight slams urta in the wall.
Demon knight says: I am not a Demon i am here to help you but you got to work with me on this. These Demons are very powerful you wont be able to stop them.
Urta says: Who are you and why are you wanting to help me.
Demon Knight says: Pretend ive killed you. So once Devilknight goe's away i can get you to a place to be stronger. and you can save your daughter and wife.
Urta says: My daughter excape and my wife has been captured.
Demon Knight says: Just do what i say may help you one day.
Devilknight says: I see you killed urta good job you will be rewarded. Now everyone take this town down as well. We got more places to rule at.
The Demon Knight grabs urta to a Place that has began Urta to become a Slayer.
Master Husseem says: You bring a Outsider here. Thats forbiden Sar and you know that.
Sar says: This is a King of Urdin. Urdin was taken down by Devilknight and his Demons. Not only that this King has a Daughter that has excape and A wife that is kidnapped.
Master Husseem says: This guy would be useful but he wont be treated like a king but will be treated as a Student.
Urta wakes up and founds out he is at a strange place. Urta stops thinking after his memory of how he began as a Slayer.
Gendruff says: Urta you dozed off.
Urta says: My past came by when my kingdom was in ruins and Sar found me took me at Master Husseem place where ive become a Slayer.
Gendruff says: Memories are something we all treasure and it be lost if those went away.
Urta says: Wasnt for rest of the Slayers my wife would been dead. She was frozen in the iceburg. Jason was there fighting off a Ice Demon and found a Woman that was frozen which was my wife. this has happen in 2006.
Gendruff says: The only memory I have is our child hood when we were friends in Bethlehem, Judea.
Urta says: Thats were Jesus was born. Remember Jesus very awesome son of God he is. Taught us well about love, faith and his father.
Gendruff says: Now days its feeling like the end of time.
Urta says: Not the end its the time that Satan getting close to come out and we need to stop it.
meanwhile The Gang at the restarant figure out what to do.
Big Bull Dog says: Why do I have a feeling things are beganing to go very bad.
Small Dog says: What Devilking is finally good so is Gendruff and we got two old legendary Slayers with us. That is all not bad.
Big Bull Dog says: Devilknight brothers has been coming around making Chaos this whole time when we didnt notice it. Devilknight works with the goverment we didnt know it.
Gary says: No one did. We will did our best to stop many evil as we can. Whatever been plan the bible in revelations shows it.
Big Bull Dog says: Revelations thats the key. We need to know where we are at.
Gary says: Every Verse has a Saying how are you going to think something is happening.
Big Bull Dog says: Mark of the Beast has been happening the four horseman many other stuff.
Big Mac says: If its the end then time to party and have sex.
Big Bull Dog says: No we need to stop this. Do you care about the world Big Mac or is Sex just only your thing.
Big Mac says: Hey I got to keep myself in the mood. Dude its Narcada.
Gary says: She wont go for you and you know it.
Big Mac says: Remember when she was the Head Cheerleader.
Big Bull Dog says: Are you out of your mind.
Narcada says: You boys knew all along something was going to happen.
Big Mac says: Knew about what.
Narcada slaps Big Mac and puts the knife on the table.
Narcada says: My father was alive and you guys seen him die against the Same demon the tried to come after me.
Big Mac says: Why did you slap me.
Narcada says: All you do is treat a Woman like they are some sex object. And stop day dreaming of me you are not getting me.
Big Mac says: Damn chill no need to yell.
Big Bull Dog says: She has a Point Mac.
meanwhile Master Husseem walks outside and see's a Devilknight human form walking to him.
Devilknight says: Master Husseem its been a very long time.
Master Husseem says: Devilknight I see you still playing your little games against the world.
Devilknight says: I see you have many Slayers doing your dirty work.
Master Husseem says: What brings you here.
Devilknight says: The End is near my father going to be free.
Master Husseem says: Thats what you think.
Devilknight says: Saberous is trapped out in another world. your Friends are up against hell hounds and demon zombies. You mite as well tell them the Future Big phil really is WarGang666.
Master Husseem says: What that cant be.
Devilknight says: Yes Wargang666 can change form oh he not finished with his plans yet and you are not going to stop this.
Devilknight blast the Slayer building.
Devilknight says: Oh no your base is gone. You have no contacted from the others.
Saberous walks out of the haunted house and kepted going back and past the woods again. and see a Beast in a Cave.
Devil says: Saberous come here.
Saberous says: Satan I see your still trapped and Chained up.
Devil says: Not for long my children are finishing there task and there nothing you can do about it.
Saberous says: Im not scared of you. I was chosen to come to earth to stop your family.
Devil says: You may not seem to be afraid but Jason is.
Saberous says: You leave Jason out of this.
Devil says: Always wonder why his depression builds. Feeling like he wont have a normal life.
Saberous says: Leave him out of it.
Devil says: oh this is just the beganning. Wait til im out of these chains and you will wait to see my wraith.
Saberous says: You wont win this.
Devil says: Oh a Arch Angel Threating me, very entertaining.
meanwhile back to the Slayers.
Future Big Phil says: Phil you need to bring 19 and 20 with you to find where devilknight is at. He is at the white house. Ill bring your bodyguard with me. to stop the 6th gate.
Big Phil says: But it be too risky.
Future Big Phil says: Do what i say. our lives depend on it.
ends the episode.
- by ArcAngelWolf89 |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 12/15/2010 |
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- Title: Rise Of Saberous Episode 24
- Artist: ArcAngelWolf89
- Description: The Rise Of Saberous Season 1 Episode 24 End of the Road Part 2
- Date: 12/15/2010
- Tags: httpwwwdailymotioncomvid
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