Hello. My name is Matt--I've faced things in my twelve that I'd rather not. All names have been changed to security reasons:
The first thing I renember of my life was seeing my dad cry. He was in jail and all I could see was his shaded face. Then he screamed at an officer.
"Get my son the f--k out of here!"
He had been put in for drugs. Somthing that would continue for sometime. As I grew older, I went to a lady name Sharry's daycare center. The children were mean and she was ruthless. One day when I got up to get water one of the children ate my food. When I told her she just smiled and said next time to be faster. Also, she made me eat out in the rain, tears running down my face. After screeching at me how I wanted to stay out here she took my food and said lunchtime was over. One day, I was pushed to the ground by my friend Riley's brother and hit my head on the ground. My dad and mom both came, my mom taking me up first as my dad cried and screamed goodbyes. As I grew up without a father figure I thought nothing about it. That's when my step-father entered the scene. One night as I was watching Tom and Jerry a man came home with my mom.
"Matt...this is George."
I shook my head, thinking I was being tricked. I cried and kicked him, telling him to get out of my house. He thougt that because his parents were rock hard on him that he would be on me too. He let me doing my usual schedule. I had to do things his way or be yelled at. It went on for a year until we got a house. It had a few friends that are still there to this day, but none seemed very nice at first. They made me cry and run home when I first met them.
"Haha what a baby! Go watch Barney or somthing."
My life seemed fine at first--then I noticed in secon grade...I had very few friends. Riley and Cameron where my only true friends. I started following the popular trends (By Sheen) and tried to be noticed. No dice. When I tried to play games with Sheen he would smile and say sure. Then he would take all the good people and make me a useless girl. At age nine, my step-mom came in. She was a friendly face and kept telling me she would always be there for me. She stayed with us for a long time, and they almost got married (my real dad) but it was too good to be true. My brother Rant was constantly being rude and mean to her which agrivated her. She didn't even care one day when I was crying on my birthday. As the salty tears ran down my face she kept playing with Rant, trying to act like she didn't see me. But I knew she did. Life went on, as George destroyed my dreams one by one, bringing me down. He also attacked me once but I was too afraid to tell anyone. I was constantly crying when no one looked and feeling hopeless. The only one I turned to was my Nani. She did whatever I wanted and gave me whatever I wanted. Then the worst happened. My guirdian angel passed away.
My Life Story Part I
Early part of my life--meaning to be hopeful and insperational.
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