Dream World: The Deep Mind
Dream World: The Deep Mind.
Anime short story by
Aaron John Hopkins Felix (Aaron Sano Omega)
Saturday, it was a day of a very fun weekend for all. Nothing would ever go wrong for Juno & Vela. The two of then went into the main downtown streets of Neo-Lafayette. It was the year 2025 AD & Life with highly-advanced technology was bringing the future of humans, robots, & Nekos into a far greater peace. Juno & Vela were head over to the V.R. Station to play some 3D arcade games. “Juno, you think you got enough tokens for this one?” Vela asked with a curious face showing. Juno looked at her like she knows nothing of the question she asked. Juno went though his pocket & he pull out 7 game tokens from last week. “Well Vela, let’s just hope we do.” He told Vela without even have a second though yet. Vela wanted to play “Zombie Sniper 3” but in the V.R. Station, it will only cost her 10 tokens to play. Vela was beginning to feel a bit disappointed for the moment but then she saw a game that she would love to play even more. “Juno! Oh Juno! Let’s play that one!!” She dragged Juno over to game which seems to be something that is rare. An old man who was in charge of it was standing next to it. “Hello there, what can I do for you?” The old man asked. Before Juno can even say anything, Vela spoke first. “What’s that game mister? Is it cool?” Juno has been quiet for a while but it seem as if Vela was doing all the controlling. “Look Vela, don’t you think that game looks lame.” Vela looked at you Juno but turns back to the old man. “Yes lass it is a very cool game. It has been around for years you see.” said the old man. Juno was getting tired of being dragged around by his girlfriend. Vela’s eyes widen with excitement & wanted to try it. She gave the old man 5 V.R. tokens to play for at least 2 hours. “Come on baby, what are you waiting for?” Once again, she never waited so she just dragged Juno into the game chamber with their helmets on & the black class door closes. “Enjoy the fun young ones.” The old man said & shows a smirk behind them. The simulator was beginning to start & it was going ok when it began. Juno & Vela were dozing off as the helmets begin to activate with the game. “Juno, I’m getting sleepy…” Vela said as she slowly closes her eyes while holding Juno’s hand. “Yeah… me too…” Juno responded as he was falling asleep as well. Soon as they drift into the virtual reality world, Juno & Vela were found in the middle of an old city.
Dream World: The Deep Mind
In this part up my unfinished story (which is 5 pages long), Juno & Vela went to another world inside of a virual reality chamber in the V.R. Game Station.
(it's only a preview but I hope you like it)
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