(It was originaly wrote in spanish, i don't know hows the translation.)
HUMAN CONFLIC, by ovi_sama
It is difficult to know what was the first crime or happened conflict, is not known how many conflicts it has within which we know like history. We can't to discuss or to defend an ideology, or considered incorrect by others and supported by third parties. The discord is inevitable, all we are different but to the same time we are equal as far as a form to think and to fight. All we tried to be original, the truth is that not if it serves don't mention it. We try to create our own utopia, we tried to be the change, is possible. We live surrounded by judgments and to the knowledge this we dealed with not judging for being part of the solution and not of the problem, it is impossible. Our acts always have and will continue having meant.
Of one or the other form we are tie to the problems of the others. We are guilty from facts which we have not found out. In the world disagreeable, unexpected, absurd things happen. The truth is that all we must commit ourselves and not look for guilty. Blaming to the other is a loss of time, idiot that one that with blaming and punishing is solved the things, in that case all we are idiots. For everything there is a cause and effect. A thing takes the other, to always blame will have consequences.
Too much people have offered solutions to the problems that appear around everybody: more tolerance, acceptance, peace, understanding. But, it is possible? So that they occur atrocious acts are a fact that the “values” of nowadays are ignored. All see with scorn Hitler, but however he thought that when eliminating the Jews was doing a favor to the humanity. This demonstrates that much people have several forms to see the things, do not see it in the same way as it would see it another person. What is white for can be black for the others. There are million things that form the criterion of a person like: religion, policy, wars, etc.
Wars there are many, but no with sense. All is absurd and fulfills the objective of the interest of a few. Much people die in them, for example in Iraq, many Iraqians die into the hands of American sailors who say by a good result, a good explosion perhaps. To see a soldier carrying a bible, what would really think religious people when seeing that they would praise him?, because I would like much to see the reactions. I believe that it even goes against his own belief, “you will not kill” says the first order. A soldier thinks that its function is to serve to its country like a hero, but are only laborers in a board of a chess game that already has finalized. People die and will continue dying more if they are not those that open their eyes and go back , difficult action when he knows that behind him there is somebody preparating to shoot to him by the back if he resigns. Damn pride and thought that is believed in these beings, a thought of a free nation and with own rights. It is sad to see a soldier speak of why it fights, when hearing his argument is remarkable the fact that it is manipulated. A poor country with army will follow poor man.
The good thing of Costa Rica is that there is fear of a armed no confrontation, are explosions, tanks, no armed men in all the corners; we do not know what is to have an army in these days. Another cause of the conflicts of the present time and the past, is and will continue being strongest, the religion.
The religion, if therefore it wishes people it, can move mountains. All the people have a necessity to consider that is somebody superior to them. Religions there are many and the majority belives in the same God, being therefore the situation, why the different religious groups dispute themselves to each other? Much people support their criterion with base in which it stipulates the doctrine. People who know how to speak they move cheap to the multitudes with a speech. The religion is not bad, to know how to manipulate it is the dangerous thing. There are several cases where to be called following God it creates controversy at the same time and, there the manipulation, but at the same time it is a religion.Hatred between the groups, it justifies nothing , to solve it is difficult, but the solution exists.
The religion does not bring about bad things absolutely (if therefore they are considered). The case of the Pope Juan Pablo II, an idol for many Christians. It took part in the Cold War and it produced its end, he knew that the fear that underwent the entire world era of preoccupation and applied all. He was always open to the other groups, one apologized publicly and it admitted his errors. It visited the sacred places of other religions, was the example that the world needed about which we called tolerance. A good example to follow for many, and replaced by which one does not know if it is worth the pain.
The masculinity brings about violence, violations, exclusion of the woman, at the same time one devises feminist very hard. Wanting to demonstrate the force indicates with wars and competitions. The desperate necessity to demonstrate to the superiority and the authority is common in each human being. From the antiquity to the woman was considered weak and inferior. Considering to somebody inferior perhaps reflects the own stupidity of the being. The feeling something that the others consider under creates a conduct in which we are ourselves forced to demonstrate that we are part of it. We create a mask to pretend and to follow a calm life. The worse thing of everything is that many enjoy that mask that is equal to others. A chauvinist does not support to have to change the regime where the woman works in the house and the man gives the economic sustenance to the family. A boy wants more his mother than his father, because he spends more time with the mother, nevertheless, admires more the father and loves to be equal to him when he becames an adult (great, another chauvinist in this world).
The masculinity not only applies to the men, although it occurs in greater number, the women also tend to be chauvinistic. The causes are countless by which there is conflict, maybe it is about we must learn. It's better to learn of the mistakes of the others. To be different only causes that they criticize us but that will not change. There are many concepts so we called conflict: xenophobia, genocide, wars, ideology, policy, etc. Nothing that happened has been justified concretely, the aims are empty and with atrocious results. It is in us to decide if we are part of the problem or the solution, much people decided to be part of the solution, but they continued bringing more conflicts. It will always be a little while where we will consider ourselves part of the problem, but to be part of the solution is difficult, the determination for it is very huge, the commitment with the humanity is immense. The problem of one is the problem of all.
I hope you like it, thanks

Comments (4 Comments)
- 1-800 Lavalife - 03/29/2009
- Wow, your smart=| Like I don't even know what the hell is a BBCODE. Good-job....
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- fuseholder1 - 02/20/2009
very interesting dont rite about your bro
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- inspiring cats - 01/14/2009
Very interesting.
Translation wasn't too good though. - Report As Spam
- Etherlights - 01/13/2009
- Well If I were the teacher I would have suggested you be an author =]
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