• I don't know him. I've never talked to him.
    I've seen him around of course, in the hallways, quietly going about his buisness, in class, finishing work without one exchanged word.
    Sometimes I see him around a corner with a group of friends. He laughs at a joke they make, I can't help but smiling.

    Everytime I see him, It's just some accident. Everytime.
    Once I glanced at him, He glanced back. In his black eyes I thought saw something. Maybe it was just me wishing i saw it. I just thought i saw it,
    An entire life thrown at me in one glance. one sad, helpless staggering glance, that screamed and whispered and cried. that cried help me, help me, i think i'm drowing. I'll never know what it was, and if i even saw anything. Unless i ask.
    But how could I ask?
    Stop in the hallway say
    hey i saw something emotionally touching in you.
    Daniel Kim. Thats his name.
    Daniel Kim sits quietly every day. Daniel Kim laughs with his friends.
    I never knew or thought'd I'd see Daniel Kim. BUt everyday I see him, In class, Walking down the hall.
    I've never talked to him.

    I never took the time to realize that someone else had a world in their eyes.