• I was walking to my best friends house and he lived near a cemetery. It was sort o f creepy because i was traveling in the dawn/dusk. I heard a growl and started to run, FAST. Soon enough, i reached my friend's house. He looked worried and asked me whats wrong, all I told him was I was chased by a dog. The next day during around 7:00, we went to go back to my house, and I tryed to tell him no, but he got me to go through the cemetery. I was shivering like bloody murder walking through. then there was a bloody howl. Then, we saw it. The Hellhound. When we turned to run, me friend looked back again, strike 2 for him. I yelled at him don't look at it again or you'll die like crap. We were edging towards the end of the cemetery when suddenly, I heard a fire. I looked back taking the risk. it was gone... then all the sudden my friend screamed bloody murder as he saw it again. I covered his eyes and pulled him through the gates. Then we were running back to his house when i car was coming and he ran across the street. He got hit. Then I screamed and started to cry in pain so much. I was heartbroken. My best friend died. He was a good friend. I just didn't know how to explain this. Soon I pulled him to his house and told his Mom he was hit by a car and thats how it happened. Then I was the one to bury him his backyard. As I left to go home, i heard the growl again. I just kept wlaking looking down at the ground the whole way crying.

    I'm not crazy, and if you leave any comments insulting this I will report you. I lost a friend, my best friend. If you make fun of that then I wouldn't help but called you a dirty b*****d.