High School Flashback Arena SpotLight
- toooo much drama by kiyomi uchiha
- school is really lame now..
- The escaping one. by bluedazedalex
- i was kinda bored looking at the poems so i decided to create my own.
- Marching Band by cwalfom
- One time, at Band Camp...
- the best years at high school by L1512
- i still remember those good times......
- Kiss to my Music Teacher by paciflora
- A big Kiss from my Music Teacher
- grrrr by ZombiKandi
- lol
- Japanese Werewolf by GothicNeo1816
- A short story I had to do for one of my Creative Writing classes.
- Skittles and Gym Class by Cassandra-Incognito
- Think polka dot shorts... but higher up.
- getting pick on by devil_animalXx
- every time at the of school i get thrown in the dumpster but i go tell the princepal but he doesnt care about the school rules
- Chocolate... in my shirt??? by Anidori Kilandra-Talianna
- Upperclassman, homemade board games, History and me don't mix.
- high school by xx_freshkillerxx_
- i used to get bullyied im not going back to thaty
- 17 again by Ninja sweetgirl4ever
- the best
- An Embarrassing Moment by XSteller34
- An embarrassing moment that happened to me at a dance in school.
- Ex marks the spot. by xXTaStEy_EfFiN_rAiNbOwSXx
- yup. still dealin with it.
- Prom Night by -i RaWr Ur BoDiE-
- This is me when i was getting ready for prom. I had a dress just like it and black flats the only thing is that i didnt have doves.
- dance ops!! by McKiya
- i fell on my face...
- not the most fun thing by Gun Culture
- My boyfriend, my sister, and a whole lotta drama.