"My name is Aria..how do you do?.."
(Flashes back to past scene in Aria's memories"
"Mama?! Papa?! Where are you?" Aria shouted as loud as she could in the abandon cave her family was staying in to hide sway from the ruthless bandits that are now attacking every far side town in the country. Her bloody feet hitting the cold, rocky floors of the cave in search of her parents, scared of numeral thoughts going off in her head.
"Mama?1 Papa?!" Then suddenly an evil laugh came from within and Aria slowly and discreetly looks over from a far corner where they cannot spot her. "You think hiding in this cave will stop me from finding and killing you? You think I'm that dumb?" Aria's sight was too painful to watch that she closed her eyes and ran as far away as she could.
"Why?! Why do we have to suffer?! We did nothing wrong! Why are we being punished?! She looked up at the dark cloudy sky as she shout her questions, hoping the answers will console her broken heart.
"Young girl? Are you alright?!" A soldier on a horse saw Aria with her knees to the ground in ripped up clothes, bloody feet and tears streaming down her face. Aria looked over to him with the soul less eyes for she is no longer..or can no longer be happy. Suddenly she collapsed to the ground....
The soldier jumps off his stead and rushes towards the soul less body.
"..Mama?! Papa?! Where are you?!...." Blood gushes everywhere, shadows falling to the ground..and that horrible evil laughter rang through Aria's head.
"KYAAA!" Aria jumped up from the bed as tears run down her face. "Whats the matter?! a voice called out and a older man walks into the room.
He runs over to Aria's side, inspecting her to see if she had gotten hurt. "Are you alright?" Aria inspects her surrounding and realize it was a dream..no it wasn't it was a nightmare that came true....
(Aria & Farout's First Meeting)
What can i say about my past... not much really. Thats the thing, its not that i don't want to tell you its that i cant tell you.
From what i last remember is me waking up in a alley way water dripping down on my head. i remember darkness, a lot of darkness.
I have figured out a little of what i do know but simple muscle memory. From what i can tell i have high reflexes, incredibly speed and good with a blade.
But what do you do when you don't have anything... simple I drank. I drank myself not to forget but to disappear. Every time i close my eyes images of red, darkness fill my mind like a bath overflowing with water. I remember running and then a house... on fire?
Trying to remember it now is making me dizzy. so i drank, like i was keeping the brewery in business. In doing so i got into fights, a lot of them. I would wander from town to town. What was i looking for? What was i gonna find that i didn't already find at an end of glass.
In drunken stopper i got chased out of town.. again. Angry with the town, angry with the citizens, but mostly angry with myself.
what did i do to turn up this way... with nothing but the skills and the cloths on back.
As i venture further into the world i would always grab a glimps of a shadowy figure as if someone was watching me as if something was playing on my mind... haha what mind i had convinced myself by now that i had gone crazy that i wasn't worth anything.
So there i was.. raining, me slumped under a tree waiting for sweet relief of who i would soon call a friend ... death. as i looked up into the sky once more i saw nothing as to be expected.
As i shut my eyes i saw something. A person who i hadn't realised yet i would learn to respect and follow. The General, she allowed me into the guild and, this gave me a feeling a sense i hadn't felt ... worth.
She smiled at me, "Will you join me to bring peace back to our world, so no one else will have to suffer? I want to recruit you as one of my soldiers, please?"
So i guard our General with everything i have so that her dreams can come true in what i use to think was a dark and empty world.
But from time to time as i try and sleep i am still haunted by what i cannot simple say dreams, no they have to memories. What was my past? What kind of person was I? Was a good man? Was I... something worst... something far more worst then the depth of Hades?
Luckily I have the General to stir me away from those thoughts.
Farout and Aria set off on their journey together to recruit more members to the party but as well as friends and family.
(Luffy, Aria and Farout's Meeting)
"Far, you shouldn't be drinking so much."
"oh, i'll be quite fine General, I have a high tolerance for alcohol.." Far then rushes up from his sit, knocking over the waitress with beers on her tray on to a fellow pirate"
"Hey whats the big deal hot shot?!" The pirate turn around to Far with her arms our ready to fight.
Hi, I'm Monkey D. Luffy! There's not much I can say about my past, as a young girl my parents abandoned me so they could live their own dreams... Too young to understand I wandered the streets for days hungry and alone, my body too weak to function due to the malnutrition. At the time I thought I was destined to die in that back alley dumpster I called a home but then it happened, my life changed in an instant.
The day was like any other I lay amidst the trash too weak to move or even cry all I had to comfort me were my thoughts, when out of nowhere something crashed down into the dumpster. I managed to draw the last of my strength together to see what it was, I couldn't believe my eyes... There it was laying in front of me a large piece of fruit, but somehow this was different, it was covered in a strange pattern almost as if it wasn't of this world. Too hungry to think I grabbed the fruit and ate it, my first meal in almost 3 weeks, I didn't let the fact it tasted like crap stop me I ate the whole thing. That's when it all happened and my life changed forever.
My body began to tingle like I was being stabbed by a thousand needles, but somehow I was fully energised. I had all my strength back and that's when my hands hit the floor... What on earth was going on? my arms were stretched and then just like that they snapped back to normal, I thought that perhaps the fruit was making me hallucinate?
Months passed and I had learned about what my body could now do, it stretched as if made of rubber. I learned how to use it to fight and also how to steal food to survive. I would always gamble against crooks and then fight them when they came knocking. In just a few months I had cleared my town of all gang activity and crime it was as if I was a hero... But.... Well there were those that feared my power those who called me a witch and wanted my head. They chased me out of my home town and once again I found myself in the same situation. Cold.... Frightened... Hungry... Alone....
I couldn't take it anymore what had I done to deserve this? I broke down into tears and at that moment my mind just shattered. It was almost as if a part of me was reborn and now I had two sides to me. Unable to carry on I let my other side take over... It went by the name of Monkey D. Luffy, this side was so joyful and happy like I had suppressed these feelings for so long that they forced their way out of me. That's where my story truly begins...
My alter ego Luffy decided that since we weren't wanted on land we would take to the seas where we would become the most free, having the ability to do anything and sail anywhere. After a few run ins with the navy we were later dubbed as pirates, however thanks to our powers we remained uncaught... We later found ourselves building a small team of pirates and for the first time in my life I had friends. Together we all sailed the seas taking down whoever tried to challenge us. Our dream became true we were truly free, I was dubbed the King of the Pirates... Even though I was a female my alter ego resembled a male and since my title just slips off the tongue I never bothered correcting them.
After my dream had been realised I vowed to do whatever I could to allow others to be free on every sea, I soon became the head naval officer and now I fight against those who wish to harm others, so that everyone can be free to live their dreams. I will continue to fight with everything I've got until my last breath has been taken.
"I'm sorry mate, thats my mistake but hey we could use someone like you for our army, What do you say?"
Far's random question threw the Pirate by surprise..
"The names Luffy and I'm gonna be King of the Pirates ya hear?!:"
And so the journey begins for these young fellows, trying to save the world from the horrible things that have been done in the past... Aria thanks these 2 and the rest of her guild members for the consistent support.
(Side Story)
"1 , 2 ,3 ,4 ,5... C'mon Aria, I know you're a lot stronger than that! Lets try again..1, 2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,6..."
The blade of a dull sword swings against the wooden dummy, sweat pouring our of Aria. The long training days that await young Aria into achieving her goal and dreams in life. Thanks to the soldier whom rescued Aria, she is now an Honorable General of her own Guild and one step closer into protecting the world...

- Title: Heart Frontier.
- Artist: NoizX
- Description: Heart Frontiers is a Guild that I've created for those whom love to Role Play as much as I do. Heart Frontiers takes place back in the 1900s. The Roleplay Genre is Military based but Heart Frontiers is like a cross mix of FMA, One Piece and D-Grayman.(Side Note, I Took the other members back stories to make this a full story that would make up how the Guild Members met.) This is how Aria, Farout and Luffy met.
- Date: 01/17/2015
- Tags: heart frontiers
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