Landon and Maria
Chapter 1, June 1st
Maria (Night)
So today was my first day ever at The Awesome Spy Academy, also known as TASA. My parents have no clue that I am here. I told them that I would be with my friend Kish all summer. I am very surprised that they bought that. Kish and I have been friends since, well, forever. Our moms met by our older sisters having the same preschool teacher, Mrs. Jane. Mrs. Jane is also Kish’s mom. Kish moved away two years ago when her dad got a got in California. I wish I could have stayed at her house longer. I flew there and she is going with me to the TASA. What both of our moms don’t know, except for both us are going to be spies, and is that Kish’s dad’s job is to be the principle at TASA.
I can’t wait for tomorrow. That’s when our training will begin. Kish and I were devastated to hear that we only had three classes together, breakfast, lunch, and dinner. We both agreed to stay friends no matter what happened. Besides those three classes I have P.T. (physical training), Strategy, and Study Hall. Most of our day is free time where we can do whatever we want.
I hope that I will meet some new people. At my high school kids are pretty brutal. The fact that I am a 5’8” brunette with blond natural highlights, deep blue eye hotty and chose to wear mostly black with hints of color and Converse makes a lot of the girls want you to be like them, but I am not prep at all. Also back at home there was only one guy I liked and four months ago I found out he was gay. Let’s just say I was pretty heart-broken for a while. Being a freshman in college will be fun.
Well got to go to bed. I think I hear our dorm mom coming.
Landon (Night)
Once again yet another year at camp, every year my foster dad ships me off here waiting for me to choose to stay and never come back. I am so glad that I am seventeen and only have one more year with him. But it is camp and I need to learn how to have fun. I haven’t had much of that lately. I’ve gone here for fifteen years. You would think that they would have given me a mission by now. Sometimes first years get them, if they do and I don’t… I’ll be mad.
Back at home not only do I have a foster dad, but I also have no friends and no decent girls at my school. Sometimes I wonder what’s wrong with me. This book I read, said that girls like brunettes with brown mysteries eyes. But what do I know. The only girl that ever said I had mysteries eyes moved to London. What great luck I have.
Better get to sleep if I don’t want a cold breakfast. Huh. Camp. When will it end?
Chapter 2, June 2nd
Maria (Morning)
Today was a new day I told myself. I could do this. I walked slowly into Mr. Mored’s class room and sat down next to this really cute guy. I looked over at his notebook, but no luck, his name wasn’t on it. The class started and I seemed to look like the only new comer. Mr. Mored walked in and said, “All new students, please come the front of the room.” I was right; I’m the only newbie in Strategy. As if being the only one to walk to the front of the room wasn’t embarrassing enough, Mr. Mored asked me to talk about my past spy experiences. I had nothing to say, so I just said, “This is my first year ever taking up anything spy.” Then I sat down back next to the hot guy and asked him his name. But of course the bell had to ring right as I did. He got up and walked away like nothing happened and like I didn’t exist.
I couldn’t find Kish in the cafeteria, so I finally I just went to her dad’s office and surprisingly I found her there. Apparently Conrad came for a visit and they were having too much fun in the girl’s bathroom and they were both yelled at and Akisha was suspended. She came running to me, crying her eyes out, and she blamed TV. With that said her dad grounded her and told her to leave, and that her bags would be sent home soon. With one last good bye she left. Great. Now I am really alone and I’ll be in a dorm by myself.
The rest of the day went on and I just wanted to die. All the teachers apparently do the whole newbie thing. And no more dream guy. We only have that one class together. This all really sucks. That empty bed makes me want to just give up. I never give up. The only good thing that this camp has done so far is let me look at a hot guy for a total of five seconds. Wow, Kish lied when she said that this camp was great.
Landon (Morning)
Today in Strategy this really awesome girl sat by me. It’s not every day you see a girl like that, in a situation like that. You would think she was a model, but she couldn’t care less what you thought about her. Our at least that was the vibe I was getting from her.
This year at camp really sucks because I don’t even have Conrad. I kind of wish Michael was a spy at this point. Michael is this creep that use to work with me and Conrad at a gas station. To make everything seem fine at this camp they always do have the best food though. Sometimes I wonder what they put in the food. This is a spy summer school after all.
I’m sharing a room with three other people. We got one of the biggest dorm rooms which I would love if they weren’t all on the football team and had their girlfriends spend the night, every night. One time the quarterback said to me,
“So, hotshot where’s your girlfriend? Do you go to her dorm? Because I never see anyone in your league here.” It made me want to punch him in the face, but then I remembered that he was the quarterback and that he had his buddies with him. I love camp.
Chapter 3, June 3rd
Maria (Night)
Ok. I woke up at five. That was hardly the right amount of time to get ready for my class at eight. As I walked in again that really hot guy is right there. I slowly sat down next to him again. And he said, “Hi. My name is Landon. Yours is?” Scared to death I calmly replied, “My name is Maria. I am new here, as you saw yesterday.” To my surprise he just gave a little laugh and pulled out a piece of paper. I thought he was going to start taking notes but instead he started writing numbers on it. That confused me until I saw that they were making a phone number. I just about screamed. When he tore it off and handed it to me, I must have looked like a fool because my smile was so big. He then asked for mine. I felt like an idiot not already writing it so I hurried to find a pen but couldn’t. Then he loaned me his. It was still warm from his hand. For a minute I forgot my number then wrote it down and the class started.
Lunch has to come every day. I kind of wonder why. But once again I have nowhere to sit. When I saw Landon across the room waving, I started to walk. My walking was a bit faster than usual, but it was worth it. We talked all lunch. We talked about Kish, my parents, his foster dad, and shortly about his huge but not too huge muscles. When the next bell rang, we went our separate ways.
Next I had P.T. I never knew that I could exercise this much. Bye the end of the day my shirt was soaked. I didn’t feel bad though because I was the only one who finished the obstacle course in less than ten minutes. After I had got washed up I walked back to the hall and went to Study Hall. Why we need a Study Hall I don’t know. They should call it doodle and read time.
Landon (Night)
Today I gave her my number. Then when lunch came we talked for two hours. She knows just about everything about me and I know just about everything about her. Or at least I think I do. Can’t wait till I see her tomorrow. I think I might really like her. I mean I just spent three hours thinking about her endlessly and I just realized I was eating pizza and got all my homework done for Strategy. Wow! I never knew that camp could be fun. I think that I might call her tomorrow and ask her out. There is this really cool place right on campus that she would love. It’s this awesome Italian restaurant that has the best spaghetti ever. I really can’t stop thinking about shimmering blue eyes. Wait. What am I saying? Conrad would kill me. Conrad is my best friend. But I only see him at camp but he stopped coming two years ago. TASA has made it so that I can’t find him. I wonder if he’s in trouble or just being Conrad. Oh and Maria’s friend Kish. She sounds like a nut. I mean there is only one Conrad and one Akisha in the whole agency. I can’t believe that my best friend and Maria’s best friend are dating…
Chapter 4, June 4th
Maria (Study Hall)
So... Today has been interesting. I walked into Mr. Mored’s classroom and Landon wasn’t there. It scared me. I really like him. If he disappeared for good, I would die. But halfway through the class I heard the terrifying words, “Pop Quiz.” Now I know why he didn’t show up. Well I hope that is the reason why he didn’t come because he scared me half to death.
I thought about calling him just about a thousand times. I figured that he was the boy and that he should call me. I mean girls have no problem showing their feelings; the hard thing is making the guys show theirs. That’s what I plan to do. I am a spy now right; my job is to get info out of people.
Landon (Lunch)
So, I decide to talk to Maria, when she comes in for lunch. I have never asked anyone out. Is it bad that I’m nervous that she will turn me down? If Conrad was here he would laugh at me. I don’t blame him; I kind of want to laugh at me too. I mean I am afraid to ask a girl out, yet not afraid to be a spy. Wow, my priorities are screwed up. Here she comes.
Landon and Maria (Face Conversation at Lunch)
“Hey, Maria.”
“Hey. Why did you not warn me?”
“We had a pop quiz today. Isn’t that why you were not at school today?”
“Uh yeah and I was also nervous about something else too.”
“Oh, is something wrong?”
“No, nothing is wrong; I just wanted to talk to you.”
“Why would that make you nervous?”
“Do you maybe want to go get some Italian food tonight? There is this great place on campus, which I’m pretty sure you would love.”
“What? Are you asking me out on a date?”
“Um, sure, I would love to. Pick me up around eightish?”
“Sure, sounds great. See you then.”
Maria (Walking Away)
I can’t believe that just happened. Oh my gosh, what am I going to wear. Oh my gosh, why am I talking like some boy crazed girl. I think that I saw a prom store a mile off campus and I’m sure they would have something. Besides every student get’s a free dress for prom. I can re-use this dress for prom I guess. I’ll probably be going with the same guy anyways.
(Dress Store)
I can’t believe this place. It’s huge, like bigger then my house. On my way over here I decided that I want a nice red dress. Nice meaning a little, but not too little, strapless, simple dress. With this red and white handbag that I already have. I am usually never this girly. I walked over the rack of short red dresses and I found one exactly like I planned. I’m glad it’s free or I would never even be able to try it on.
Today my mind was completely spaced out. It was going over every little detail, like how I would wear my hair, or what shoes to wear. I hope this is more of a formal-casual date then a just casual date.
Once we started to play dodge ball, because it was Friday, I got hit in the back of the head. Next thing I knew I was in the infirmary with Landon leaning over me, looking a little more concerned than usual. I felt terrible, our date started half hour ago. Of course it was only four when I went to P.T. and now it is 8:30. Great, that must had been some hit. Then he said,
“Maria, are you okay?”
“Landon, I’m so sorry. I ruined our first date.”
“Don’t you dare apologize for this? They found your dress with your stuff. It will look amazing on you.”
“You like it? Good.”
“Maria, I love it.”
“Well I kind of want to go back to my dorm. I’ll see you tomorrow in Strategy.”
Chapter 5, June 5th
Maria (Dorm, Morning)
I am not tired at all. I slept for a lot extra yesterday. I hope Landon isn’t mad that I canceled our date. I guess it wasn’t my fault but still, stupid me got distracted and failed to be the best soon-to-be girlfriend ever. I hope him seeing my dress wasn’t a bad thing. Because now he won’t get the WOW I was kind of going for. Now he will just get, oh, Maria. I like the first one way better. Considering what I did to him I think I should call him. I just got out my phone looked down. It is nine o’clock. Wow! I must had really been hit hard. I hope my teachers will forgive me, I’m also praying Landon will too.
Landon (Strategy)
Maria isn’t here today. I hope that she’s okay. Spies never sleep in after eight, at the latest. I hope that she isn’t mad at me or herself, it wasn’t her fault. The dress she bought is so beautiful. I can’t wait to see her in it. She gives me hope in having a good future. My foster dad has never cared and now I have someone who believes in me. And makes me talk like a complete idiot, kind of like how Michael was after getting his first kiss when he was seventeen. Wow. I don’t miss Michael at all.
Maria and Landon (Lunch)
“Landon, I just want to apologize for all of this. I ruined everything. I know, I know it wasn’t me, it was just the girl throwing the ball.”
“Maria, I would never blame you, even if you did do something terrible. So do you maybe want to catch a movie tonight, on campus?”
“Landon, I would love to. Now there is only one question.”
“What’s that?”
“What movie are we going to see?”
“What do you want to see?” I had no clue what to say,
“Um, do you want to go see The Final Days?”
“Isn’t that a chick flick?”
“Yes. So?”
“Okay… I will pick you up at?”
“The movie times are four or nine. So I will see you at nine. Pick me up at my dorm.”
“Okay, well bell’s about to ring. Bye.”
So I am being devious. Oh no. I wonder if he wanted to go in a dark movie theater so he wouldn’t see my dress. Oh, or maybe it’s for the same reason I chose a stupid chick flick. I love spy’s devious minds.
I spent the rest of the day in Study Hall and then my closet. I decided to wear the red dress. For a while I was questioning wearing it. But I have no money to buy a new one, so the red one will have to do. I have to admit that I do love that dress. It only took me about an hour to decide that. By then it was five. I still had four hours. I got changed and then went to the hallway to walk to the bathroom to do my hair. On my way I saw this girl curled up on the floor crying her eyes out. I ran over. I recognized her from Study Hall. Then I remembered, she wasn’t there today.
“Sydney, are you okay?” she looked up at me.
“Do I look okay.” She continued to cry. Then she looked up at me again and pushed back the tears. “Maria, this just sucks. Do you know Brock, the captain of the football team?”
“Yes.” I said. “What the heck did he do to you?” by now I was yelling and about to cry myself.
“That jerk got me knocked up.” Then she curled back up and began balling again. This time so did I. Then I got up. She said,
“You aren’t leaving me are you?” I looked at her.
“Sydney, does he know?”
“Are you kidding me? If I told him he would dump me. I think I might just have an abortion or give it to the foster care.”
“Sydney that is not the way to handle this. You are going to get up, go tell him, then go tell the principle.”
“You are asking me to walk into a death trap!” she began sobbing again.
“Maria, I’m sorry. I can’t do it.” I looked at her very seriously,
“Fine Sydney, I will. Bye.” As I left she just stared.
Where to find Brock was hard. By now it was six thirty. First I checked the field. He was no where to be found. Then I remembered one day in class I heard Sydney talking to him. He said his dorm was 267 in Parrot Hall. I started marching. I got up to the front of the building and looked up as I was walking. Of course I step into a puddle of mud. Then I looked at my slightly mud splattered dress. It not only had mud on it, but it also had smeared eyeliner and tear stains. Great.
I walked to the door and I had to type in the dorm number to page them to open the door. I typed in 267; to my surprise the person to answer said who this is. I calmly replied.
“Let me up. NOW!” they listened. The door clicked open and I started climbing the steps. He was on the second story. I could tell that this was a good dorm. Once I got to the room I knocked very loudly. The person to open the door wasn’t Brock. It was Landon.
“Landon, what are you doing here?” he looked at me and smiled, then looked down at my dress.
“I live here and what are you doing here? Also, what happened to your dress, it is not as I remember it?” I laughed sarcastically,
“Is Brock here?” Landon opened up the door a little more. Behind him was Brock on his bed with some random girl.
“Maria, this is why I never invited you over or anything.” Then Brock looked up,
“Maria, the new girl? Hey do you want to come over here, there’s plenty of room.” I gasped. What a pervert. Landon looked at him like he was about to grab a gun. Then I grabbed Landon’s arm.
“Landon, its okay he’s a pervert that got Sydney pregnant.” Brock looked back up at me.
“No I didn’t.”
“Really, tell that to Sydney and her test strips.” Then the girl in the bed with him got up, right in front of us, put on her clothes, and left stomping. Landon looked at me with his cute puppy dog eyes.
“Brock,” I said, “you have to do something. Go talk to Sydney; she is curled up in our dorm’s hallway.” Landon continued to stare at me. I took his hand and led him out of the building. He just kept looking at me. Finally I looked up at him, he reached down and kissed me. I was so furious, I pulled away. He looked back at me with question in his face.
“Maria, what’s wrong?”
“What’s wrong? I just found a girl curled up on the floor pregnant and the guy doesn’t even care.”
“Oh, it’s Brock. We’ve shared a dorm for years now. This will be his fifth child.” My mouth dropped.
“What?” I was yelling again. Landon took my hands.
“Maria, you know I would never do that to you. It’s Brock; I know what you are feeling. I’ve found two of his other girlfriends on the floor bawling too. You just have to calm down. We will go tell Dad, I mean Kish’s dad, the principle, and he will get her tested again at the school hospital, and from there everything will be taken care of.”
I couldn’t believe it, I wanted to be mad but he handled it so well and it let me that he himself would make a great dad. Not that I was looking that far ahead. We had not even had a date yet. He was still holding my hands looked at me. He walked me to Kish’s dad’s office.
When we got there we explained everything to him. He looked up at Landon and he thanked him for once again helping with Brock’s problems. He then nodded at me.
He waved his hand to the door and we left. I was so disappointed. That would have been our second date. We got outside of the building and I looked down. Landon had never let go of my hand. We walked for a while until I got to my building. There was one light right above us. He looked down at me and he slowly went and gave me a kiss. He let go of my hands, waved, and left. I just about screamed. I was so excited; I walked up to my dorm, put on some pajamas, and laid in bed. My goal was to sleep, but that never happened. By the time five o’clock came around I fell asleep. At five thirty my alarm woke me up.
Chapter 6, June 6th
Landon (Breakfast)
So I have eaten breakfast every day so far this year. I just realized that I have never seen Maria eat breakfast. That’s why today I was so surprised when she walked in, in a cami and pajama pants.
“Well hello there sleeping beauty.” When I said that it sounded kinda sarcastic.
“Look, it’s my handsome prince that kept me up all night.”
“Sleeping beauty, I was not in your dorm at all, remember I left. Is there someone else that you have mistaken for me?” she smiled,
“No, you kissed me and that made me so… let’s just say I couldn’t sleep.”
“Oh, so you do like me.”
“Of course I do Landon, why else would I had tried to go on two dates with you.”
The rest of breakfast went on that way. When it came time for strategy, we walked there together. I felt like our hands needed a break so I didn’t hold her hand. I think that that bugged her. During Strategy we had to pick a partner to do an in class experiment with, of course I was with Maria. The experiment went well. It was an interrogation course. In the middle she asked me,
“Do you have any siblings?” I replied,
“Yes, one, she is younger than me.” She looked at me hard.
“You do, why didn’t I know this? What’s her name?”
“She is eleven months younger than me, and her name is Akisha Koshi.” She smiled,
“Nice joke Landon.”
“Maria, I’m not kidding. Call her yourself.”
The rest of the class was learning not flirting. It was kinda sad. I like when she flirts with me. She’s so cute when she does.
Maria (P.T.)
Right now I am supposed to be running the mile. I decided not to, just like how Kish or Landon never mentioned that they were brother and sister. Oh no, here comes the coach. Her name is Coach Raigna; she is really cool, young, and understanding. She looked at me then asked what the matter was. My reply was rude and mean but I got her to go away. I sat down on the grass and started to cry. At the same time I wanted to punch both of them in the face.
Maria (Study Hall)
Considering how the rest of the day was. I was happy to get to peaceful study hall. At lunch I ditched and sat by a fountain. Landon never found me and I’m glad. I need some time alone. The whole time I just doodled on some notebook paper. They were all of emo girls with an axe. With five minutes left some random guy walked in and handed me a piece of paper. I read it. It said:
Dear Maria,
It has come to our attention that you have been a bright, shining student from the very begging. We were very sad to sent home your room mate. We were hopping that you could rub off on her. Your grades are very good and you seem to be a kind girl with a lot of wanting to learn. We have selected five students this year to do something incredible. All you need to do is go to room 115 in the Strategy Building when this class ends.
The one who chooses
I was so excited. When Study Hall was over I ran to the right room. Like the letter said, there were only four other students. There was the same guy who gave me the letter. He looked at us and said,
“Congratulations, you have been selected to go on a mission. You all will go to separate cases. Real cases. You are aloud to bring one other student from this school to go with you. It may not be another person in this room. Natalie, you will go to Chile; Nancy, you will go to London; Blake, you will go to France; Micah, you will go to Japan; and Maria, you will go to the head quarters for the Extra Velocity Intellect League or Excellence, right here in Ohio. You will all get more information later. Bye.”
He left the room with us there to gossip. Natalie and Nancy were twins so they talked and Blake and Micah knew each other so they conversed. I was there alone. So I left. I decided to call Landon and apologize for the way that I acted.
“Hey Landon.”
“Maria, I really hope that you aren’t still pissed at me.”
“Landon, please try not to say bad words. I had an addiction, I’m trying to stop. And No I’m not still really, really angry at you. I just over reacted.”
“Well I’m glad to know that. What’s up?”
“Guess, what?”
“What?” he said that like he does everything, sarcastic.
“I got a mission!”
“You did?”
“Yeah. I can bring a partner. Do you want to go with me?”
“Maria, I have to go, but not with you, I don’t want to be your partner. Bye”
The phone went silent.
Maria (Night)
I leave tonight. I wish Landon would talk to me. I sent him fifteen texts and no reply. I wonder what’s up with him.
Landon (Night)
So she asked me to go with her and she keeps texting me. I feel so bad she probably has no clue why I am giving her the cold shoulder. But I really hate that she got it and that I didn’t. I hope that it isn’t because her friend’s dad is the principal, but then that makes me wonder why I have never got one. I think I will try to get her to forgive me. Saying sorry to a girl when you make her angry just seems like the right thing to do.
Landon and Maria (Phone Conversation)
“What do you want now? To tell me that missions are stupid or that you never want to see me again?”
“No, actually I was wondering if I could still go with you.”
“Well sure, but it is a four hour ride to Ohio. I can tell you the rest on the way there.”
“I will see you in a few then.”
Maria (Plane Ride)
So, I am really on my way. And right next to me is a passed out, extremely hot guy who will be with me the whole time. I think he’s about to wake up. “Oh, hello sunshine. Did you get some sleep?”
“Why? Were you watching me sleep?”
“No, I have been writing in my diar- um, journal.”
“Oh really? I have a Journal too. Yeah. My mom bought me one when I was a freshman and it just kind of stuck. I like rereading the funny stuff in there.”
“Ok. Well you got your sleep. Now can you let me get mine?”
“Sure. Um. Where are we going?”
Landon (Plane Ride)
So, she was watching me sleep. That creeps me out a little but it also says that she likes me too. I can’t wait till we get there. Wherever there is. I just can’t stop thinking about her. She is right there and I just want to give her a kiss on the cheek or something. I hope that this won’t distract me from performing my duties as a spy.
Chapter 7, June 7th
Maria (Hotel, Morning)
Wow! We both have to share a room. This agency seems to be more like a dating service, but oh well.
Maria (Lunch)
After we got done unpacking we headed over to E.V.I.L.E. When Landon and I realized that it spelled evil with an extra ‘E’, we just about fell on the floor laughing. We were pretty sure that no one else there saw it so we just left it alone.
It was a huge office, with mostly desks and computers, but at the other end of the room we saw the boss’s office. No one told us where to go so we decided to talk to the boss. As we walked we saw someone dash to the coffee machine. They were acting pretty strange so I nudged Landon. After we got halfway to her I realized that it was Kish! “Kish!” I yelled.
Maria and Kish (Face Conversation)
“What are you doing here? I thought that you got kicked out of spying.”
“Well… actually those aren’t my real parents. My real ones disappeared right after I was born. On my last mission I was put in a foster home and Kyle and Lisa, my foster parents, decided to adopt me. Mrs. Jane and Mr. Brandon were just fake parents to keep TOSA from figuring me out.”
“What? And what the heck is TOSA?”
“TOSA is this other spy agency that is the rival of Extra Intellect Velocity League of Excellence. They have been trying to ruin us for years. So what’s up?”
“Well, best friend, I was sent on a mission my first year, and I chose to take Landon with me.”
“Whoa! He is really hot and wow, a first year mission. What do you have to do?”
“I don’t know, I think that I am supposed to talk to the boss.”
“Ok. Well I got to go, I’ll text ya. Bye.”
Maria (Lunch Continued)
Then she just walked, more like dashed, away. I wonder what is up with her. I thought that she always told me everything. Then I looked up and saw what my friend just called hot, right in front of him, and I blushed. It must have been weird for him too, because he also blushed when he looked down at me. When I say looked down, I mean it. I am only 5’8” and he is probably 6’2”. 5’8” is short for a spy because most spies are tall guys. After that we heard someone call, “Maria, Landon, did you make it?” With that heard Landon went running and I had to try to keep up.
Landon (Lunch)
So today when we went to the agency not only did Maria’s friend call me hot, but I saw Mac. Mac is one of my old friends. Back when I was little and went to TASA, he was my dorm dad. He was like a real dad to me too. Since I never really had a dad, he was always there. When I saw him I started to sprint. I think that Maria had a hard time keeping up because I had already given him a hug and talked about his dog by the time that she got there. Then I had to spend another ten minutes explaining how we knew each other.
But Mac seemed a little distracted and like he needed to say something. So I let him talk. He said, “Maria, Landon, I’m sorry but your mission has been canceled. I am sorry but it ended up being a wild goose chase.” I felt so bad. Maria started to sob, but to both our likings she ended up in my arms, just needing to be comforted. I was not upset like her, but I did want to punch Mac for being the one to tell her that. Then Mac said, “Wow! What a situation you got here. Kid you better get yourself a new girlfriend but first get out of my place of work.” I was surprised that he called Maria my girlfriend, but yet Mac acted a lot weirder.
Maria (Night)
Right now I am in my bed. It is kind of weird because Landon has one three feet away. I felt like a fool today the way I just crashed in his arms, but I had good reason to. Whoa. He just got out of the bathroom and he was all wet, but fully clothed. He caught me staring and asked, “What?” all I could think of was how amazing he was, and finally he just got in bed and he got out his Journal.
Landon (Night)
So I just got out of the bathroom and Maria was staring at me. I feel bad cause what happened today. I feel like it is my fault. I wonder what’s up with Mac.
Landon and Maria (Face Conversation)
“Hey, Maria.”
“So, about today. I feel really bad what happened. I feel like it’s my fault. I have no clue what’s up with Mac. I don’t know why he would act like that.”
“Yeah, I know the same thing with Kish. Kish isn’t always nice and perky, but she isn’t like that, I could just tell something was wrong.”
Maria (Midnight)
Then he came over and sat by me on the edge of the bed. My heart was pounding so fast that I thought he could hear it. Then to my surprise he bent over and gave me a kiss. I just about screamed and melted all at the same time. Then he went back to bed and turned off the light, just leaving me in the dark. I wonder if we’re on to something. If we are I wonder if it is the mission or just coincidence.
Landon (Midnight)
So. Right now I am under my covers with a flashlight. Maria crashed about ten minutes ago. Speaking of Maria, I just kissed her. The thing is, is that after I did she just was staring like when you’re in a classroom and your teacher is talking rubbish. You know, that stare. I have no clue how she feels, but she didn’t push me away so that was a good sign.
Chapter 8th, June 8th
Maria and Landon (Face Conversation)
“So Landon, what should we do?”
“I think that we should do some investigating and some sightseeing. The spy agency did give us a full paid card with two million on it. We might as well use it. Why don’t you invite Kish to the beach?”
“Is that just some lame excuse to see me in a bikini?”
“Of course not, but Lake Erie is really close to here.”
“But she was acting weird, why would she want to go to the beach with me?”
“I think that she would go if Conrad went.”
“So it’s settled, I’ll give Conrad a call and tell him to invite Kish to the beach.”
Landon (Morning)
So I called Conrad and he loved the idea of the beach. When I told him he couldn’t actually go, he got a little worried that I was trying to steal his girl. So I had Maria get on the phone. That was a little weird because she had to pretend to be my girlfriend. She had a very convincing act. When Conrad asked where we were and Maria said ‘a hotel’, he started to laugh very hard and he asked to talk to me again. He was concerned; he didn’t think I would do that kind of thing, but I couldn’t tell him what we were doing, so he insisted on going with us. He wouldn’t let his girlfriend be put in any danger at all unless he’d be there to protect or defend her.
So, then we packed our swim suits and we left. It took about two hours, like I planed, to get there. Running into Kish and Conrad wasn’t too hard; you just had to look for the girl in the rainbow bikini kissing the tall blond. We just walked right over.
Kish and Maria (Face Conversation)
“Oh my gosh, Maria! What are you doing here?”
“I thought that we would surprise you.”
“Well consider me surprised. Oh, and this is Conrad.”
“Yeah, I think Landon knows him.”
Landon and Conrad (Face Conversation)
“Conrad?” exclaimed Landon, “Is that really you?”
“Ah, yeah. What’s up Landon?”
“You know same old same old, just fighting crime as a spy.”
Maria (Beach)
So, today is very interesting. Landon and I haven’t talked about the kiss or kissed again. I wonder if he was drunk or something. Wow! I hope not.
The rest of the day went on us just talking. I soon realized it was the real Kish after all. She was just paranoid because apparently something weird is happening at EVILE, but no one but the boss knows. She told us that she has seen someone in his office before talking to him, but she could never tell who it was.
Kish and Conrad just left. They had to get back or the head quarters would know something was up and they could be in big spy trouble. Oh, my. Landon is walking over here. He just got out of the water. And once again he caught me staring but this time he just said, “You look amazing.” All I could do was smile. Then he sat next to me and once again he gave me one kiss. But this time he did kiss me again, and again. After half hour had passed we decided to head back to the hotel and get some sleep for the day coming up.
Landon (Hotel)
So, today I took on one of my biggest fears, I kissed Maria over and over again. I’m pretty sure she likes me now. Well either that or she is so delirious with this case that she would have made out with anyone. I love her, but I don’t know how to tell her or when the right moment would be. I wish that I knew what she was thinking. It drives me insane that she can just be there writing in her Journal then start smiling like an idiot. Not that I would ever call her an idiot. It’s just a phrase. Tomorrow I will ask her out to dinner. I think she need some time to relax before we continue with this case. I think k I saw a fair about a mile down the shore of where we were today. That would be fun.
Chapter,9 June 9th
Maria (Morning)
This case is driving me insane. I really need to take a break, but I don’t know if I could. Plus Landon would probably kill me is I asked. He is really dedicated and that’s one thing that I like about him. He is so passionate and I just know he’s sweet and that he cares.
Landon and Maria (Face Conversation)
“So, today do you want to take a break and go to the fair, then maybe dinner?”
“Really? I would love to.”
I know that he was happy because he had a huge smile on his face. Then he said,
“Kay. I think I saw a fair by the beach.”
“Kay, thanks Landon, I need it.”
Landon (Morning)
Well, she likes the idea of fair then dinner. I’m so glad. Oh my Gosh! I have my Grandma’s necklace with me. I think I’ll give it to her tonight. Well, we got to get going.
Maria (Lunch)
Today was amazing we rode the zipper twenty-three times in a row. Then we went to the Ferris wheel. To our surprise we stopped at the top. While we were up there, we just talked. It was nice. We talked about us, not US, but about our lives. Wait he’s coming with our meal. Well if you consider two cheese dogs and a French fry a meal.
Landon (Lunch)
I just brought us lunch. She seemed to like the fair’s food. I loved it, but the hot dog meat was more questionable than usual. I think we might leave and head for the restaurant. Earlier I called Conrad and asked where the best place to eat was. He said it was a place called “Restaurant de a French.” I’m pretty sure an American made it, based on the not French title.
It’ll be weird taking off my grandma’s necklace. I’ve been wearing it under my shirt for years because she was the only caring person I’ve met from my foster family. She also passed away five years ago. It killed me. Maria has filled that place in my heart. Wow, that was really nerdy, no matter how true it may be. ..
Maria and Landon (Car Ride Conversation)
“Where are you taking me?”
“You’ll know in three hours.”
“It’ll take three more hours?”
“Yeah, but someone said that it was worth it.”
“This someone being?”
“No one.”
Maria (Car)
Oh wow. I think I love him! He’s taking me to this place three hours away. I think I’ll hold his hand. I did and he let me! Yay! I’m so glad him car is an automatic and not a stick-shift.
Maria and Landon (Face Conversation at the Restaurant)
“Landon thanks for bringing me here. It looks amazing.”
“No problem. And we still have two million left.”
“Yeah, Right!”
“Um, Maria.”
“This is my grandma’s necklace. I’d like you to have it.”
“What? Please let that be a good oh.”
“No, it is a good oh. It’s just really… Sweet.”
“Well we just had dessert and you look tired. Let’s go to a hotel.”
“Okay and I am.”
Landon (Car)
So, that went well. Right now Maria’s driving because I’m tired. I wonder why she wanted to get to the hotel so quick… I wonder how she feels about US.
Maria (Hotel)
I really like Landon. I don’t know how far I want to go. He’s a boy so he’ll probably go as far as I want him to go. That also scares me because I want love not lush. There’s a big difference.
Landon (Hotel)
Maria is so beautiful in her silk cami and shorts. She’s looking at me and she’s sitting with her back against her head-board.
Maria and Landon (Face Conversation)
“Landon, Can you come here?”
“Yeah.” I then went and sat next to her on the bed.
“I love you.”
Whoa. “I love you too.”
Landon (Bed)
I then reached over and kissed her. Before I knew it, we were making out on her bed. I didn’t want to make her do anything, she would regret so I said, “Hey, we need to get some sleep.” She looked at me puzzled. I felt bad. She probably thought I was just using her. But either way she got up, tuned out the light, and laid back down in my arms.
Chapter 10, June 10th
Maria (Morning)
I woke up with my legs entwined in his and my head on his left arm. Apparently he’d been up for a while. Then we both got up and started to get ready. I started to make ice coffee when I saw we had no ice, I went to get some.
Last night I am glad Landon stopped me. That was way serious way fast. I wonder what my dad would say. Crap! I haven’t called my parents this whole week. Oh look the ice machine. But first, “Hey mom, it’s me Mar, AH WHAT!”
Landon (Hallway)
I went looking for her because she’d been gone for a while. I found the ice machine but no Maria, What!? I just found her phone. Her phone was wide open and everything. She has been on a call with Home for fifteen minutes. I hope it’s not because she hated me or something. But why would she leave her phone on?
Maria (trunk)
Okay. So I’m in a trunk. I can tell from the spare tire. I’m glad Landon’s a spy or I might never be found. I bet he’s already coming or is looking for clues.
Landon (Car)
So, I decided to go to her parents’ house to here the message she left them.
Landon (at the Parent’s House)
“Hey, is anyone home?”
“Yes, and you are?”
“I’m Landon, Maria’s boy, I mean friend who is a boy.”
“I’m her mother. Paul, get over here.”
“I’m Paul, Maria’s dad. I’m sorry but she isn’t here right now.”
“I know. She was with me at the hotel, and then she disappeared.”
Then Paul looked at his wife and said, “Cary will you go make us some cookies?”
She smiled at him and replied, “Okay Paul. Nice to meet you Landon.”
Next Paul continued to talk, “Landon, why would you take my only sweet daughter to a hotel when she was at her friend’s house.”
“Well, I’m a friend of Kish, I mean Akisha’s boyfriend and when I came to visit we decided to go to the beach.”
“Oh so it started with you two being half-naked and then in a hotel. Well I feel a lot better now.”
“No, no. it’s Okay it was her and Akisha in a bed and me and Conrad in a bed.”
“Okay. You’re gay. I’m okay with that. Maria told me Conrad left Akisha for someone else. I didn’t know that was you.”
“NO! Conrad’s Kish’s boyfriend I’m Maria’s boyfriend!” oh crap.
“Oh, Okay. Well son welcome to the family.” He then hit me very hard on the back then continued to say, “If you hurt my little girl, I’ll find you and I’m always packin’. Get it?”
“Yes sir.”
“Landon, Paul cookies are ready.”
“Cary, Landon is Maria’s boyfriend.”
“Oh how nice Maria’s first boyfriend. Come in Landon make yourself at home.”
Landon (Maria’s House)
After I came in we had some cookies and talked for a while. For the longest amount of time Paul was staring at me Cary told me that I could call them mom and dad. I don’t think Paul liked that idea.
After we were done eating I asked if I could listen to the message from Maria. Cary looked at me then said follow me. The message said, “Hey mom, It’s me Mar… AH WHAT!” then a guys voice came on. “Come on Michael, we need to get her to Base Camp.” I knew that voice. Then I said thanks, ran out to my mustang convertible then drove away.
Maria (Somewhere)
“OH my Gosh, someone take this thing off of my face!” I yelled, then I heard someone walk to me he took off the mast. I knew him from somewhere. “Mac?” he then looked at me like I just told the world that he was a Barbie collector. He just kept looking at me. Then another guy walked in the huge vacant room and said,
“That’s the wrong one.” I could tell Mac knew I’m who he wanted but apparently his partner thought they were getting someone else. Then the same guy said, “Boss I thought that we were getting Akisha. After she broke my heart I wanted revenge. Stupid Conrad had to steal her.” I then yelled,
“You’re idiots, why would you want Akisha, she’s my… I mean I’ve heard of her. You know how all spy people know each other.”
Then the guy, not Mac, said “You’re a spy oh, I’m so sorry, I’m Michael. Sorry about the commotion, let me untie your hands.” I didn’t ever realize that my hands were bound. Then Mac got out a gun and said,
“Sit down Michael.”
Landon and Maria (Base Camp Conversation)
“Hi Mac!”
“Landon! You found me. Help he has a gun.”
“Yes dear, I can tell.” He said sarcastically, “Mac what’s wrong with you? This is my girlfriend.”
“Your girlfriend?”
“That’s what I told your parents.”
“Yeah, I’ll tell you later.”
Landon and Mac (Face Conversation)
“So Mac, what made you want to kidnap my girlfriend?”
“You betrayed us. We told you to go back to TASA, but no, you had to get into things.”
“So something is going on at TASA?”
“Uh, no, you just didn’t trust us.”
“Why do you care? You know I’m one of the best and smartest, yet I never got a mission until she invited me.” I heard Maria gasp. I never told her that part.
Maria (Base Camp)
I feel so bad. I was all bragging and all hey want to go. Wow! I feel so bad I forgot I was tied up on a couch, nest to a guy named Michael, who is trying to look down my silk pajamas, because I had only done my make up by the time I was kidnapped. Great! Michael is barely appealing. Like almost hideous, but almost cute. I wonder if this is the creep that worked with Conrad that Akisha talked about. Well they have the same description… EW! But thankfully he wasn’t looking at my hands behind my back because I got them untied.
Landon (Base Camp)
I looked over at Michael, who I knew from working with him and Conrad at a gas station, was looking down Maria’s Shirt! I yelled, “Michael, you freak, that’s my girl friend. “Then Maria jumped up and side kicked the gun out of Mac’s hands while Mac was looking at me. She was awesome. Then Mac said,
“Well Landon, are you going to pick the people you’ve know forever, or this random girl who is just trying to get in your pants?”
With that said Maria’s face went so mad and serious, but yet she just about laughed. I knew she would never ever be like that. That’s also what I told Mac. Mac just watched me go over to him, with a rope that I found on the ground, and I tied him up, threw him on the couch with Michael, and walked to Maria. I picked her up in my arms like if we were newlyweds and we left.
- by rainbowk97 |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 08/07/2011 |
- Skip

- Title: Landon and Maria
- Artist: rainbowk97
- Description: two teen age spys that go on a mission.
- Date: 08/07/2011
- Tags: teen mission landon maria
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Comments (2 Comments)
- awormylittleman - 08/19/2011
- (: love ya tooo best friend
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- rainbowk97 - 08/07/2011
- sorry bout how long it is. one day i would like to get it published. this all is for my best friend horsegirlC97, she was writing a book about Akisha/Kish and Conrad. thanks christa
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