• Wednesday ,Feburary 20th 2008
    Ferndale High school

    This is a true story

    The Play Practice

    I have to tell you guys a story please read all of it... tonight at about 6:50 pm a lunar eclipse started outside no body there knew it yet... I was at play practice at the moment and everyone was one stage besides me and three other girls...
    At about 6:45 pm we were playing in a dark room outside of the theater, we were all just playing random games like hide and seek.
    But then we decided that we wanted to watch a scene. While watching, my friend stop watching and look at the three other girls including me
    "shh, did you hear that?"

    At that moment we heard screaming/crying/moaning noises coming from the dark room. We sent the littlest girl who was about 6 to go check it out...

    When she did she came back with her eyes wide open, "There's a person in there!"
    Seeing that everyone was still on stage we still didn't believe her. So her and her sister who was one of the girls I was hanging out with, went to go and look...

    When they came back the older one was freaked out.
    "There is a person in there sitting in a corner rocking back in forth, " She said. "It's making really creepy sounds."
    Then I asked if it was a boy or girl, she didn't know she said it was too dark to tell.
    So then all four of us opened the door again.

    As we peered inside sure enough there was a person in the corner next to the water fountains, and like she said the person was rocking back and forth. By now I was freaked out and I expected the thing to look at us but it didn't instead it just kept screaming/crying/moaning.

    right then we moved all our stuff to the front seats so we weren't so close to the door anymore.
    When we were down there we told our director what happen.

    She went to go investigate it and she sent everyone outside to watch the lunar eclipse.
    When we got back inside she told us that she turned on every light in the back room but nothing was there. She also said that her sister and a couple friends went to go check if any doors were unlocked...
    The only door that was, was the band room door...
    The two or three girls went inside and searched the room but didn't find anything apparently, but just before they were about to leave the room, the lights turned off while none of them were by the switches.

    After that Kelly made sure that we didn't leave the theater and go into any hallways or into the back room...

    But that wasn't the only creepy thing...

    The creepy thing was everyone was on the stage except for us four girls...

    And there were no outside doors unlocked, so no body could have gotten in at all...

    In yet there four of us witnessed a person that was not supposed to be there...

    I never figured out what happened to that person, and still haven't. But now it gets me wondering...
    The last time I saw them was on that night of the lunar eclipse... but once the lunar eclipse disappeared so did the person that we saw...

    Saturday 2006
    Sumas, Clearbrook road

    This is a true story

    The Voice

    It was a normal night at my great grandma's house. Me and my friends (aunt, cousin) were playing a hide and seek game. At the front of her house...

    First Jen my cousin was it but she found us and next kalene was it and she found us but then it was my turn...

    They hid and I had no clue where they were at all... So I walked around thinking... I looked in many places, but couldn't find them...

    The whole time I was looking for them I was bouncing a blue rubber ball in my hands. I guess you could say it helped me think...

    But as I walked in front of the house boucning the ball I heard something in the distance so I stopped bouncing to listen to the sound. At first I thought it was someone moving around in the bushes most likely Jen or Kalene but then I heard the most terrifying sound...

    When I stopped bouncing the ball the sound came clearer almost as like all the wind stopped... It was a hoarse whisper that came from the woods across the street... But it felt like it was right next to me. As I turned I saw nothing there...

    Then the next time I heard it, it was for sure that it was coming from the woods across the street, but it sounded so loud, but it was a whisper...

    I stood there not trying to listen again instead I dropped the ball as I heard it bounce away I ran inside and a couple minutes later my cousin and aunt came inside...

    My aunt asked me...

    Why did I run inside...

    I simply was too scared to speak but I got out something...

    It called my name... I soon said back to her...

    As I told her the details her eyes grew with fear, then she told me how it happened to her as well the night before... She said she heard someone calling her name... and apparently she was standing in the same exact place as me...

    I asked her if it could've been her older brother... But it wasn't... He was staying the night in Bellingham with his older Brother (my uncle) Troy. Then I asked if it could have been her sister but her sister was at work till 10...

    We both couldn't figure out what it was... I was shaking all night that night... I still remember how I felt...

    That night we had grandma drive kalene home when Kalene got home the next day she told us...
    That her parents went into the woods, with a cross and a rosery but found nothing...

    That same night we were both sure that it would happen to Jen, but it never did...

    I guess our names being called in the night will always be a mystery that will never be solved, but I'm sure about one thing...
    I'm sure that it was my name being called in that hoarse voice and I remember exactly how it sounds... In fact I can play it back exactly in my head...
    That hoarse whispered that said to me... “hannah...”

    all of this actually did happen if I remember correctly, on that night I heard a little girl's voice, but it wasn't my aunts' or my cousin's they were too old.