The word god, should it be spelled with a capital G signifying a person or higher being/entity or a lower case g signifying a thought or idea? This question has been plaguing my mind for years. Is there a God or is it just god? I personally don’t know, but there are many who would disagree. There are those that just know that he is real, and there are those that want to beat the living daylights out of those who think that way.
God is a positive while the devil or Lucifer (or even Beelzebub if you will) is a negative. But what is right and what is wrong? The word devil never had a negative connotation until the rise of the Catholic church. God is faith, and since the devil is the opposite, then that means Lucifer is reason and logic.
The first thing that comes to my mind when I think about this topic is Marilyn Manson’s song The Fight Song. The reason it is named that is the second thing that always comes to my mind, the countless fights, genocides, “cleansings”, crusades, Inquisitions, etc...that the Christians/Catholics have caused and or instigated on behalf (or in the name) of the “Holy One”. There is another very well written song by this skin-tight rubber body suit wearing anti-Christian rock artist. The title of the song is self explanatory, it’s called Dogma. Hmm....wonder what the song’s about?
The first thing we should do in order to make any sort of head way in this whole debate of “Is there a God?” is to ask ourselves the possibly Penultimate question “Do I really care if there is one?”
Now, I want to pose a few great questions to all of those who are Christian/Catholic.
1.God is supposed to be Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent. So if that is true then either the universe couldn’t be infinite (but since every celestial body in the universe is continuously falling at infinite speeds towards nothingness, then I find that it is highly unlikely...because if the universe was finite wouldn’t we have hit bottom or at least been able to see it? I mean space is technically a “vacuum”, and light travels infinite distances...yeah...like a spot light on an empty theater stage...)or then if the universe is infinite then where is he hiding?”
Look, I know that I am rambling on, and to be honest with you I am doing it to take up space. Which is exactly the opposite of what god is doing, for if he was omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent then he would be space!
So after writing this little rant, where is God? Hmm? Why isn’t he striking me down in an almighty flash of hellfire? I believe that this answers the question...or does it?
To be continued...
In conclusion: (The Fight Song)Nothing suffocates you more than
The passing of everyday human events
Isolation is the oxygen mask you make
Your children breathe in to survive
But I'm not a slave to a god
That doesn't exist
But I'm not a slave to a world
That doesn't give a s**t
And when we were good
You just closed your eyes
So when we are bad
We'll scar your minds
Fight, fight, fight, fight
You'll never grow up to be a big-
They'll just cut our wrists likeCheap coupons and say that death
Was on sale today
And when we were good
You just closed your eyes
So when we are bad
We'll scar your minds
But I'm not a slave to a god
That doesn't exist
But I'm not a slave to a world
That doesn't give a s**t
The death of one is a tragedy
The death of one is a tragedy
The death of one is a tragedy
But death of a million is just a statistic
Fight, fight, fight, fight
P.S. Isn’t it odd that the study of religion, in order to become a priest, is called Theology?
Theological...Logic is in the word...weird.
Goodness Gracious Great Balls of Fire!
That's actually the title..but it won't fit in the title box so...I decided to stick it to the man...or woman...or whatever...the F**ker could be a flea bitten Poodle for all I care...I'M STILL STICKIN' IT TO...IT!!!
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