Non Fiction Arena SpotLight
- Come back again. by Skwizgar Gibson
- This was supposed to be, will be, my short story for English class. Im supposed to portray that 'The toughest of life's struggles are within ourselves.' Yes I did take and edit ideas form 'Call of Duty 4: Modern Warefare'
- Peace Melody by ll Trinity_Itachi ll
- Something I Did Idk I Was Bored In School So I Did This Enjoy ^/-^
- What it Means to be a American by curlycute6
- We had to do a paper on it in school this year and I liked my essay. I thought it was pretty useless to write it just for school so here it is. P.S. I know the title should be an American but there wasn't enough space.
- Contradictions by Contwixt Cody
- Just a quick thought I had, even though it's not exactly that short.
- What is it?! by Amor negado T_T
- This is a short version of what really happens at school...
- Am I invisible? by xx_Loving_Roses_xx
- I always think about this in my mind... i just thought i should let it out someway XD soooooo yea plz enjoi it ^^
- Daddy, I want a car! by ii Pandaa ii
- Just read!
- the core by a_lett4ever
- this has a litlle bit of . . . . idk you can call it heroes, pwoers or something idk really. any way tell me what you think.
- the earth will end by darkelf_11
- non fiction
- tears of heaven by Sandonsand
- it is just soo sad
- ...???? IDk by Loveisgrimmi
- plesas no bad comment
- My new song by xIsSuEsX
- I thought of this while looking at a pic of the guy i used to love.
- three things by II_mz_panda_II
- kool
- Nightmares Tears by WintersStars
- these are dreams or nightmares i have had since i was 3 years old
- THE FUNNIEST FORUM!!!!!!!!!!!! by Jolly Indigirl
- A funny forum. Garanteed to make you laugh. If you think my feelings were hurt at all during it. They were at first but then I started laughing. Hope you enjoy it.
- What Difference of people by DLneostarG
- It tells peoples Difference and Originality etc. Just read it. thank you
- They Parted by x x --- LADY c o f f e e
- its just a sneak peak from a book I might write. please comment. i'd like to know if it's pretty impressive by a 13 year old, (thats me!) ;)