• Forget

    - to fail to think of; take no note of.


    He liked to wander the graveyards during the evenings, right
    before it got dark.

    He read every epitaph along the way, taking notice of names
    and dates and other small details that made each stone differ
    from the other.

    Sometimes, he would bring flowers.

    He would clean the old graves and replace the weed with the
    new flowers, and he’d caress the slightly faded names and
    dates inscribed in the stone.

    It broke his heart, seeing these lonely headstones, marking
    the graves of what were once living people, who the living now
    had forgotten.

    These people whose loved ones had died after them, died with
    them, causing their resting place to be forever neglected and
    forgotten by the world.

    And so he wept.