This is the story when I came to a world that had been war torn and 2 nations in conflict with each other for centuries. A world that had once been split into two, controled by Derris Karlahn, now they will face a new crysis. An organization conquesting for power and domination and the return of Derris Karlahn and not just Symphonia will be in perril. There's a dimensonal rift opening in Symphonia linking to the world of Disgaea and it will shake the fortunes of them both. And myself as well.
Chapter 1 - The fall of Derris Karlahn
*In the deep reaches of space.... in another dimenson far away, there was a drifting planet that glowed a bright blue and red that was moving through space. It was none other than Derris Karlahn, a mana born planet of unknown origin, inhabited by a race of angels and leadered by a human named Kratos Aurion, a man who's lived for 4000 years without aging due to a cruxis crystal he bore. Old as he was, dispite his 27 year old apperance, he was in perfect shape. As he captained the planet, he spotted a wreckage of a federation ship from another dimenson, preferably the G.F.S. Valhalla that was attacked by space pirates years ago durring the Incident with Samus and the space pirates fighting over phazon. What was it doing in this dimenson? We will soon learn the horrible truth, that it's being used by a gang of Daleks as a trap for any traveling ship to investigate only to fall victim to an ambush.*
(music playing - Dalek Silence/ Doctor Who - the Dalek conquest)Download
*Inside the GFS Valhalla.... a group of Daleks were gathering arround in the deep locations of the wrecked ship....*
Dalek 1= Allert! Allert! Unknown planet like vessel is aproaching.
Dalek 2= This federation wreckage G.F.S. Valhalla will be useful as a trap for any unaware traveler.
Dalek 3= The scanners indicate that this planet is a pilotable entity known as Derris Kahlan. It will provide us with power scorce known as mana.
Dalek 4= Mana is the power scorce used to hoan a force known as magic. Any power scorce is welcome in the hands of the Dalek.
Dalek 5= We will take this Derris Kahrlan and it's inhabitants by suprise. Once the planet is siezed, we will pilot the planet ourselves and use it to find the last planet it was last in contact with.
Dalek 3= The last planet, Derris Kahrlan made contact with was a planet known as Symphonia. Symphonia is known to have suffered from civil war and domanance of power.
Dalek 4= Symphonia will be perfect for the new Dalek plan, Opperation - mana siege. Our other group currently in another dimenson in the world of Disgaea, we have a Dalek pilgramage hiding in the depts of the Disgaean depths known as the netherworld.
Dalek 2= Once we make randeavu with the Dalek pilgramage in the netherworld, we can create dimensonal rifts through the netherworld, and Symphonia. The Symphonians will mistaken demons from the netherworld as demons of Niefelhiem, the demons from the netherworld will mistaken Sypmhonians as Earthlings. War will be declared by both parties.
Dalek 1= Derris Karlan approaches, All Dalek units in formation...Immediately!
Supreme Dalek Red= The cruxis angels will enter the human wreckage. All units are to take all cruxis angels by suprise, once the angels are in range, all units are to confront all cruxis angels and Exterminate! All Dalek units take your positions immediately!
Daleks 1 through 5= I obey!
(Music changes to - Derris Kharlan Apperance/ Tales of Symphonia)Download
*The planet Derris Kahrlan stopped moving and a band of cruxis angels formed a group to search the wrecked vessel and flown into the ship as soon as the protective aura of Derris Kahrlan wrapped arround the entire ship.*
Cruxis Angel 1= Let's search this ship. There may be a chance for survivors.
Cruxis Angel 2= Kratos, we will report if we find anything suspicous.
Kratos= Very well. Please keep me posted.
Cruxis Angel 2= Yes master Kratos.
*The angels set out to the GFS Valhalla to investigate. The entire ship gives the angels an errie forboding, as if something tells them not to go any furhter. A few angels spotted dead federation troops on the ground of the uneven floors of the hallway.*
Cruxis Angel 1= Look, human remains.
Cruxis Angel 2= The armor there wearing looks so advanced. There definently not from Symphonia.
Cruxis Angel 3= Symphonians are too simple to evolve like this.
Cruxis Angel 4= Let's keep looking. Im sure we can find survivors in this vessel.
*Meanwhile, in the depts of the GFS Valahlla, the supreme Dalek in the red armor moves to the computer terminal and contacts the Dalek pilgramage in the netherworld of Disgaea....*
Supreme Dalek Red= Supreme Dalek Blue..... the planet Derris Kharlan has reached the wrecked human ship, as you predicted.
Supreme Dalek Blue (radio)= Exelent, the plan is working perfectly. Now, contact the cloaked Dalek fleet and order them to advance and sieze Derris Kharlan. We need the mana in that planet for our plan, Opperation - mana siege.
Supreme Dalek Red= It will be done. Once we sieze both planets, Derris Kharlan and Symphonia, we will be able to use our portal devices to link the worlds. We will be able to slip from our position of this dimenson to your location with ease.
Supreme Dalek Blue (radio)= Now,...Supreme Dalek Red, order the fleet! It's time to take Derris Kharlan and make Opperation - mana siege commince! We, the Dalek pilgramage will be waiting for you to randeavu in due time.
Supreme Dalek Red= I obey!
*The transmision with Supreme Dalek Blue ended and the Supreme Dalek Red opens a new channel to the Dalek fleet that is hiding under cloaking devices ready to ambush Derris Kharlan.*
Supreme Dalek Red= Attention all Dalek fleet units! The time is now! All battle formation commence! Attack Derris Kharlan and sieze the pilotable planet by force. It is time to carry out Supreme Dalek Blue's orders.
Dalek (radio)= I Obey!
*As soon as the cruxis angel search party ventured further enough inside the ship, the hidden Daleks made there move and opened fire on the cruxis angels.*
(Music changes to - The Daleks/ Doctor Who score)Download
Cruxis Angel 1= Sir Kratos, do you read? There are these moving things.....they look like some sort of robot.
Cruxis Angel 2= Excuse me, do you need help? Are you the survivors?
Dalek= This is a trap made by us to take you by suprise. This ship is not ours, it was a ship from another dimenson, used by us to lure you in and the plan has sucseeded!
Cruxis Angel 3= Lord Kratos! I repeat! Abort search party, it's a trap.....
*The dalek fired it's energy weapon and shot the cruxis angel at point blank range and when the angel was shot,temporarely, his skeloten was visible highlighted in green by shining white light and when the light vanished, the angel dropped dead, killed instantly.*
Cruxis Angel= What have you done!? Kratos!! HELP!!
*Then the Dalek shot the angel crying for help and all daleks from all over the ship made there move and began to shoot all the angel search party. Back in Derris Kharlan....*
Kratos= What's going in in there!?
Cruxis Angel 1= Sir, the party is being under attack by some form of robot!
Cruxis Angel 2= I made an analysis on the attacker.... there's some kind of life form inside those metalic shels, there life forms sir Kratos! And there hostile!
Kratos= The party is under attack! Call all angel fighting forces and go to red allert! Were under attack!
Cruxis Angel 3= Sir Kratos,.... I got more hostiles on screen.... vessels like we never seen before are appering everywhere! There's no way to escape master Kratos! Were trapped!
Kratos= Then go to ultamate code red! All forces grab arms and go to battle stations!
Cruxis Angel 3= Yes sir! All angels! I repeat, all angles! This is ultamate code red! I repeat! Ultamate code red!!
*All over the area, Dalek space saucers flew all arround Derris Kharlan and began to ambush the planet, under an hour, the planet, Derris Kharlan was siezed. The Cruxis Angel casualties were very high. The Daleks won easaly, with no casualties on their side. The supreme dalek red boarded Derris Kharlan and all levitating daleks disembarked on the surface. They took control of the planet's communication system.*
Supreme Dalek Red (intercom)= Attention inhabitants of Derris Kharlan! Your planet is now in the control and the power of the supreme beings... the Dalek!! All surviving Cruxis Angels are to gather at the centeral plazza to be catalloged. Failure to reply will result extermination! There will be no mercey for any juvenile attempting to escape or resist.
Cruxis Angel 1= Master Kratos.... you must leave immediately!
Kratos= I can't just abandon you.
Cruxis Angel 2= You are our only hope son.
Cruxis Angel 3= There's nothing for you here anymore. Go! Take the escape pod and search for your son Lloyd.
Cruxis Angel 1= You did what you could. Would Mithos want you to remain here with us and suffer. Would you let these things take siege of you and fall for a terrible fate?
Kratos= Ok, I'll go. I'll get help.
Cruxis Angel 2= Go young man! Escape while you can. We'll stall them.
Dalek (intercom)= All Cruxis Angels are to empty their facilities and gather in the main plaza! The Males! The Females! The decendants! Failure to comply will result in death! No acceptions!
Cruxis Angel 3= Go now! It's too late for us.
Kratos= Im so sorry.
*Kratos entered the escape pod and took off at blinding speed in space.*
(Music dies down slowly)
Dalek= Halt!
Cruxis Angel 1= We surrender!
Dalek= What was that device that activated just now?
Cruxis Angel 2= Just a garbage shoot that malfunctioned that's all. We will head towards the plazza.
Cruxis Angel 3= Were sorry for being late.
Dalek= MOVE!! Go to the plazza! IMMEDIATELY!!
*Meanwhile..... in the dimenson of Disgaea, in the netherworld, in the location of floating islands and lava waterfalls, in the debths of the caverns lies a secret Dalek facility where dalek devices were being built and there were caverns where Daleks were recruiting wicked humans and humanoid devious demons to voulenteer for their master plan.*
(Music playing - Dalek silence/ Doctor Who - the Dalek conquest)Download
Dalek 1= The Supreme Dalek Red has already infiltrated Derris Kharlan as you predicted supreme dalek blue.
Supreme Dalek Blue= Exelent! While they sieze the planet from that dimenson, we will recruit humans and demons to form the next part of the plan. They will be united to form a group, a cult called "The Black Circle". The black circle will be both juvenile humans and demons to aid us in siezing our side of the world. Once this netherworld is connected to Symphonia through a dimensson portal network, we will be able to transport from one world to another.
Dalek 2= The dimensional rifts will create the network in which we can use at any time to transport recruits and followers. Durring our time here in the netherworld, we now have harnessed the ability to gather a scorce of power known as mana.
Dalek 3= After the worlds are connected, we will be able to search and find more recruits.
Dalek 4= We have obtained a device that can channel souls and deceased spirits. This device was stolen from a demon group that call themseles "The Dark Assembly". They run many buisinesses and facilities in the netherworld known as "The RosenQueen Company".
Dalek 5= We have also been recruiting creatures that have the resembelance of what the humans know as "Penguins", a breed of human souls incased in a shell known as "The Prinny". They appear to be weak and useless in the naked eye, but in large quanity's, they appear to be formadable and assental to resurecting deceased souls and spirits without high costs of mana.
Supreme Dalek Blue= Continue to build he portal gates. We will wait for communication with Supreme Dalek Red. In the meantime, we will continue to recruit as many inhabitants to this world as possible. Victory will be ours.
All Daleks in unison= Victory! Victory! Victory! Victory!
(Music changes to - Old familiar scent of Ieslia/ Tales of Symphonia)Download
*Meanwhile.......at the planet Symphonia, in Eselia, an old country village of Sylverant.....in an old school, Raine Sage was teaching history class to the poor villagers, both children, teens, and adults who can't aoffard education on most lands and continents.*
Raine= Ok, that's it for today. Class dismissed.
*Everyone leaves the school quietly and heads back to their homes. While Collet and Genis stood behind. Genis, the kid brother of Raine who are both half-elves and Collet, the chosen one of Sylverant, began to make a conversation.*
Collet= Miss Raine. I have a question.
Raine= What is it Collet?
Collet= I was wondering..... about Lloyd.....did he ever tell you when he would come back? Ever since we fought the Vanguard and go to the Ginugagapp to help Emill, he left again.
Raine= He never said anything about when he would be back. He said he had to go and take care of buisiness. Buisiness when he left off from.
Genis= Oh that Lloyd! Always runnin off without tellin anyone when he would be back.
*Sudenly, Frank Brunel, Collet's father, entered the school.*
Frank= Miss Raine, Genis, Collete. I invited Dirk over for supper. Would you all like to join us?
Genis= Sure thing Mr. Brunel.
Raine= Id' be glad to Frank.
Frank= I always wanted to repay you for all the good work and things you done for me and my daughter these past years. C'mon friends. Dirk is almost here and were almost ready to eat. Ready Collet?
Collet= Yes father. I'll go ahead and meet grandmother so I can help set the table.
*Collet walked outside and on the path to her house, she tripped and fell to the ground, but got back up, and continued walking.*
(Music dies down slowly)
Genis= Well, that's our Collet.
Raine= I really am greatful for you cooking for us Frank.
Frank= Anything for my years long friends.
(Music playing - Dalek silence/ Doctor Who - the Dalek conquest)Download
*Meanwhile........ in the night sky...... to the far reaches of the world...... thick black clouds were forming allong wih a storm with red lightning and high winds. It appeared that the portal rifts between Symphonia and Disgaea were complete.........back in the netherworld.......in the hidden Dalek facility......*
Dalek 1= The portal network has been completed!
Dalek 2= The opperations carried out by supreme dalek red and the attack fleet is a sucsess.
Dalek 3= We are now able to move between worlds. We can venture from one world to another instantly. We will now begin to search for recruits and whatever we can scavange of Symphonia that my be useful to the Dalek cause.
Supreme Dalek Blue= Exelent! We will now carry out our plans of Opperation - mana siege.
Dalek 4= Supreme Dalek Blue...... one of our party members have discovered one of the portals lead to a hidden place deep in the planet, a place called "the Ginugagapp", we also descovered 2 bodies. A deceased Human and Half-elf. We ran a diagnostic on both bodies. They have not been there for too long. Aproxamately 6 weeks. They are decayed but we may be able to use the mana from this world to resurect them. They may be useful.
Supreme Dalek Blue= Exelent! Bring the bodies here! Bring the soul jar here as well, we need a voulenteer to help overthrow the demon overlord of the netherworld. The demon known as "Etna". Once Etna is overthrown by our new overlord, the overlord will be provided with demons, monsters, and members of the black circle to carry out any attack ot invasion we enlist and provide.
Dalek 3= With an overlord that we can control, we can carry out an attack on the opposite land of this dimenson known as "Clesteria", home of another race of angels.
Dalek 2= Any angel of any kind is not to be trusted by the Dalek. They may try to find help from any other group to form a kind of resistance to oppose the Daleks.
Supereme Dalek Blue= Commence revival of this Half-elf, and report to me once the resurection is complete. Once complete, we will begin to search for the bodies of half-elf retaliation group known as the "Desians". The Desians will be fit for the Dalek cause and will be envalued as great pawns of our master plan. I will contact the Dalek Prince and inform him of the opperations.
Dalek 2= I obey!
*Meanwhile.... in the computer chamber of the underground volcanic facility......the blue armored supreme dalek made a broadcast to another dimenson..... the dimenson that was once the paralell Earth that Kaolla Su was from... only to what we know that the Daleks took over it and named it "Skaro 2", the blue armored supreme dalek was calling it's master, the "Dalek prince", heir of the late "Dalek Emperor". The broadcast had been made.....*
Supreme Dalek Blue= Master....Opperation - mama siege, is being executed as we speak. Supreme Dalek Red had already siezed Derris Kharlan and now we sucsesfully connected both worlds in a dimensonal gate link made of multiple portal rift gates. The plan is going sucsessfully as you predicted.
Dalek prince (radio)= The plan is sucseeding...... exelent!! We will continue the opperation until it becomes a total sucsess. Symphonia is a world burned and torn by centuries of conflict and civil war. Conqoring that world will not be difficult. But ..... the inhabitants my be useful on helping us take over the netherworld. Make sure it happens.
Supreme Dalek Blue= Understood.....master. We will voulenteer an overlord of our own to infiltrate this world and overthrow the current oerlord, then we can use the overlord to give commands to the demons of the netherworld.
Dalek prince (radio)= Understood. See that it is carried out. Once were sucsessful, we will create a new race of Daleks out of the carnage created in the war between worlds. Symphonia and Disgaea will become new dalek worlds.
*Later that day........ the daleks prepaired a ritual to resurect the dead half-elf, known as Alice. They prepaired to give her an extra amount of mana used by the dark asembly to give power to minions. The settings were set to "Genius" and for the heavt amount of power to reincarnate the body, over 1000k worth of mana points were consumed to carry out the resurection. In a few short minnutes....Alice... formaly of the Vanguard combat unit, she was finaly resurected..... now her yellow eyes now crimson red, her new fangs, now having a pair of crimson red bat style wings and an imp style tail. Alice was not only resurected... she was reincarnated as a demon. The other Daleks used whatever was left in the mana jar they used on Alice to resurect the other one..... the one known as "Decus", formaly of the Vanguard espionauge divsion, had his soul incased in a prinny body, he gained more power in his new incarnation than he did when he was human.*
Alice= uhhhhh.... what happened to me.....ouchie...
Dalek 1= Relax. You are suffering from resurection sickness. You will recover shortly, but only if you relax your body, and do not rush yourself.
Alice= Huh... what happened to me!? I was killed by that Mart-mart!
Dalek 2= Mart-Mart!? Name does not compute. You are still ill from being deceased for over 6 weeks. You and your companion were found on the ground in the location known as the ginungagap.
Alice= Ginungagap? Decus.... my poor dumbo-Decus... he died to protect me from that ...... Where are they!? I'll kill them for what they did,...
Decus= Alice.... my dear Alice... where are you!?
*Decus finaly awakening from his resurection, now a prinny, he's now shorter than Alice. But he still drags the same iron maiden arround and his belly pack made for a prinny, custom made to match his iron maden and his jacket, customly remade to fit his new short, stubby prinny body.*
Alice= ...d..d...de...Decus!? Is that penguin thingy my Dumbo-Decus!?
Dalek 3= You still have yet to recover. Take your time to recover, and we will explain your resurection.
Supreme Dalek Blue= Daleks....I will take over from here. Take that mana jar and collect more mana. Go!
Daleks= We obey!
Alice= So, you guys are called Daleks.
Supreme Dalek Blue= Correct, you were resurected for a great purpose. You have been resurected as a demon, a form you are now will be very esental. You are now far from more superior then you ever were before. We need your help on siezing the throne of the current overlord of the netherworld. Once you are the new overlord, you will be able to order commands to declare war with Symphonia.
Alice= Symphonia..... I do have some people back there to get back on what they did to me and my group, the Vanguard. So, demons, huh? Is this Nefilhiem?
Supreme Dalek Blue= Negative. This is the netherworld, another demon world, different from the demons of your world, these demons are uneffected by the effects of mana, the seem to be able to use mana to their concent. There is a demon overlord who stand in our way of conquest. If you overthrow the overlord, we will help you take Symphonia for yourself. We need Derris Karlahn to carry out our mission as well. The current overlord is a demon female by the name of Etna is located at the castle of the late King Kercheskoiv not far from here.
Alice= Oh, so you want me to enter that castle and overthrow that demon girl to get her throne?
Decus= All hail Alice the great, overlord.... got a nice ring to it do you think?
Alice= Sheesh Decus, you as anoying as you were human.
Supreme Dalek Blue= We can go whenever you are ready, first you must get used to your new demon body, I insist you read one of these guide books we cofinscated from the local town merchants. The netherworld has organizations called the "Dark Assembly". There merchanting organization is called the "RoseQueen Comany Netherworld Branch". Please rest up and prepair. I will be back shortly. We have a stolen human space craft we can use to travel to the castle at any time.
Alice= Ok, Dalek, you got yourself a deal.
(Music changes to - Hell's wisper/ Disgaea)Download
*Later that day in the netherworld, unaware of a severe threat by Alice and her new friends,.....she plans to carry out with the Dalek plan to take control of the netherworld. At king Kercheskoiv's castle, Etna was prepairing some party favors and ordering the prinny squad to celebrate herself as being overlord. Although one prinny wasn't to thrilled and continued to slack off, the prinny that once was Laharl couldnt care less and continued to watch cartoons on his TV.*
Etna= Hey Flonne, how are the party preperations comming allong?
Flonne= Just about done Miss Etna.
*Flonne, a fallen angel, now lives with Etna, now herself having red eyes, a pair of fangs, bat wings and an imp tail, but still happy and easy going, Flonne who works as a vasal and a resess teacher for demons to study love. Got all the tabels set and the prinny squad in charge of cooking for the guests, he guests arrived.*
Gordon= Were here Miss Etna. Me and my fellow defenders of Earth are here to spend some time with our good friends.
Jennifer= How are you doing today Flonne?
Flonne= Good as ever Miss Jennifer.
Flonne= Hello Thursday.
Kurtis= ......,
*Kurtis, just nodded his head. And Vyers also arrived*
Vyres= Hello my dear madamwonzell.....
Flonne= Oh, Hello mr. Mid-boss.
Vyres= Please....it's Vyres, the Dark Adinos.
(Music changes to - Run through/ Tales of Symphonia 2)Download
*More guets arrived and later on that day......that's when Alice decided to crash the party. She kicked the door open and her own prinny squad entered the castle, including the reincarnated Decus dragging his iron maiden and wearing a fowl smellin colonge called "Eau Du seduction", turnned off both enemies and allies. Even her band of monsters arrived as well.*
Alice= Hello..... is lady Etna available?
Etna= Just who in the hell do you think you are bargin in here unannounced!?
Decus= Hey, I won't allow you to talk to Alice that way.
Alice= I challenge this master of this castle to a duel, a contest for the throne and title of overlord.
Etna= Oh yeah right, and im challenging you to a Pillsburry bake-off.
Alice= Sarcasm... how cute. If your not going to accept my challenge, then i'll just have to take this castle by force.
*her sweet innocent smile turned into a sinister face*
Alice= And just kill everyone who tries to stop me. BLACK CIRCLE!! Raid the castle!
*Bands of Black Circle members and Daleks surrounded the castle from basement, attic, rooms, floors and every nook and cranny (except for Laharl's secret chamber he uses to hide from everyone else) and had taken both Etna and the late King Kercheskoiv's vassal's by suprise. Etna was now provoked by Alice's actions.*
Etna= Ok, you. Your asking for it.
Alice= Nobody interfears,... not even you Decus. This is between me and her.
(Person who concieves frenzy/ Tales of Symphonia 2)Download
*Alice makes the first move as she fires an energy ball at Etna, but she dodges and tries to counter with her spear, Alice now as a demon can now wield Decus's buster sword with no problems which was what she was using as her weapon against Etna. Alice used artes that she never used before when she was a half-elf, now as a demon, she can now use moves like "Raging Tempest", "Hurricane atack" and "tiger fang storm", which she used just now and giving Etna a pelting like she never had before.*
Etna= *huf huff* This..... this is like Laharl's power.
Flonne= Hang in there Miss Etna!!
*The fight continues and sooner later... Etna .... falls on to her knees,....and Alice points Decus's sword at her, saying she lost.*
Etna= I can't end my overlordhood here.... not like this.
Alice= You lost Etna dear. heart Now ... the demon tome .... if you please?
Etna= Take it.
*As Alice takes the book to investigate it, Etna stepps back some distance with a sinister grin on her face, as Alice opened it, the book explodes like a bomb.*
Etna= HA HA HA HA HA HA!! Loser!! You think I give you that tome like that?
*When the smoke cleared...Alice was totaly uneffected by the bomb, not even a scratch.*
Alice= *giggles sinisterly* Pathetic!
Etna= HUH!? No way!
Alice= You cheated..... but now you will also pay....with your life.
Flonne= Etna.... don't! I will not let you hurt Miss Etna!
Vyres= Madomwanzell!! DON'T!!
Gordon= Flonne!!
Alice= Oh Mr. Dalek.
*The Dalek appeared before Alice.*
Dalek= You called for the Dalek request, overlord Alice!?
Alice= Those 2 defied me in a fair fight and broke the rules of fair engadgenent.
Dalek= Fallen overlord Etna.... you have violated the challenge of the fair fight with the use of a false spoils of victory. The fallen angel known as "Flonne", you are charged with interfearing in a one on one combat for the throne.
Alice= It's time to die Etna dear, you too Flonnie. heart
Dalek= The robot will silence!
Gordon= Flonne! Etna!
Jennifer= Oh dear...
(Music stops)
*The Dalek shot both Etna and Flonne at point blank range and they both dropped on the floor.....*
Gordon= NOOOOOO!!!!!!!
*Suddenly... a bright light appeared and warped Gordon, Thursday, Jennifer, Kurtis, Vyres, Etna, and Flonne from the castle. And then vanished. All were transported to Clesteria where Etna and Flonne's bodies were layed on an altar covered in flowers. Jennifer and Vyres were leaning on the altar, crying. Kurtis, Gordon and Thursday looked up and it was none other than the Seraph Lamington.*
(Music playing/ Sorrowful Angel/ Disgaea)Download
Lamington= Oh, Flonne, Etna....
Gordon= Please Mr. Seraph! Is there anything you can do for them!? I'll do anything sir!
Kurtis= There's nothing you can do Gordon. There dead.
Lamington= I can revive them,.... but ...... this is a new kind of energy weapon that delt some massive damage to their cells. I can revive them, but they will both be reincarnated as angels. There is no other way. I can do it. But I need 2 live human ribs.
Gordon= Then take mine! I beg of you! Please take my ribs!
Lamington= Ok, hold still son, this may hurt a bit.
*Lamington reached his hand on Gordons lower chest and a light glowed and 2 human ribs appeared on his hand. Gordon feeling weak and full of pain and holding on to his areas where his loer rib bones were transported out of him. Lamington took the ribs and layed one each on Etna and Flonne's dead bodies. Lamington envoked another bright light and then...... he too fell to his knees in exaustion and pain.*
Gordon= Did it work?....
Gordon= WHAT!?
Lamington= It was mine....I tricked you into believeing I took ribs from your body, they were mear illusions. I owe Etna and Flonne ..... I owe them so much after what I did......I only tricked your nearvous system temporarely, forgive me....*urghhhh!*
Gordon= Mr. Serahp! Hang in their.
Kurtis= That was very wreckless sir Lamington.
Lamington= I remember..... punishing Flonne those years ago, It wasn't right of me....... for what I did......Flonne.....Etna.....forgive me.
Gordon= Get some rest Mr. Seraph. Thursday, the medical kit!
*Etna and Flonne woke up from resurection and Flonne had her blue eyes, rosey cheeks, and feathery wings once again. And Etna... now dresses in a white sparkling toga with divine jewelry and now she too had fluffy white feathery wings, rosey cheeks that sparkle when in light, and her fangs and tail were gone. Now she also had sparkly green eyes.*
Etna= KEYYYYAHHHHHHHH!!! This is a nightmare!! My overlord status.... my demonhood..... all gone! GONE!!!!
*Etna fell back down and began to cry.*
Flonne= Oh Miss Etna, you look cute for an angel. heart
Etna= Oh shut-up! Huh? Flonne, you become an angel again!
Vyres= Oh sweet Flonne, look at you, I thought you looked much better as a demon. *sniffle* Oh im gonna miss you being a demon oh madamwonzell.
Jennifer= Oh Flonne, Etna.... im so greatful to see you allive again. Thank you Mr. Seraph.
(Music dies down slowly)
?????= And just what the heck is going on here!?
*Just then.... a figure out of the light, standing on top of a pedistal of the buildings of Celestria's temples rose and jumped downward and landed on the ground level near Captain Gordon, it was none other than Lloyd Irving, who arrived through one of the portal gates created by the Daleks and traveling through the netherworld and up through clesteria.*
Gordon= And just who you might be young man?
Lloyd= The name's Lloyd....Lloyd Irving. Who are you?
(Music playing - Galaxy wars/ Disgaea)Download
Gordon= Let me give you a proper introduction......*intro*......I am Captin Gordon, 37th defender of Earth, my lovely assistant Jennifer, my robot sidekick Thursday, the 38th defender of Earth, Kurtis.
Lloyd= A penguin? A defender of Earth?
Kurtis= I am a Prinny. I was once a human myself, but my human body died.
Vyres= And I am called Vyres, the Dark Adinos, as your service misure Lloyd.
Flonne= And I am Flonne, I was once an angel trainee, and this is Etna, a fallen demon overlord.
Lloyd= d..d..de...Demons!?
Etna= Hey...Who is this guy!?
Jennifer= How do you do Mr. Lloyd? Your not hurt or tired are you?
Lamington= ....We have a new guest at hand..... Please...allow me to explain...*urgh*
*Seraph Lamington slightly shrugs and lightly collapses due to his pain of resurecting Etna and Flonne.*
Lloyd= Are you ok mister?
Gordon= This is the seraph of this land of Celestria, the angelic realm.
Lloyd= You all can explain what are you guys doing pairing up with demons and angels, and where in the heck am I?
(Music dies down)
*The group, rescued by Seraph Lamington, and now there curroius visitor, Lloyd Irving......now meet each other and are ready to hear their part of there stories......what will happen next time? Find out on ToS Nac chapter 2....
*Etna epilouge*
(music playing - A dark race becomes magnificent/ Disgaea)Download
Etna= Next time, on Tales of Disgaea..... the newly resurected and reborn, angel Etna, and her trusty vassals and newest recruit, Lloyd Irving, will go on the newest wildest adventure yet!
Lloyd= *ahem* Me? Your recruit!?
Etna= That's right Lloyd, from here on, you are my new Vassal. And so are these humans, that angel, that robot, all the prinny's and of corse, YOU.
Lloyd= Since when did I ever become your vassal? And what in the hell is a "Prinny"? They look like a bunch of stuffed penguins to me.
Etna= Oh look, isn't he so currious! heart
Lloyd= Im actually on a personal mission to retrieve .... hey wait a minnute.... that's a secret. I can't just tell you!
Etna= So that's all for today, so we see you nex time on "episode 2, Lloyd Irving, the new Vassal of Etna."
Prinny= Look forward to it dood!!
To be continued...........
- by Tanooki John |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 03/29/2011 |
- Skip

- Title: ToS NAC, Chapter 1
- Artist: Tanooki John
Tales of Symphonia and it's characters (c) Namco/Ban-di and Production I.G.
Kaolla Su, Nyamo Namo, and Shinobu Myehara (c) Production I.G.
Tardis and the Daleks (c) BBC Wales
Disgaea and there characters (c) N.I.S. productions
G.F.S. Valhalla, space pirates, and phazze from Metroid Prime 3 (c) Nintendo - Date: 03/29/2011
- Tags: talesofsymphonia disgaea doctorwho
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